When God Comes Home from Sea
The life-boat skims the waters, the moon sails down the sky, The angry wind is blowing and the waves are mounting high; A line of clouds are floating above the ocean's breast, And every geabird falters with a feeling of unrest.
The moon upon the waters has cast her nimble form, And throws a searchlight from on high for sailors in the storm ; The .lightning flashes wildly, the thunder echoes free, Ah! bright will he the sailors' hearts when God comes homo from sea.
The wind is whistling shrilly upon the whispering foam, And sailors' hearts are dreaming of their distant " Home, sweet Home ; " The life-boat on the dancing waves draws near the harbour bar, While lightning flashes tinge the sky for many a mile afar.
The blinding hail is dashing down upon the snowy surf, Ah! many a sailors' grave to-night will be a watery turf, For black and blacker grows the sky, the cluudlets disagree, But the sailors will be young again when God comes home from sea.
a groan ; The angry wind is moaning, and muffled is its tone, i The stars are shooting seaward, the cloudlets J split their gauze, For God has seen the wonderment of Nature 1 and its cause.
The white sea spray is flying like wildfire o'er I the deep, And thunder peals awaken all the fishing town from sleep; But oh! a better hour will come, the sailors' hearts agree, And that will be the tranquil hour when God comes home from sea.
The hail will cease its merriment beneath the tear-stained moon, The waves will wed their music to a seraph- sounding tune; The life-boat will more freely along- the waters blue, The thunder peals will float away and all their strength undo.
The lightning will he doubled up before it reaches earth, The heart of many a sailor will awaken to new birth; And all that's bright and beautiful will sing and shout with glee, A song unto the Heaven of Heavens when God eomes home from sea.
: out.— 0. B.
* Sailors, when they hear the thunder, look upon it as a ystic speech from God. The title of my poem, in a iilor's way of putting it, literally means "whra the huuder leaves the shore," but I have put my title in the.