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Lily Dale

ST. DAVID'S. —While a gale from W.S.W. was blowing and a very high sea was running, on the 24th March, signals were fired by the South Bishop Lighthouse. At 5 P.M. the Life-boat Gem was launched, made for St. David's Head, and found the brigantine Lily Dale, of Cork, coal laden from Newport, Mon., for Cjrk, just off Abereiddy or the Sledges.

She was disabled, her masts having been carried away by a squall when about ten miles N.W. of the Smalls Lighthouse, atd she was drifting helplessly. On arriving withiu hailing distance the coxswain of the Life-boat requested the master to let go his anchors, and this having been done, the vessel's head was brought to the wind. Considerable risk, owing to the state of the wind and sea, was incurred in taking the vessel's crew into the Life-boat, but this was skilfully accomplished, and the seven men were landed at Porthgarn, •where the boat remained during the night. The Lifeboat again went out on the following day and assisted in an attempt to save the vessel, which was ultimately towed into Fishguard by a steamer. Invaluable help was rendered by the chief boatman in charge of H.M. Coastguard at St.

David's and by the men under his command in connection with, the services rendered by the Life-boat..