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Eliza, Tom and Hereford

BURNHAM.—The ketch Eliza, of Ljdney, was sailing up the river on the 2nd October, when owing to the state of the weather—a moderate gale blowing from the W.N.W. with strong gusts of wind and a heavy sea—her master considered safer to anchor. Close behind her was another vessel, and before the anchored vessel could alter her lights she was run into, and both vessels sank, only their masts being visible. From the pier it seemed as if some men were in the rigging, and the Life-boat John Godfrey Morris therefore put off, but in passing another vessel anchored near the spot, found that the crews had landed in one their own boats. The Life-boat then proceeded to another vessel in the bay, and after a hard pull reached her, and found she was the smack Tom, of Watchet, laden with stone. There was no one on board her, and the boat therefore proceeded to the ketch Hereford, of Gloucester, coal laden. She also had been abandoned, and had lost all her sails. The Life-boat then returned to the Tom, put three men on board the vessel, and brought her up to the pier..