The S.S. Vigilant
CASTLETOWN, ISLE OF MAN.—A telegram reporting a vessel ashore in Port St.
Mary Bay was received early on the morning of the 7th February, while a moderate gale was blowing from the S., with a very heavy sea. The snow having drifted about six feet deep against the Life-boat house, a large number of men were engaged to cut a way out for the boat, and at 9 • 15 the Hope was launched.On reaching the bay the s.s. Vigilant, of Liverpool, bound from Barry port for Belfast with a cargo of coal, was found stranded on a reef. Six of her crew had been rescued by a shore boat, which had put off from the village to her assistance, and the remaining six men had taken refuge in the rigging, from which they were taken into the Life-boat in an exhausted condition, and landed at Fort St.