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The "Life-Boat Saturday" Movement

IN the last issue of the Life-boat Journal we had the satisfaction to announce to our readers that H.E.H. the DUKE or YORK had graciously accepted the post of President of the Institution's " Life-boat Saturday " Fund, and we are sure that this gracious action of his Royal Highness has already given an impetus to the movement, and proved a great encourage- ment to the army of workers in the cause all over the country. In upwards of eighty cities and towns, including most of the principal centres of industry in the United Kingdom, "Life-boat Saturday" demonstrations or collections have been made within the last few months; and, notwithstanding the " badness of the times" and the inconveniences of a General Election, have been highly suc- cessful. In some places it has not been found convenient to make the collection on Saturday, and Sunday or some other day has been selected as more suitable for local arrangements, but always with equally satisfactory results, indicating the popularity of the Life-boat Institu- tion with all classes of the community.

There is no doubt that the "Life-boat Saturday" movement, which was the outcome of a partially-successful attempt made by the Institution to establish a "Life-boat Sunday" throughout the country, will next year be still, further extended and developed, and the fact that a strong and very influential committee of ladies has been formed for the express purpose of " working the oracle" in London, augurs well for Life-boat in- terests in the metropolis, -which, on and after the 1st of January next will be the headquarters of the " Life-boat Saturday " Fund. We would earnestly appeal to all supporters of the cause to influence others to help it. The winter months are fast approaching, bringing with them their usual adjuncts of wind and storm, re- sulting in shipwreck, disaster and loss.

Liberal financial support must therefore be forthcoming if the Institution is to be in a position to meet efficiently as hitherto all the calls on it for rescue and succour.

Quite apart from the moneys realised by the " Life-boat Saturday " collections, the Committee have for many years been able to gratefully acknowledge year by year the increasing support given to the In- stitution by the public, but, while the re- ceipts have not only not fallen off—as has been the unfortunate case with so many charities—but steadily increased, the ex- penses on the coast have acquired still greater proportions, owing to the very necessary steps which the Committee have felt called upon to take to increase the efficiency of the Life-boat service. It will be seen, therefore, that the "Life-boat Saturday" collections have been made at a most appropriate time, and have been of great utility; but increased funds are still needed, and will, it is believed, be forthcoming.



On and after the 1st January, 1896, all communications for the Headquarters of the Institution's " Life-boat Saturday " Movement should be addressed to— THE SECRETARY, " Life-boat Saturday " Fund, 3, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C..