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A Song of the Life-Boat

I sing a song of the Life-boat crew, Sons of the sturdy oar! Whose hearts are steadfast, firm and true, When angry billows roar.

Who flinch not when the raging gale Sends forth its deadly breath; Whose spirits ne'er a moment quail, Though in the jaws of death.

I sing a song of the Life-boat crew— They're heroes every one! They ask no meed but what is due When lives are bravely won.

To them Death's name breathes naught of fear— They dread no watery grave; But danger face with ringing cheer— Their mission is to save.

We read each day on history's page Of battles fought and won; And how, while man cruel war did wage, Some brave deeds have been done.

For blood is fired, and flows free then, And man with man does vie How best to kill Ms fellow men And like a hero die! For clash of blade and bugle-call Set loose the dogs of war, And many stand where many fall; Not so 'mid billows' roar.

There blood is fired with love and hope, And men's lives are at stake; And still more strengthened is the rope Which Mercy's angels make.

I sing a song of the Life-boat crew, Men strong of arm and heart! And I sing of the Life-boat t°° She plays a noble part.

She dashes o'er the foaming deep, Through storms does force her way, And with her gallant prow to keep The angry surge at bay; Her crew heed not the lightning's flash, Or angry thunder's roar; They reck not how the billows dash Upon the rock-bound shore.

They know bnt this, that human lives • For help each moment cry, And heart and limb each brave man strives To save them ere they die.

The Life-boat is the forlorn hope, Her crew fear not to die; " To save men's lives with death we cope!" This is their battle cry.

And so they launch and onward go, Their souls with love aflame; And who, then, has more right to know.

Or bear the hero's name? When they return, reward is won, For, as they step on land, All say "A noble deed is done! Honour the Life-boat band, Who flinch not when the raging gale Sends forth its deathly breath, Whose spirits ne'er a moment quail, Though in the jaws of death I" I sing a song of the Life-boat crew—• I sing it with a cheer; God bless those men, so brave and true, Through every coming year.

God grant that they may never need To ask help from a friend; On heroes, both in name and deed, God will his blessing send.

L'ENVOL Oh, ye with wealth and goodly store Of all bright things of life, Think, think when angry thunders roar And billows are at strife, Of how the Life-boat puts to sea To bring men safe ashore, And that it e'er may ready be, Give to it of your store.

For kindly hearts have built the boat, And fitted her with care, That she may through the breakers float And angry billows dare.

In Mercy's name 'tis now I speak— Let this cry never be, "The men are strong, the boat is weak, And dare not put to sea." F. J. DAVIS.

From The People.