The Gallant Life-Boat Men
WE'VE songs in praise of men of fame, Of men who've fought and bled, Whose names still live in history, Though they themselves are dead: But I'll not sing of heroes gone— My burthen now shall be Our gallant British Life-boat men, Who plough the angry sea.
Chorus— Long may they live to do much good! Long live the hardy few! The Life-boat men of Britain bold, Of ev'ry gallant crew.
When howling winds the angry waves Beat into mounts of foam, And wreck a ship that's homeward bound, In sight of dear old home, Our brave and gallant Life-boat men Will dare the dangerous wave, And save the sinking mariners From out a wat'ry grave.
Chorus—Long may they live, &c.
There's many a father, I'll be bound, May thank them for a son; And sweethearts, too—aye, not a few— May bless the rising sun That shines on such brave, generous hearts, The daring, hardy few— The coxswains of our Life-boats bold, And all their gallant crew.
Chorus—Long may they live, &c.
Lowestoft. WILL HABEIS..