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Important Meeting at Grosvenor House

AN Invitation Meeting, called by the Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, was held at Grosvenor House (by the kind permission of theDUKE OP WESTMINSTER) on the 15th July last, for the purpose of forming a Ladies' Committee for the West End in connec- tion with the London District of the Institution's " Life"-boat Saturday " Fund.

The meeting, which was presided over by Lord TWEEDMOUTH, was a very influential one. Amongst those present were Sir Edward Birkbeck, Bart. (Chairman of the Institution), and the Hon. Lady Birkbeck, Colonel FitzEoy Clayton (Deputy-Chair- man of the Institution), the Duchess of Boxburgh, the Marchioness of London- derry, the Marquis and Marchioness of Ormonde, the Earl and Countess of Strafford, the Earl and Countess of Bom- ney, the Countess of Morley, Countess Waldegrave, Admiral Sir William Dowell, G.C.B., Lady Decies, Admiral J. Halliday Cave, C.B., Lady Tweedmouth, Mrs. and Miss Stracey, Mr. W. H. Lyall, Lady Corbett, Lord de Eos, Lady Flower, Mrs. Charles Cunninghame Graham, Lady Clarke, Lady Hylton, Sir Eichard and Lady Magdalen Williams-Bulkeley, Mr. Bevill Fortescue, Lady de Gex, Mrs. Charles Dibdin, Mrs. Mayne and Mr. Charles Dibdin (Secretary of the Institution).

Lord TWEEDMOUTH moved the following resolution, which was seconded by the MABQUIS or OBMONDE and carried unanimously:— " That this Meeting recommends that the following ladies, with power to add to their number, be invited to form a Ladies' Committee for the West End of London as an auxiliary to the London District of the Institution's ' Life- Boat Saturday' Fund:—The Duchesses of Abercorn, Buccleuch, Portland, Eoxburgh and Westminster; Georgiana, Marchioness of Downshire; the Marchionesses of Ailsa, Hamil- ton, Lansdowne, Londonderry, Ormonde and Salisbury; the Countesses of Albemarle, An- nesley, Caledon, Cork, Crawford, Dartmouth, Derby, Dudley, Duuraven, Galloway, Gosforth, Grey, Ilch ester, Jersey, Leven and Melville, Londesborough, Lonsdale, Morley, Percy, Bomney, Spencer, Waldegrave and Warwick; the Baroness Burdett-Coutts; Hon. Ladies Birkbeck and Cotterell; Ladies Charles Beres- ford, Blythwood, Margaret Boscawen, Brassey, Campbell-Bannerman, Margaret Charteris Corbett, Decies, Dunleath, Flower, Cynthia Graham; George Hamilton, Hylton, Iveagh, Jeune, Algernon Lennox, Agneta, Montagu, Montagu of Beaulieu, Dorothy Neville, Sotheby, Adelaide Taylour, Tweedmouth and Mag- dalen Williams-Bulkeley; Mrs. Smith Barry, Mrs. Robert Birkbeck, Mrs. Kodney Blane, Hon. Mrs. Albert Brassey, Mrs. Cator, Mrs.

J. Halliday Cave, Mrs. Laurence Cave, Hon.

Mrs. Chichester, Hon. Mrs. Cecil Duncombe, Mrs. Goschen, Mrs. Hoare, Hon. Mrs. W.

Lowther, Mrs. Mayne, Mrs. Savile, Mrs.

Stracey, Mrs. Upton-Cottrell Dormer and Mrs.

Cornwallis West.

It was afterwards moved by Sir EDWAED BIBEBEOE, Bart., seconded by Colonel FiizEoY CLAYTON, and resolved, nem. con.'.

" That the best thanks of this Meeting be tendered to The Bight Hon. LOED TWEEDMOUTH for kindly presiding over it, and to his Grace the DUKE OF WESTMINSTEB for lending his house for the Meeting.".