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Fishing Boats (2)

BOULMER, CULLERCOATS, NORTH SUNDERLAND, SCARBOROUGH, and TYNEMOUTH.— On the 7th January a sudden gale sprung up accompanied by a high sea, and between 9.30 A.M. and 4.45 P.M. five Lifeboats —the Meliscent, stationed at Boulmer, the Go-operator No. 1, at Cullercoats, the Thomas Bewick, of North Sunderland, the Queensbury, of Scarborough, and the Charles Dibdin, of Tynemouth (No. 1 station) were launched and rendered help to many fishing boats which had been overtaken by the storm and were in considerable danger. In some cases the boats were assisted into harbour and in other instances the Life-boats remained in attendance, giving confidence to the fishermen in the knowledge that help was at hand should any casualty befall them while making for port..