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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1894

Jan, 10.—Two men waded into a heavy surf and assisted to save 15 men from a boat, which, while attempting to land at Seaton, CAREW, with 19 men on board belonging to the Nor- wegian B.8. -Edison and barque Kan, which had been in collision, was capsized on the beach.

Unfortunately the remaining four men were drowned.—Reward, 2Z.

Jan 11.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellam and framed, atvd II. each to JOHN BRADFORD, URIAH BRADFORD and GEORGE PROWSE, for gallantly launching a small 15-feet boat and, after repeated attempts and iucurring consider- able risk, saving the crew of sis men from the schooner John Bronsiind, of Svendborg, which had been driven on the Pole Sands, off Exmontb, in a strong south-easterly gale and a very heavy sea on the 4th January.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum (frame,!) to Mr,  M. CRUICKSHANK, and thanks to Messrs. FRED BREW, JOHN BREW, W. JOUGHIN, W. QURK, W. H. KNEALE and T. SEARE, and 7£. I0a. t» nine other men, for wading- into the surf and, with the help of lines, saving the crew of seven men belonging to the brig Gier, of Svelig, which stranded near the Point of Ayr, in a south-easterly gale and very heavy sea on the 10th December.

Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. W. H. MARTYN, and 61. to four other men, for con- tributing to the rescue of the crew of three men from the ketch Liberty, of Guernsey, shortly before that vessel went on the Doom Bar, off Padstow, where she became a total wreck, during a gale from the N. on the 20th Dec.

Jan. 24.—Mr. JAMES ROBB, Mate of the s.s. Helen Craig, and two seamen, put off in a boat belonging t" the steamer and saved two of the crew of the schooner Xanthus of Dublin, who, were clinging to the rigging, their vessel having been, sunk by collision with a steamer about two miles U.E. of Bangor during a W.S.W.

gale and a rough sea.—Reward, 31.

Jan. 28.—Two men put off in a small boat and saved two men from a barge which was swamped and sunk at Crosstown, co. Wexford, in a gale and heavy sea.—Reward, 11.

Jan. 30.—Two men went off in a boat and saved the crew of 5 men from the Fishing- boat Banger, of Inverness, when that vessel was capsized off Kessock, Inverness-shire, in a strong gale from the N.W. and a rough, sea.— Reward, 11. log.

Feb. 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, and 21. to Mr. JOHN BUNT and Mr. JOHN FLOREY, for putting off three times in a boat, and gallantly saving the crew of four men, one of whom had become deranged, from the rigging of the brig Harriet, of Jersey, which stranded and filled off Portishead in a strong gale and a very heavy sea on the 18th November.

Also 3J. 15s. to five men who put off in a boat and were instrumental in sating the lives of two men belonging to a lighter which had sunk in Belfast Lough, white the wind was blowing a moderate gale from the N.W. and a heavy sea was running on the 25th November.

Also UK. Ids. to 42 Lowestoft beachmen for saving, by means of ropes, the crew of 5 men from the Smack Albion, of Lowestoft, which was wrecked while returning to port on the 10th December.

Feb. 8.—Five men put off in a boat and saved one of the crew of a rowing boat, which was capsized in West Angle Bay, Milford Haven, in a moderate wind from the W., accompanied by a Heavy ground swell.—Reward, 51.

Feb. 23.—Nine men went out in the fishing lugger Rambler, of Peel, Isle of Man, and rendered assistance lo the ashing boat North DcArympte, of that port, which was in a disabled state and unable to make the harbour in a S. W. gale and a rough sea.—Reward, 2£ 5s.

March I.—Three men gallantly attempted to launch a boat to the rescue of the crew of the stranded Barque Eid&iva, of Drwnmen, in Clan yard Bay; in doing so the heavy sea* filled the boat and washed her back on the beach, and before another trial could be made the life-saving apparatus arrived and saved the shipwrecked crew.—Reward, II. 10«.

March 13.—The first and second Coxswains of the Porthdinllaen Life-boat put off in a boat and landed the crew of 2 men from the smack Ann and Beisey, of Cardigan, which had grounded on the Oyster ftaufc off Porth- dinllaea in a strong N.N.E. wind and a rough sea.—Be ward, 21.

March 22.—Two men, belonging to Teign- mouth, promptly launched a boat to the rescue of a gentleman whose boat had been carried over the bar at that place, and was in consider- able peril, in a rough sea —Reward, II.

March, 22. — The brothers MALCOLM and NORMAN MORISON, of Luiqg Island, Argyll- shire, put off in a boat and saved a man whose boat had been thrown on her beam ends by a gust of wind and filled with water on a stormy and dark morning. —Reward, 2J.

March 23.—Four men set off in a boat and saved four persons, whose boat, the flaring of Cullercoats, had capsized near Whitley Rocks, Northumberland, in a moderate wind and sea.—Reward, SI.

March 31.—Five men put off in a boat from BaHintoy, Co. Antrim, and saved three of the crew of a fishing-boat which had been capsized off Ballintoy in a strong breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 21. 10«.

April 8.—The fireman of a steam-launch rescued two men from a boat which bail been capsized off Southsea.—Reward, 10s.

April 12,—Voted the Silver Medal to WIN- SPEARE FOLEY, Esq., and to ALEXANDER MOORE, Divisional Carpenter, H.M. Coastguard, accom- panied in each case by a copy of the Vote in- scribed on vellum and framed, and in the latter case by a gratuity uf 11., iu recognition of their gallantry in putting off in a boat and at con- siderable risk saving four of the crew of the fishing-boat Mary, of Doonfeeney, which had been capsized at Baliycastle, in a gale of wind and a heavy sea on the '20th Feb.

April 23,—Sixteen men put off in two boats and saved three of the crew of the pilot-boat Barney, which had been capsized on Montrose liar in a heavy sea.—Reward, 121.

April 24.—Eleven men rendered service on the occasion of the wreck of the barque Christian Wilhelm on Sandy Island rocks, Co. Cork, in a whole gale of wind and a very heavy sea. Four of the men put off in a boat from Hare Island, landed six ot the vessel's crew and returned to fetch the remainder, after three ineffectual attempts, in each of which, the boat was beaten back; but after taking four of them on board the boat was capsized and destroyed, the four salvors and the other men getting on board the barque by means of lines hanging from her.

Another boat manned by seven men then proceeded to the rescue and saved all on board the vessel, consisting of nVe of her crew and the four men who had attempted to rescue them.—Reward, I'il.

May 14.—Six men put off ia & boat and saved two of three lads, whose boat had been cap- sized off Cullercoats in a strong breeze from" the S.E. and a choppy sea.—Reward, 31.

Jane 21.—Three men rendered assistance to a boat containing the crew, thirteen in number, of the barque Ornen, ot Sandefjorcl, which had stranded on the Goodwin Sands in a fresh S.W.

wind and a rough sea.—Reward, II. 10s.

July 7.—Two men put off in a boat from St.

Anne's, and saved three men from a boat which had stranded on the Salthouse Bank in a strong W. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 15s.

July 7.—Five men put off in a boat and rendered assistance to the yacht Shrimp, with two men on board, which was in danger off the Point of Ayr, I«le of Man, in a moderate S.S.W. breeze.—Reward, 21. We.

July 12.—A man saved five persons from the skiff Thistle, of Gorleston, which was in danger between Gorleston and Great Yarmouth in squally weather, a rough sea and a thunder- storm.—Reward, 10s, Aug. 2.—Voted II. to a girl and We. to her brother for putting off in a boat to the rescue of two children, each about four years of age, who, having got into a small punt at Bembridge, Isle of Wight, on the 17th July, pushed off from the shore and were drifting seaward. On reaching the children their boat was taken in tow, but the wind being off shore, although the sea was smooth, was too much for the would-be rescuers and the two boats would have incurred a risk of being swamped in the tide-race beyond Bembridge Ledge but for the timely arrival of two sons of Major Windham, of Bembridge, who observing them from their house immediately proceeded to the shore, obtained a boat and went to their assistance.

They anchored one of the boats and took the other in tow, when they were met by another boat, manned by a fisherman and a sohoolmaster, who had also gone to the rescue; and ultimately all safely reached the land. The thanks of the Institution were voted to Messrs. Windham, and the sum of 10s. to those who put off in the last-mentioned boat.

Aug. 18.—Two men saved a man who had fallen overboard from a steam-launch in Wex- ford Harbour in the fresh S.W. breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, 10s.

Oct. 11.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote, inscribed on vellum and framed, to J. H. LONG, Esq., Honorary Secretary of the Youghal, Co.

Cork, Branch of the Institution, for gallantly saving a young man from drowning on the occa- sion of the foundering of the yacht Seagull, belonging to Mr. LONG, on the 5th September.

Learning that the man in question was unable to swim, Mr. LONG resolved to save him, but incurred imminent risk of his own life in doing so. The man first clutched Mr. LONG by the neck, but was persuaded to get on to the latter's back so that he might swim with him, but again becoming frightened, he climbed on his rescuer's shoulders, siiouting for help. Ultimately another yacht reached them and picked up the man, but sailed over Mr. LONG, who caught hold of her bobstay but was compelled to release his hold, the vessel sailing at consider- able speed. Five minutes elapsed before the boat could put back, and when Mr. Loss was picked up he was greatly exhausted.

Oct. 14.—Four men rescued the crew consist- ing of four men from the fishing boat Sea Belle, of Derrybge, Co. Down, which was sinking off that place in a strong N.E. breeze, a lough sea, and thick weather.—Reward, 21.

Oct. 21.—Five men saved, by means of lines, the crew of seven men from the brig May, of Christiania, which had stranded on the Hark- ness rocks, off Bamburgh Castle, in a strong gale and a heavy sea.—-Reward, II. 17s. 6dl.

Oct. 23.—Five Coastguardmen put off in their boat from Helvick Head and saved the crew of four men from the schooner Probfem, which had stranded on the Gainers Rocks, Dungarvan Bay, in a gale from the E.S.E., and a rough sea.—Reward, 3Z. 15*.

Oct. 23.—A man put off in a small boat and saved the crew of six men from the fishing- lugger Elizabeth mid Mary, of Shcireham, which foundered off Ramsgate in a strong E. breeze and a choppy sea.—Reward, 21.

Nov. 19.—Two men saved the crew, two in number, of the fishing-boat Elhel,of Hallsands, which was capsized in a squall, about two miles West of Start Point.—Reward, 10«.

Dec. 22.—Several of the Fleetwood Life-boat men waded into the surf and rescued four men from the fishing smack Petrd, of Fleetwood, in a whole gale of wind and a very heavy sea.— Rewards included in payment made to them fur services in connection with the Life-boat.