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Thomas Mason

HOYLAKE, CHESHIRE. — The schooner Thomas Mason, of Beaumaris, stranded on the West Hoyle bank in a W.N.W. wind, misty weather, and a choppy sea on the 14th October. At 8.30 A.M. the Life-boat proceeded to her, and remained by her until high water, but as she did not float her crew decided to throw out her cargo of coal, with the view of getting her off at the next tide. Arrangements were made that if they required the services of the Life-boat, they should signal for her, and the boat returned ashore. A good look out was kept, and at 10.55 the Life-boat again went out, a message from Helbre Island having been received, reporting that the vessel had moved about a hundred yards, that all her sails had been taken down, with the exception of the topsail, which was fluttering about in the wind and that she appeared to be sinking.

When the boat arrived the schooner had sunk, and her crew of two men and a boy were in the rigging. They were taken into the Life-boat and landed soon after midnight..