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Sir Garnet

GREAT YARMOUTH.—Flares and rockets having been observed in the roadstead while a strong N. to N.N.W. breeze was blowing, with a rough sea, on the 8th September, the Life-boat John Burch was launched at 9.35 P.M. and proceeded in the direction in which the signals had been shown. The ketch Sir Garnet, of Goole, bound from London for Berwick with a cargo of cement, was found in a sinking condition and lying at anchor close by was a Belgian training-ship, which hailed the Life-boat, and reported that she had on board the other vessel's crew of four men, also the master's wife and three children. The two vessels had been in collision. The keteh sank while the Life-boat was out, and the eight persons were taken from the training-ship into the Life-boat and landed at 11 P.M..