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Knight of the Sea

KNIGHT of the Sea! though " Sir "-Itss thou be, Thy heart beats brave, and is strong to save From the deadly wave and the deep-sea grave.

Knight of the Sea! true son of the free! The storm thou'lt dare when the signals flare, And tlie shrill winds wail through shroud and sail.

Knight of the Sea! though nameless thou be,— Storms in their might roll forth to the fight, With crash and with roar they break on the shore, So out with the steed and seaward with speed— Souls stand in need of chivalrous deed, For wild is the wave that whirls o'er the brave.

On, on fl:es the boat, though Death's afloat: Ftailt'SS und grand she leaps from the strand, And braves tlie wave, determined to save.

Now beside the wreck, with shattered deck, The storm-tossed knigut, with armour dight, His guerdon finds 'mid waves and winds.

Knight of the Sea! thy title shall be— Forgttier of self! faithful to Me— A tide of high and god-like degree.

On the bright scroll of Britain's fair fame Briton n«'er wrote worthier name Than Kuight of tue Sea, loyal to Me.



The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, containing the. Annual Report, &c., will lie published on the 1st May.

Vol. XV., price 15s., of THE LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, will shortly be ready and procurable at the Institution, or by order of any bookseller.

The Title-page and Index of that Volume will alto be obtainable separately..