Civil Service Life-Boat Fund
AT the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Committee of this Fund, held on the 17th January, and presided over by Mr.
CHARLES G-. TURNEB, G.B., Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, the Honorary Secretary, reported that there had been no falling off in the number of the contributors—now exceed- ing 13,000—during the past year, and that the Committee had paid to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION in 1894 the sozn of 808/. 11*. Id. Of this amount 620Z. 4s. Id. was devoted to the payment of expenses incurred by the Institution during part of the year 1893 and the year 1894 connected with the main- tenance of the seven Life-boat stations, for the building and endowing of the boats for which the Fund had already found the means. The balance of 188Z. 7s. &d. went to recoup the Institu- tion the money paid daring the year in rewarding the crews of the Civil Service boats for services. The seven Life-boats in questioa have been instrumental in saving 232 lives and several vessels, sixteen lives having been saved by them in 1894. The boats are stationed at Douglas, Kingstown, Maryport,, Port Patrick, Tynemouth, Walmer and Wex- ford..