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The S.S. Ossian

BROOKE, ISLE OF WIGHT.—At about 2.30 .A.M. on the 17th January a vessel was sighted coming into the bay.

The weather was foggy, the sea rough and a strong breeze was blowing from the S.S.W. At 3 o'clock she sent up rockets indicating that assistance was required, and in response to these signals the Life-boat William Slaney Lewis was launched and found that the vessel was the s.s. Ossian, of and for Leith, from Bordeaux, with a general cargo. She had taken the ground about 200 yards eastward of the coastguard flagstaff. Seven of the crew who were desirous of leaving the vessel got into the Life-boat and were taken ashore, the master and eight other men remaining on board until half ebb tide. At about 9 A.M. they again signalled, the Life-boat promptly proceeded to them and brought them also safely to land. The shipwrecked men expressed their warm thanks to the Life-boat men and" to the inhabitants of Brooke for the kindness shown to them during their stay in the village. A week after stranding the vessel was safely towed off the ledge, it having been impossible to get her afloat sooner in consequence of continued stormy .feather..