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The Life-Boat

GALLANT hearts are pulling— Pulling might and main, Through the boiling breakers, Through the blinding rain; Anxious eyes are watching— Watching from the shore, Fiercely blows the tempest, Loud the ocean's roar.

Gallant hearts are pulling— Pulling o'er the deep, Vanishing in darkness, Vanishing they sweep; Mercy's wings are flying— Flying forth to save ; God protect our heroes On the wind-Iash'd wave! Yonder lies the doom'd ship, Yonder lies the wreck, Signal-lights are flashing— Flashing from her deck.

Wistful eyes are peering O'er the scudding foam, Prayers for help are uttered, Prayers for those at home.

Gallant hearts are pulling— Pulling for the shore, Lips are breathing blessings, Blessings evermore.

Safe aboard the Life-boat, Safe upon the strand; Tell such deeds in marble, Write them not in sand.



The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOUKTTAL will be published 1st February, 1895..