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The Life-Boat Saturday Movement

SINCE the publication of the last number of our quarterly journal this popular movement has been extending its ope- rations north, south, east and west with marked success, and wherever a Life-boat Saturday demonstration or collection has been held intense interest and enthusiasm have been excited. The information as to the organisation of the Institution, its objects and its work, which has by this means been disseminated broadcast, has been of the greatest service to the cause; misapprehensions and misunderstandings have been allayed and removed, and mis- representations and calumnies to which every good work is liable refuted. The LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has nothing to fear from publicity and inquiry. It stands on a sound basis; it exists entirely for the public good; it does the work it undertakes to do, and only asks the public in return to do their utmost to ensure, in the interests of humanity, a continuance of the work. The following list of cities and towns in which Life-boat Saturday demonstrations or collections have been held during the last three months will show,,at a glance, the ground which has been gained : — Aberdeen, Ashton and Stalybridge, Barmouth, Belfast, Blackpool, Bolton, Bournemouth, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Burnley and Nelson, Dumbarton, Dunbar, Eastbourne, Grimsby, Halifax, Harwich and Dover- court, Herne Bay, Hull, Ilfracombe, Manchester and Salford (for the fourth year, and the pioneer, under Mr. C. W.

MACAKA, of all the Life-boat Saturday demonstrations), Newhaven and Seaford, Newport (Mon.), New Southgate, North Berwick, Nottingham, Plymouth, Shipley, Southampton, Teignmouth, Warrington, Whitby, Workington and Worthing.

The Committee are much encouraged by the important support the Institution has thus received, and are deeply grateful to the army of voluntary helpers (including the Press) who have with self-denying as- siduity and generosity brought about such a satisfactory state of affairs. The Life- boat Saturday demonstration season is of course for this year virtually over, but the coming winter months will enable the various Demonstration Committees all over the country to make and perfect their arrangements for next summer and autumn; and we would strongly urge them not to defer making the necessary preparations until a few weeks before they propose to hold their demonstrations.

By taking early steps in the matter they will be saved an infinite amount of time and labour, and, at the same time, ensure success. Winter time, although not suit- able for street demonstrations, is a very fit one for asking for help for the Life- boat cause in other ways, and we earnestly appeal to the clergy and ministers of all denominations to take advantage of the next few months, when the " waves roar and the tempests beat," to bring the needs of the Institution under the notice of their flocks, and impress on them the duty and privilege of helping it. It will be a satisfaction to all who have worked for the cause to feel, when listening to the " raging storm " outside, that they have, at all events, done something to relieve the necessities of " those in peril on the sea.".