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"Life-Boat Saturday, Illustrated."

A SECOND issue of "Life-boat Saturday, Illustrated," published by John Heywood, of Manchester, price 6d., is now ready.

This well-written and admirably got- up paper brims over with information relative to the LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and contains many striking incidents and il- lustrations connected with it. It graphic- ally sketches the work and difficulties of the Institution, and shows how much has been and can be done for the cause by means of the Life-boat Saturday move- ment. We strongly advise our readers to buy and peruse " Life-boat Saturday, illustrated"—they will find they have got a capital return for their money; and we would also suggest that they should recommend it to all their friends, who after reading its deeply interesting pages cannot fail to become supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE - BOAT INSTITUTION.