Life-Belts for Fishermen
IN 1882 the Committee of the Institution, being deeply impressed with the serious loss of life from drowning taking place year by year from the Fishing Vessels working to and from the coasts of the United Kingdom, decided, with the hope of minimising, or at all events reducing, sue]} loss of life as far as possible, to supply the Owners and Masters of Fishing Vessels with really reliable Aneroid Baro- meters, manufactured by the most ex- perienced makers, at nearly one-third the retail price of the instruments; and they subsequently in 1883 decided to extend the privilege to the Owners and Masters of Coasting Vessels under 100 tons burden.
The liberal terms thus offered have been greatly appreciated, as shown by the fact that by the 31st December last, no less than 3,349 of these valuable instruments had been applied for and provided, and * Edited and arranged by J. C. Dibdin and John Ayling, in aid of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. Price 4». 6d. Pub- lishers: Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, London and Edinburgh.
there is every reason to believe that by this means many wrecks have been averted, and the loss of life on our coasts among the crews of small vessels lessened.
With a view to still further diminishing the loss of life amongst our Fishermen employed in small boats, the Committee have now determined to supply them—at less than one-half the retail cost—with thoroughly efficient Life-belts, having a maximum of 28 Ibs. buoyancy, and a minimum of 25 Ibs. It is to be under- stood, however, that after the Life-belts have been received by the purchasers the Institution disclaims all responsibility for them. In the first instance, it has been decided to make the announcement of the sale of the Life-belts in the coble districts only as an experiment, and in order to prevent persons applying for them whom it is not intended to benefit, the belts will only be supplied to the Owners of small Fishing Boats, who must send in their application to the Institu-* tion through the Local Branch Honorary Secretaries..