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A Good Example

THE 29th July last was "Life-boat Sunday" at Bangor Cathedral, sermons being preached by the Rev. T. LLOYD KYFFIN, M.A., Rector of Llanfaes, Angle- sey, formerly Honorary Secretary at the Cemaes Life-boat Station, and the col- lections realised about 202. in aid of the Anglesey Branch of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. The mayors of Bangor (Alderman CAMERON) and Beau- maris (Alderman T. HUGHES), both of whom are Nonconformists, with the members of the Corporations, evinced their interest in the Institution by at- tending in state; and, by the courtesy of Colonel SAVAGE, V.D., the band of the artillery volunteers played the civic procession from the Bangor council chamber to the cathedral, which was thronged with a large congregation. The anthem in the morning was Beethoven's " Hallelujah." The anthem in the after- noon was Spohr's " As pants the hart," the solo part being taken by Master Watkin McDennid, the musical service being under the direction of Mr. West- lake Morgan. The Bangor Fire Brigades, under the command of Mr. Gill, the borough engineer, and the boys of the Clio Industrial Training Ship, were in- cluded in the procession, in which a detachment of county constabulary, under the command of Mr. Protheroe, chief constable of Anglesey, also took part.

The following letter of thanks was at once addressed to the Dean of Bangor by the Committee of Management in London, and signed by the Chairman:— ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, 14, JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, LONDON, W.O.

2nd August, 1894.

DEAR SIR, I am desired by the Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LITE-BOAT, INSTITUTION to tender you their best and grateful thanks for: so kindly permitting "Life-boat Sunday" to be observed on Sunday last in Bangor Cathedral, the sermons being preached on the occasion by the Rev. T. LLOYD KYFFIN, an old friend and former Honorary Secretary of the Institution.

The Committee trust the permission so generously accorded may be again given in future years, and that the excellent example so well set in Bangor Cathedral may be followed elsewhere.

Again thanking you, I remain, Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, (Signed) EDWARD BIRKBECK, Chairman.