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Water Lily

On the 27th May, while a strong gale was blowing from the N.N.E., with a very heavy sea and thick weather, a vessel was seen making for the Cockle Gat. Her sails were blowing about, and when the weather cleared a flag was observed in the rigging. The Life-boat Beauchamp was launched and, after encountering many heavy seas in crossing the Barber Sands, reached the vessel, which was full of water and gradually sinking. A collier steamer had been assisting her and was staiiding by. Some of the Life-boat men boarded the vessel, manned the pumps and just managed to keep the water down until, with the help of a steam-tug, Yarmouth harbour was reached. She was the ketch Water Lily, of Goole, coal laden, for Faversham and carrying a crew of four men..