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The S.S. Resolven

On the 9th February, while a strong gale was blowing from W.S.W., the s.s. Resolven, of Cardiff, 1,032 tons register, bound from North Shields for Lisbon with coal, stranded on the Barber Sand. The No. 2 Life-boat Beauchamp proceeded to her, and her crew were engaged to remain by her and to assist in throwing overboard some of the cargo so as to lighten the vessel, several labourers being afterwards brought on board to help to jettison the coal. As there were eighty-one labourers and her crew of twenty-one persons on board the vessel, the No. 1 Life-boat Covent Garden put off to her, at the request of Lloyd's agent, about noon on the 10th, so as to be at hand should her services be required. About 150 tons of the coal were thrown overboard, and three tugs endeavoured to tow the vessel off, but without success; on the morning of the 10th the engines became disabled, the stoke-hole and engine-room began to fill, and at, midnight the water in the ship was level with the water outside. At 11 o'clock the following morning the sea was breaking over her, and as she showed signs of breaking up, thirty-five of the labourers were taken off by the Beauchamp Life-boat and put on board a steam-tug; the Covent Garden taking off forty-six men who were also placed on a tug. The Beauchamp then returned to her station and the Covent Garden went back to the wreck to rescue the master and crew. They, however, wished to see the last of their ship, and the Life-boat therefore remained by her until noon, when the seas began to sweep over her and the master and his crew of twenty men got into the Boat and were landed at Yarmouth harbour. The Lifeboat also brought ashore two pigs and three dogs from the vessel.