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The "Life-Boat Saturday" Movement Rapidly Developing

IN our Annual Report published in May special attention was drawn to the fact that the Committee had appointed Organising Secretaries to promote " Life- boat Saturday" demonstrations, and to form new inland Branches. Very en- couraging results have already been obtained, and many most successful and thoroughly enthusiastic demonstrations have since taken place, besides which arrangements have been made for others to be held before the year closes. In addition to the Saturday demonstrations, several influential bodies have organised parades, concerts and entertainments for the, purpose of raising funds for the cause, the most important of these being the Cyclist Parade, promoted in Liverpool by the National Cyclist Union (Liverpool Centre) and the Harrier Clubs of Liver- pool and district, and the entertainment given by the Queen of Hearts Burlesque (Amateur) Company at Huddersfield. The cities and towns in which "Life-boat Satur- day " demonstrations and collections have already been held this year include:— Accrington, Anstruther, Batley, Birming- ham, Blackburn, Darwen, Dewsbury, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Huddersfield, Leeds, Leicester, Newport (Isle of Wight), North Berwick, Eochdale, Sheffield, Swansea, and Warrington, while similar demonstra- tions will, it is hoped, shortly take place at Belfast, Blackpool, Bradford, Bristol, Dumbarton, Halifax, Hull, Lakes District, Middlesbrough, Newport (Mon.), Not- tingham, Plymouth, Scarborough, South- ampton, and Teignmouth. The Committee are most grateful to all who have given a helping hand, either directly or indirectly, and they trust that many others will yet come forward to assist in promoting not only "Life-boat Saturday" and "Life- boat Sunday " collections, but also Ladies' Committees, which have proved an in- valuable adjunct to the " Life-boat Satur- day " movement. Some ladies and gentle- men have pre-eminently distinguished themselves in their self-sacrificing efforts in the interests of the cause, and of these we cannot but specially mention Mr. and Mrs. MACARA, of St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, both of whom have thrown themselves heart and soul into the work, and have done wonders in developing the "Life- boat Saturday" and Ladies' Committee movements, of which they were re- spectively the originators..