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The German Life-Boat Institution. (From the Shipping World, 1st July, 1894.)

WE learn from the Annual Report (for the year 1893-4) of the Deutsche Gesell- schaft znr Eettung Schiffbriichiger, read at the annual meeting of the committee held at Frankfort-on-the-Main on the 29th May, that in the course of the year the apparatus at the life-saving stations of the association were brought into suc- cessful active use as many as sixteen times. Altogether 87 persons, whose lives were in jeopardy, were rescued—75 through the agency of the boats, and 12 by the rocket apparatus. The number of lives saved by the means at the disposal of the Institution since its foundation has therefore risen to 2 108.

Of the whole number, 1,800 persons were rescued from 318 stranded vessels by means of the boats, and 308 persons from 68 stranded vessels by means of the rocket apparatus. The number of the stations were increased last year by two, viz., the double station at Heringsdorf and the Life-boat station at Kolbergermutfde- West, and there are now 114 altogether.

Of this total, 70 are on the Baltic and 44 on the North Sea; 49 are double stations, i.e., equipped with a boat and a rocket apparatus, 49 are boat stations, and 16 rocket stations only. The receipts from all sources during the year (subscrip- tions, donations and collecting-boxes) were 258,943 marks 35 pfennig (12.948Z.), against 241,878 marks 16 pfennige (12,094Z ) in the previous jear. The ex- penditure amounted to 216,567 marks 31 pfennige (10,829*.),against 149,565 marks 27 pfennige (7,4792.) in the previous year.

Of last year's expenditure about 2,5002. went to establish the two new stations.