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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 11th January, 1894.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Dungeness and Dunmore. East stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District. — Boulmer, Bamburgh Castle and Cresswell.

Eastern District. — Button, Donna Nook, Skegness, Chapel, Blakeney, Wells, Brancaster and Hunstanton.

Western District. — Bude, Clovelly, Apple- dore, Braunton, Morthoe, Ilfracombe and Watchet.

Irish District.— Fethard, Dunmore East, Tramore, Wexford (two boats), Camsore and Kilmore.

Reported the receipt of 1,1372. 18«. 8d. from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., Honorary Secretary, to recoup the Institution the total amount expended by it during the years 1892 and 1893, under all heads in the maintenance of the stations at which the seven Lite-boats presented and endowed by the Fund are placed. The total sum thus contributed to the Institution by Gentlemen in Her Majesty's Civil Service amounts to 16,8962. 19«. 6d.

Decided, that the grateful thanks of the Institution be conveyed to the contributors, and particularly to Mr. DIBDIN, for their continued valuable support to the Life-boat cause.

Reported also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last Meeting:— £ «. d.

Licensed Victuallers, per ALFRED L. ARNETT, Esq., in aid of support of Licenced Victualler Life-boat at Hunstanton (additional) . . 50 - - Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society (Limited) 50 - - Members and Officials of the Town Council of Kingston-on-Thames, per W. ALLARD, Etq., Mayor . 28 8 6 W. WARDE-ALDAM, Esq. ... 25 - - Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity) 88- St. Michael's, Paddington, Life- boat Fund, in aid of support of St. Miehael't, Paddington, Life- boat at Kessingland, per the Bev. G. F. PRESCOTT,M.A. . . 18 11 9 Royston Military Band "Waits" Collection, per Mr. W.H.HINKINS 5 17 3 Life-boat Sunday Collections.


£ 4 9 10 4-8 1 18 6 - 15 - Srtxmundham Parish Church, per the Rev. G. F. RICHARDSON, M.A.

Woodstock, per the Kev. ARTHUR MAJKNDIE, A.K.G.L .....

Wroxham, per the Eev. T. F.


Chilton (Suffolk), per the Rev. H.

SMITH, M.A .......

Lifeboat Saturday Collection.

Bolton, per THOMAS H. WINDER, Esq., on account 163 16 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following Legacies :— £ e. d.

The late Madame VOLBRACHT of Essex Road, N 826 3 8 The late ALFRED OLIVER, Esq., of Lawrence Lane, E.C 101 6 8 The late Mrs. ANN E. DRBWRV, of Carrington, Nottinghamshire, on account 75 8 1 The late JOHN GOVAN, Esq., of Glasgow 45 - - The late HENRY MOORE, Esq., of Romford Road, E. (additional) . 118 Deep regret was expressed at the decease of Captain RICHARD D'OuER GEORGE, and Miss MARY BRYNING, who had respectively long been the valued Honorary Secretaries of the Cahore and Millom Branches of the Institution, and it was decided that the sincere sympathy of the Committee be conveyed to their families.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to E. E. JOHNSON, Esq., in recognition of his valuable co-operation during the period in which he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Pakefield Branch of the Institution.

Also to Mr. G. DAYIES and Colonel HAMPTON LEWIS for so kindly accepting the office of Honorary Secretary respectively ef the Pake- field and Rhosoolyn Branches.

Also to Mr. JOSEPH BRITT for his kind co- operation whilst holding the office of Assistant- Secretary of the New Brighton Branch.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. JOHN Fox and Mr. HUGH DAVIS during the long periods hi which they served respectively as Coxswains of the Margate and Porthdinllaen Life-boats, and Mr. JOHN MOODY, as 2nd Coxswain of the Skegness Life-boat.

Also the long services of Mr. HUGH HUGHES as Second Coxswain of the Porthdinllaen Life- boat.

Reported that the Criccieth Life-boat had been returned to its station after having been altered and fitted with all modem improvements.

Paid £5,300 18«. for sundry charges in various Life- bout Establishments.

Voted the Second Service Clasp of the Institution to Mr. RICHARD ROBERTS, Coxswain of the Deal Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his long-continued services in the Life-boat with which he has 'been connected for upwards of thirty-years, in which period he seems to have assisted in saving 409 lives.

Also the Silver Medal to MAURICE NICHOLLS, j ROBERT OSBORNE and JOHN GRIER, who have been out on service in the Clacton Life-boat respectively 77, 74 and 67 times.

Also the Silver Medal to CHARLES WARD, bowman of the Aldeburgh Life-boat, in con- sideration of his gallant services, for many years past, in the Life-boat and in shore boats in saving more than 100 lives. He served as Assistant-Coxswain and Coxswain of the Life- boat until compelled to resign because his fishing took him away so often from the station.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered to the Life-boat cante during the past eleven years by Mr. W. AHEARN, Station Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Aldeburgh, who was retiring on account of ill health.

Voted 13Z. 10«. to two men who were injured while on service with the Ramsey Life-boat on the 10th December.

Also 301Z. 18». to defray the expenses of the following Life-boat services : — Life-boat.

Caister No. 2 .

Clacton . .

Gorleston No. 1 Palling No. 1 .

Port Eynon .

Ramsey . .

Walton-on-the- Naze. / Wexford No. 1 Vessel.

Barque Wallace J. John.

Crew landed from light-ship.

Danish brigantine St.

5 6 10 Alexei .....

Smack Albany, of Lowes- toft ......

Danish brigantine Sophia Barque Althea, of Grim- stad ......

Schooner Not Forgot, of Chester ....

Schooner Branch, of Dartmouth ...

Yawls Willie and Bro- thers. Rend, assist.

The following services had also been rendered by other Life-boats:— Ketch Oak. Assisted to save vessel and . .

Sch. Conquest, of Pad- stow. Rend. assist.

Smacks Blue Bell and Daisy, of Ramsgate .



Exmouth .

Ramsgate 8 (Details of most of these services were given in the last Annual Report.) Voted 6061. Ss. 5d. to defray expenses of the undermentioned Life-boats for assemblies of their crews or for launches on service when the boats were not ultimately needed :—Aranmore, Balbriggan, Brixham, Broadstairs, Clacton, Exmouth, Filey, Hasborough, Holyhead No. 2, Jersey, Kessingland No. 1, Lowestoft Nos. I and 2, North Berwick, Padstow, Palling No. 2, Plymouth, Port Logan, Forth Rhuifydd, Scar- borough, Shoreham, Southend. Southwold No. 1, Thorpe, Wexford No. 1 and Weymouth.

Also the Silver Medal, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, and II. each to JOHN BRADFORD, URIAH BRADFORD and GEORGE PROWSE, for gallantly launching a small 15-feet boat and, alter repeated attempts and incurring considerable risk, saving the crew of six men from the schooner Gromund, of Svendborg, which had been driven on the Pole Sanda, off Exmouth, in a strong south-easterly gale and a very heavy sea on the 4th January.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on-vellum (framed) to Mr. .). M. CRIUKSHANK, and thanks to Messrs. FEED BREW, JOHN BREW, W. LAUGHLIN, W. QUIRK, W. H. KNEALL and T. SEABB, and 71. 10«. to nine other men, for wading into the surf and, with the help of lines, saving the crew of seven men belonging to the brig Gier, of Svelig, wliich stranded near the Point of Ayre, Isle of Man, in a south- easterly gale and very heavy sea on the 10th December.

Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. W. H. MARTYN, and 6Z. to four other men, for con- tributing to the rescue of the crew of three men from the ketch Liberty, of Guernsey, shortly before that vessel went on the Doom Bar, where she became a total wreck, during a gale of wind from the N. on the 20th December.

THURSDAY, 8th February.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Cor- respondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the Report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Folkestone, Sheringham, Wells and Yar- mouth stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Middlesbrough, Saltburn, Redcar, Seaton Carew, Seaham, Wlritburn. West Hartlepool (two boats), Hartlepool (three bouts), Newburgh, Port Erroll, Peterhead, Whitelink Bay, Fraserburgh, Nairn, Lossiemouth, Banff and Buckle.

Eastern District — North Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Hythe and Dover.

Western District—New Quay (Cardiganshire), Aberystwith, Aberdovey, Criccieth, Porthdiu- llaen and Pwllheli.

Irish District—Blackrock, Giles Quay, Drog- heda (two boats), Kingstown, Greystones, Howth and Poolbeg.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

The Misses SMITHEMAN, for a Life- boat to be named the Elizabeth and Blanche 700 - - Mrs. W. DEBENHAM 100 - - Trustees of the late W. THORNGATE, Eaq (annual subscription) . 80 - — C. CABK ASHLEY, Esq. (one year's maintenance of the Susan Ashley Life-boat at Lyme Regis) . . 70 - - W. W. SHAW, Esq. (additional) . 25 - - Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers 10 10 - £ s. d.

Collected on board the P. and O. Ship Japan, on her voyage to China and back, per Captain VERNOS W. HALL .... 3 15 - Collected on board the s.s. Haxby on New Year's Day, per Captain P. BROWNE (including his own subscription) 3 10 - Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Saul, Gloucestershire, per the Rev. E. HALL. M.A 382 Adderley, Market Drayton, per the Rev. A. GOBBET, M.A. ... 2 10 6 Bladon, St. Martin, per the Bev.

ARTHUR MAJENDIE, A.R.C.L. . 1 14 2 Bradwell, per the Bev. J. WALKER, M.A 100 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ «. d.

The late CHARLES H. HORSPALL, Esq., of Liverpool .... 250 - - The late Mrs. M. E. SCOBELL, of Torquay ....... 200 - - The late JAMES BAILEY, Esq., of Warwick 100 - - The late Rev. F. P. E. LUSCOMBE, of Exmouth 90 - - The late THOMAS EBSWORTHY, Esq., of Barnstaple 10 — — In view of the remarkable success attending and resulting from the introduction of the Life-boat Saturday movement and the formation of Ladies' Committees initiated in Manchester and Salford in 1891, and so strongly advocated last year by H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, the Committee decided to take steps to develop the movement in all the principal centres of industry and population throughout the country.

With this end in view they appointed, in the first instance, three Organising Secretaries- Mr. WILLIAM MARTIN, of Glasgow, for Scotland, &c., and Messrs. A. J. BOYLE and J. REGINALD EGBERTS for Districts in England and Wales.

These gentlemen entered on their duties at once.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to SETH WARD, Esq., and W. A. A. THEED, Esq., in acknowledgment of their past valuable el- operation whilst acting as Honorary Secretaries of the Dewsbury and Hayle Branches of the Institution.

The Committee expressed great regret at the death of CHARLES NEILL, Esq., who had been Honorary Secretary of the Dornoch, Firth and Embo Branch of the Institution from its formation in 1886, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

The Committee specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. MATTHEW WHITE whilst serving as Coxswain of the Howth Life- boat.

Also the continued valuable co-operation of Captain Cox, of the pleasure steamer Victoria, of Weymouth, in collecting contributions on board his vessel for the Weymouth Branch of the Institution.

Reported that the alterations and improve- ments of the Church Cove (Lizard) Lite-boat had been completed and the boat returned to its station.

Decided, on the recommendation of the Local Committee and the District Inspector of Life- boats, that the West Hartlepool No. 1 Life-boat Station be abolished, it being considered that there are sufficient Life-boats in that locality without the boat in question.

Paid £4,020 for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted the silver medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to R. W. MIREHOCSE, Esq., J.P., Honorary Secretary of the Angle (Milford Haven) Brunch, and E. BALL and T. REES, two of the crew of the Life-boat, along with 482. 6«. 6d. to defray the expenses of the boat on the occasion of the rescue of the crew of 26 men and 7 passengers from the ship Loch Shiel, of Glasgow, which had stranded at Thoru Island in a heavy ground sea. Prior to the arrival of the Life-boat 27 persons had landed on the rocks, and they were hauled thence by ropes taken to them by Mr. MIREHOUSE and BALL and REES, who to do so had to crawl round the edge of the cliff, the path at times being scarcely a loot wide, and the night pitch dark. The re- maining six men, one of whom was an invalid, were taken from the mizentop of the wreck into the Life-boat.

Also the Silver Medal to THOMAS BISHOP, Assistant Coxswain of the Palling Life-boats, in acknowledgment of his gallant services during the past 18 years in assisting to save 272 lives from shipwrecks on the coast.

Ali-o 299/. 111. to defray the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Life-boat. Vessel.

Brooke. . . S.S. Ossian, of Leith . 16 Cresewell . . Barque AgerSen . . 10 Dartmouth . . Ketch Prince of Wales —rendered assistance.

Dungarvan. . Lugger Shamrock, of Peel 3 Filey . . . Coble Eliza—rendered assistance.

Giles' Quay . Schooner Velocity, of Carnarvon ... 3 I Schooner Alfred — re- Holyhead No. 1 mained by vessel.

I Schooner Cyral... 3 Littlehampton Brigantine C.H.S., of Llanelly .... 4 Moelfre . . Brigantiiie Warree, of Dundalk .... 5 Montrose No. 1 Barque Frida, of Christiania ... 19 New Brighton . Schooner Maria Lamb, (Steam Life-boat.) of Barrow ... 6 Port Logan. . Schooner Janetta, of Belfast .... 3 Southend . . Schooner Vectis, of Teignmouth . .

The undermentioned services had also been performed by other Life-boats:— Life-boat. Vessel.

Lives saved Padstow Ketch St. Petroc—ren- dered assistance.

Life-boat. Vessel. ™f Etamsay . . Barque Ctlestina—ditto.

Ramsgate . . Ship Almendral—ditto.

Valentia . . Barque Berna—assisted to save vessel.

Voted 8821. 3s. Id. to defray the expenses of other assemblies or launches on service by the crews of the following Lifeboats :—Abersoch, Aldeburgh, Appledore Nos. 1 and 2, Barmouth, Blackrock, Braunton, Brighstone Grange, Broadstairs, Clacton,' Dover, Eyemouth, Fenit, jorleston No. 1, Ilfracombe, Keesingland No. 2, Kildonan, Kingsdowne, Looe, Lowestoft No. 2, Margate, Morthoe, Newhaven, Newquay (Corn- wall), North Deal, Padstow, Palling No. 2, Peterhead, Portmadoc, Pwllheli, Ramsey, Stor- noway, Thorpeness, Tramore, Walmer, Walton- on-the-Naze, Winterton No. 2 and Workington.

Also 32Z. 4s. to cover special grants and allow- ances to seven men at Clacton, Hasborough, Ilfracombe and Upgang, who had been injured while engaged in the Life-boat service.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, and 21. to Mr. JOHN BUNT and Mr. JOHN FLORY, for put- ting off three times in a boat, and gallantly saving the crew of four men, one of whom had become deranged, from the rigging of the brig Harriet, of Jersey, which stranded and filled off Portishead in a strong north-easterly gale and a very heavy sea on the 18th November.

Also Wl. 10«. to 42 Lowestoft beachmen for saving by means of ropes the crew of 5 men from the Smack Albion, of Lowestoft, which was wrecked while returning to port on the 10th December.

Also SI. 15«. to five men who put off in a boat and were instrumental in saving the lives of two men belonging to a lighter which had sunk in Belfast Lough, while the wind was blowing a moderate gale from the N.W. and a heavy sea was running, on the 25th January.

Also 11. to two men for putting off in a small boat and saving two men from a barge which was swamped anil sunk at Crosstown, co. Wex- ford, in a whole gale and a very heavy sea on the 28th January.

THURSDAY, 8th March.

Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Bub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Bead the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the follow- ing stations:— Northern District.—Johnshaven, Gourdon, Stonehaven, Arbroath, Montrose (three boats), Balcary, Kirkcudbright, Whithorn, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Troon, Girvan, Ballantrae, Ayr and Irvine.

Eastern District.—Folkestone.

Western District.—Abersoch, Llanaelhaiarn, Barmouth, Teignmouth, Brixham, Torquay, Exmouth, Lyme Regis, Sidmouth, Weymouth, Hope Cove, Salcombe and Dartmouth.

Also the Reports of the Organising Secretaries on their visits to Huddersfield, Halifax, Dews- bury, Batley, Bradford, Liverpool, Barrow-in- Furness and Southport.

Read letter from the General Post Office, of 12th February, forwarding a remittance of 1,1151, being the amount contributed by Post Office Officials in all parts of the United Kingdom to defray the cost of placing a Life- boat on the coast to be named the Sir Arthur Blackwood, as a memorial of the late Permanent Secretary of the General Post Office, Sir ARTHUR BLACKWOOD, K.C.B. The Donors wished the gift to be appropriated to view new Life-boat about to be sent by the Institution to Greenore, Ireland, and towards its maintenance.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the contributors for their valued gift, and that it be applied in accord- ance with their wishes.

Reported also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last Meeting:— £ o. d.

Trustees of the late Mr. F. J.

STANIFIRTH, of Sheffield, for the Alfred Stanifirth Life-boat for Teignmouth 700 - - " E. P." 100 - - Miss 0. E. SINGLETON .... 100 - - E. A. B. PRESTON, Esq., annual subscription in aid of Cornish Life-boats ....... 50 - - W. M. JOHNSON, Esq. and Miss JOHNSON 52 10 - Worshipful Company of Leather- sellers 21 - - Submarine Telegraph Engineering Staff of the India Eubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co.

(Limited), per H. P. DALEY, Esq. 10 - - Contents of contribution box on board the s.s. Aorangi, per Cap- tain SUTCLIFFE 4 17 6 Life-boat Sunday Cotteationi.

St. Andrew's, Surbiton, per L. C. CATLEY, Esq 6 15 6 Midhurst, per the Rev. S. M.

CAMPBELL 230 Hempstead and Lessingham, Nor- folk, per the Rev. J. P. WHIT- NEY, M.A 1-1 Paisley Free Middle Congrega- tional Sabbath School, per T. W.

Paterson, Esq 1 - - Clifton Mission Room, Berkeley Court, per the Rev. REGINALD SMITH, M.A - 11 8 Life-boat Saturday Collection.

Preston, per JAMES CARTER, Esq. . 120 - —To be generally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ t. d.

The late SAMUEL FARLEY, Esq., of Stoke Newington 2,500 - - The late Miss ELIZABETH ANDEB- SON. of York Place, W. . . . 500 - - £. «. d.

The late Mrs. HAND, of Glyiiivor, BurryPark 100 - - The late THOMAS WESTCOMBE, Esq., of Worcester 100 - - The late J. G. RICHARDSON, Eeq., of Bournemouth 100 - — The late HENRY FOSTER, Esq., of Ladbroke Square, W 50 - - The late Mr. JOHN WEST, of Bemer- ton, near Salisbury .... 42 18 1 Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. JONATHAN SIMPSON, J. P.; ROBERT THOMAS, Esq.; Mr. JOHN MERCHANT ; and Mr. THOMAS DUNN in recognition of their long and valuable co-operation whilst serving as Honorary Sec- retaries of the Pbrtrush, Looe, Clovelly, and Dunmore East branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee also specially recognise of the valuable services extending over many years, of the following Honorary Secretaries: R. G. A. HtiTCHiNSON, Esq., Bam burgh Castle; Captain THOMAS JEWITT, Grimsby; Mr. WILLIAM JOSEPH, Cardigan ; J. T. KILNER, Esq., Huddersfield ; E. B. LOYNJSS, Esq., Wells; J. W. LUDOLF, Esq., Leeds; M. 0. PRESTON, Esq., Lyme Regis; Mrs. WINTER SANDERSON, Oavan; Mr. J. 8. SINNOTT, Cahore; Mr. H. R. TRIGQ, Hayling Island; Mr. GEORGE L. TRUSTRUM, Port Erin; Captain GEORGE USBORNE, B.N., Cork and Queenstown; and Mr. JOHN WILSON, Buckie Also the good services rendered by Mr. JOHN HOPKINS during the long period he served as Coxswain of the Portrush Life-boat. He had assisted in the Life-boats on that Station to gave thirty-eight lives from different wrecks.

Decided, on the application of the Ryde Life- boat Committee, to undertake the management of the Ryde Life-boat Station. The Life-boat is named the Hans Butk, having been presented to the town of Ryde through the late Captain HANS BUSK.

Reported the transmission to its Station of the Brixham new Life-boat.

Also that the Tenby Life-boat had been returned to its Station, after having been altered and fitted with all the latest improvements.

Paid 2,870J. Ss. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 5361. 7s. 6d. to cover the expenses connected with the undermentioned Life-boat services:— Lives saved.

102 Vessel.

S.S. Resolven, of Cardiff Conveyed provisions to starving islanders at InnistrahulL Fishing-boats. Rendered assistance.

Steam - launch Nimrod and fishing-boats. Re- mained in attendance.

Boat of Gorleston . .

Fishing - boats. Ren- dered assistance.

Schooner Mary Waikin- ton, of Barrow. Landed crew (4).


Caister. .

Culdaff Cullercoats Girvan. .

Gorleston No. 1 Gourdon . .

Holyhead No. 1 Life-boat.

Holy Island No. 1 / Irvine . . .

Johnshaven .

Kessingland No. 1 / Montrose No. 1 New Brighton (Steam Life-boat)] North Deal .

N. Sunderland Pulling No. 2.

Ramsey .

St. Andrew's .

Totland . .

Wexford No. 1 Vessel.

Lives saved.

Coble Guiding Star.

Rendered assistance.

Barquentine Caroline, of Belfast S.S. Sarah, of Montrose.

Brigantine Alberta, of Whitstable. . . .

Fishing - boats. Ren- dered assistance.

Schooner Caroline, of Fowey. Landed crew (5).

Brigantine Franz von Mathias, of Ribnitz .

Fishing - boats. Ren- dered assistance.

Barque Pomona, of Glas- gow. Rend, assist.

Schooner Christina, of Timmel ....

Nicky Annie Jane, of Peel. Remained by vessel.

Smack Dolphin, of Dub- lin Pishing - boats. Ren- dered assistance.

Brigantine Constance Ellen, of Runcorn.

Rendered assistance and landed crew (6).

Yawl Liberator, of Wex- ford The following Life-boats had also performed service during the month, viz.:— Life-boat.



Barque Prindteite Lovise, of Farsund. Assisted to save Dungeness No.l Fishguard No.2 Harwich . .

Ship Kelton, of Glasgow.

Rendered assistance.

Schooner Aliee Eleanor, of Wexford. Saved vessel Barque Shoe, of Liverpool.

Assisted to save vessel and New Brighton! (Steam Life-boat)/ Ramsgate .

13 hands.

S.S. Lady Lovnta, of Liverpool.

Assisted to save vessel.

Brig Hondeklip, of Swansea.

Saved 2 lives.

Voted 9041. 19«. in payment of the charges appertaining to the following assemblies and launches of Life-boats and of helping vessels in distress : — Ayr, Bembridge, Broadstairs, Bronghty Ferry, Campbeltown, Clacton, Cromer, Dungeness, Flamborough, Gorleston No. 1, Har- wich, Hayling, Huna, Kingsdowne, Margate Maryport, Montrose No. 1, New Brighton (steamer), New Romney, North Deal, Palling No. 2, Port Logan, Port Patrick, Rye, Sennen, Sheringham, Southend, Silloth, Valentia, Walmer, Walton-on-the-Naze, Winohelsea and Winterton No. 2.

Also 31. to two Life-boat men at Dartmouth and North Deal who had been slightly injured while on service in those boats.

Also 51. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving one of the crew of a rowing boat, which was capsized in West Angle Bay, Mil- ford Haven, in a moderate wind from the W., accompanied by a heavy ground swell, on the 8th February.

Also 12. each to Mr. JAMES ROSS, Mate of the s.&. Helen Craig, and two seamen, for putting off in a boat belonging to the steamer and saving two of the crew of the schooner Xanthus, who were clinging to the rigging, their vessel having been sunk by collision with a steamer about two miles N.E. of Bangor during a W.S.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 21th January.

Also 21. 5s. to nine men for going out in the fishing lugger Rambler, of Peel, and rendering assistance to the fishing boat North Dalrymple, of that port, which was in a disabled state and unable to make the harbour in a S.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 23rd February.