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PALLING. — While a whole gale was blowing from the E.S.E., accompanied by a very heavy sea, on the 5th January, intelligence was received that a vessel had gone ashore about a quarter of a mile from Hasborough, and that the services of the Life-boat were required. The No. 1 Life-boat Good Hope was promptly manned and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the brigantine Sophia, of Fredericia, bound from Sundswall for Aberdovey with a cargo of timber. Owing to the heavy sea and floating wreckage the task of rescuing the shipwrecked crew was one of considerable difficulty and danger, and several attempts had to be made by the gallant Life-boatmen before they succeeded in taking off the six men, who were greatly exhausted from long exposure. They weie landed at Hasborough amid the ringing cheers of a large crowd which had, in spite of the intensely cold, stormy weather, assembled to witness the rescue.

An extra reward was granted to the Life-boat men and the silver medal of the Institution was awarded to Mr. THOMAS BISHOP, the 2nd coxswain, who was in charge of the boat, in recognition of his gallantry on this and on many previous occasions..