On the 19th April, at 10 15 A.M., the barquentine Clachnacuddin, 'ofGuernsey, coal laden from Shields for Jersey, was observed in the fog, apparently stranded on the Scroby Sand. The fog liftiog a little, signals were fired by the Cockle light-vessel. The Life-boat Beauchamp was at once launched and was towed to the sand by a steam-tug, which on observing the vessel also signalled the Life-boat and waited for her. On reaching the schooner, it was found that her boats had been lowered, that some of her crew were in them, others being left on board the vessel. All the men, eight in number, were taken into the Life-boat with their effects; their boats soon afterwards being filled by the heavy seas. As the men were very wet, they were placed on board the tug with the exception of the master who remained in the Life-boat, having requested the coxswain to stay by his vessel until high water. When the tide made, however, the ship was full of water and the seas were breaking clean over her..