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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Otmerse— Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, "L. C. Wyon." Double legend, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. Victoria, Patroness." Reverse.—Three sailors in a Life-boat,—one of whom is in the act of rescuing an exhausted mariner from the waves on a fragment of the wreck. " W. Wyon, Mint." Inscription, " Let not the deep swallow me up.'* THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by the late L. C. WYON, Esq., represents the bust of QUEEN VICTORIA, Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which issues a wreath of oak clustering over the fori'head. This life-like portrait of the QCEEN, in high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HER MAJE&TY at that period (1862), combining the dignity of aspect and benevolence which have always characterised the Queen throughout her long and prosperous reign.

The reverse, representing the Life-boat, in whit- there are three Seamen, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of great merit. Two of the men are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form in the most natural manner; and the expression thrown into his coun- tenance looking up to his preserver is supplicating in the extreme, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions : the whole displaying a perfect knowledge of the human frame, and a command of t.he graver to embody what he had shadowed out to himself.

But there is another pleasing motive for admiration of this beautiful Medal, as the figure who is so humanely extending his relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of the Artist, the late WILLIAM WYON, Esq., E.A., himself.

The colour of the ribbon (which is corded silk) attached to the medal is blue.

The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of the Institution 1'rom its establishment in 1824 to the 31st Dec., 1893, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from ihipwreck on our Coasts have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded in detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and Clasps granted by the Institution is 1,218, 98 of which were in Gold, and 1,120 in Silver.

Note.—The asterisk (*} after the name denote the reception oT a Gold Medal. The figure alter the Dame signifi* t the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—C1. Gd.—Coast Guard. R. C.—Revenoi Cruiser. M. M.—Master Mariner.

Abbot, Sidney, Clovelly.

Abbott. Mr. John, Co. Boat- man, C'. Ga.

Acraman, Mr. J., Fishguard.

Adair, Mr. R., Coxswain Ballywalter Life-boat.

Adair, Mr. W.,C'.G 1.

Adam, Mr..(.. p. Q*. (2) j Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M.

Agar, J.,Ct.Gd.,Morris Castle- Agnes, Samuel, Wivenhoe.

Ahern, John, O. G"., Kilmore.

Aikin, J., O. G »., Cushendall.

Alexander, W., Coxswain at the Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Jas., Holy Island.

Allen, Mr. Luke Jas., M. M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Edward, late Coxswain of the Palling Ufp-boat.

Anderson, Mr. John G., R.N.

Annis, Mr. M., Vf. G". (2) Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong, Mr J., Coxswain of Hauxley Life-boat.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, Mr. W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W., Newbiggin.

Arnold, Mr. W. H., C«. G" ., Sandown.

Askin, J., O.Ga. Ballywalter.

Atkins, T.. ?. G ., Wainfieet.

Austen, Wm., Seaman, Kams- gate Steamer Vulcan, [beg.

Autridge, Lieut., R.N., Boon- IST MAT, 1894.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 623 AvlBse, Mr. J. N., M. 11., Bridle, Mr.W., M. M., Lyme. 1 Carrington, Lieut.. R.N. Crawford, Wm., Esq. Boulogne. Brims, Mr. John, Coxswain Carrington, VV. H., Esq. (Jronne, Dennis, Ballycottoi,. of the Thurso Life-boat. Carroll, Private Royal Irish Cropper, Peter, Liverpool. Bacon, Henry, Harwich. Brine, Thos., Esq., Douglas. Regt. Crosby, Nicholas, Dundalk. Bacon, Mr. James, M. M. Brinksmead, Mr. W., M. M. Carter, Fredk., W -yi»omb. Crosswell, Mr. T., Fowey. Bailey, Jas., Boatman, Deal. Brittain, Lieut. G. S., R.N.. Carter, Mr. J., C'. Ga. Crouch, J., Broadslairs. Baillie, Lieut. Henry, R.N. C . G". (2)' Casey, M ..Newcastle, Ireland. Crouch, R., Broadstuii s. Baillie, Lieut. H., K.N. Britton, Mr. J., Master of the Castel, G., Broadstairs. Crowden.Mr. J., ehief-Oflflc. i Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries. American Ship Rochester.* Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N. O.Gd. of C . Gd. at Muchals, N.I. Bake, Lieut., R.N., C«. Gd. Britton, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Chaddock, J., ?. Gd. Cubitt, Mr. W., Bacton. (2 Baker, Lt. G. S., R.N., ?. G*. of the Harwich Life-boat. Chaplin, Mr., M. M. Cubitt, Mr.W. jun., Bacton.' Baker, Lt.W. H., R.N., C'. Gd. Broad, W., Esq., Falmoittb.* Chapman, Thomas, Esq., Culmer, Mr., C . Gd., Leigh. Baker, Mr. T., ?.Gd., Brooke. Brooks, A., ?. Gd.Dungeuess. F.R.S , V.P.* Cumisky, W. J., Esq., Bal- Ball, Mr. D. Graham, M.M. Brown, Mr. Christopher, Chappell, Mr. T., Bideford. briggan. Banyard, Mr. John, C1. Gd. Bridlington. Chappell, Capt. W., Bideford. Cummins, Mr. J., Coxswain Barlach, Mr. Henry, M. M. Brown, Mr. Fredk., Brtd- Chard, J., Boatman. Thorpe. of the Arklow Life-boat. Rarnard, A., C". Gd. (2) lington. Chesnutt, George, Skegness. Cunningham, Mr. J., New- Barnes, George, Christehurch. Brown, Henry, Newbiggin. Chittenden, E., Broadstairs. castle. Barrett, Mr. J., O. Gd. Brown, James, Dnnbar. Christian, Mr. Thomas A. Curnow, Mr. Paul, Coxswain Carnsore. (2) Brown, Mr. John, Coxswain Cl irk, George, Seaman. of the St. Ives Life-boat.(2) Barrett, W-.C". Gd. of Newbiggin Life-boat.(2) Clark. Lieut. Joseph, R.N." Curteis, Mr. W., O. Gd. Barrett, W., jnn., ditto. Brown, Thos. CreMwell (2). Clark, Mr. Thos., Bridling- Curtis, Steph., Christchurch. Ban-on, R. N., Esq. Browne. Mr. P. R. M. (2)» ton. Barry, Lt. G., R.N., Kinsale. Brune, Miss B. M. Prideaux. Clarkson. Mr. T., Coxswain Uabine, Lieul., R.N., ?. Gd. Bartholomew, R. J., Esq. Brune, Miss E. F. Prideaux. of the Lytham Life-boat. Dand, M. H., Esq. (2) Bate, Samuel, Second Cox- Brune, Miss G. R. Prideaux. Clayburn, T., Scarboro'. (2) Dark, Mr. William, M. M. swain Padstow Life-boat. Brune, Miss M. 1C. Prideanx. Clayton, Lt.. R.N., C1. Gd. Darling, Wm., Llght-housi Bate, Thomas, Coxswain of Brnnton, Lt. J., R.Jf. (2)* C1eaveMr.R.,M.M.,Wivenhoe keeper, Fern Islands. the Bude Life-boat. Buck,W. C., Esq.,R.N.,C«.Gd. Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. Darling, Grace, his daughter. Bates, Mr. Thos., ». Gd.' Bnckett, J., Coxswain Brigb- Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., Dym- Darragh, H., O. Q'. Batist, J., C'. G". Dymchurch. stone Grange Life-boot. chnrch.* Davies, the late Vice- Admiral Beatson, G. B. M., Esq., O. Gd. Budd, James, Esq., Tramore. Cockrom.W., H.M.S. Kagle. George. (4)* (2) Bnlkeley, J. B., Coxswain of Coffey, P.,Tramore, Waterford Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N. Beanclerk, The late Lord Teignmonth Life-boat. Colby .Nathaniel, Coxswain of Davies, George, Hoylake. Charles. Bulley, Lieut. J., R.N. (4)*« the Pakefleld Life-boat. Davison, W., Sunderland. Beck, Robert, Point of Ayr. Bnmby.Mr J .,C'.Gd..Clovelly Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhee. Dawson, Mr. T., Hartlepool. Beddoe, D., Fishgnard. Bunt, Mr. John, O. Gd. Collard, Mr. S., Pilot. Day, Chr., Middlesbrough. Bedwell, Mr. Wm., M. M. Burnard, Mr. T., Bideford. (21 Collins, Mr. James, C'. Gd. Day, Mr. Thomas, Bideforrt Begg, Mr., M. M. Burne, J., C«. G"., Penzance Collins, Mr. J., Master of the Deane, Mr. Henry, C1. Gd. Belsey, Hy.4 Life-boatman, Burne, John, Sen., Shields. American ship Roscius.* Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne Ramsgate. Barney, Mr. R., CXO"1., Banff. Collison, Mr. R., M. M. Dent, J., Newbiggin. Benett, Capt. C. C., R.N.« Burton. WUl;am, Kamegate. Collopy.J., ?.Od.,Porthcawl. Desmond, John, Limerick. Berriman, Mr. James, M.M. Bury, Ld. Viscount, P.C..M.P. 'ombe, Lt. M., R.N. De St. Croix, Mr. F., Jersey.* , B rry, David, Life-boatman, Butcher, James, Lowestoft. Coneys, Mr.Anthony, Clifdf n De St. Croix, Mr. J., Jersey." ! Ramsgate. Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft. Connick, Mr. J., Dundalk. De St. Croix, Mr. P., Jersey.' Bevan, Mr. John, M. M. Byrne, Mr. I,awrenoe. C'. Gd. Cooper, Mr. Hugh, ?. Gd. Devereux, M., Master Pilot. Bickerstaffe, Mr.R.,Coxswain Byrne, Private, Royal Irish Cooper, Thomas, Sen., Lite- Rosslare. (3) Blackpool Life-boat. (2) Regt. boatman, Ramsgate. Dillon, Jas., C1. G«.t Arklo» Billett, Mr. R., C'. Gd., Cox- Cooper, Thomas, Jun., Life- Dinneen, Mr. J., C.O. s.-. • swain of Lydd Life-boat. Cable, Mr. James, Coxswain boatman, Ramsgate. A Itiatross, of Tjondon. Bingham, Mr. Wm. Aid* burgh Lif- -boat. (2) Coppin, Lt. F., R.N.. C1. Gd. Dobson, T., Coxswain of th. Bishop, Geo., Polkerris. Cahill, u. K. S.. Esq., M.D. Corbert, W., Coxswain of the Donna Nook Life-boat. Bishop, Mr. S., C . G"., Cais- Cain, Wm., Isle of Man. Ardmore Life-boat. Donkin, A., Cutlercoats. (2.) ter. Callaway.W., Seaman, Lyme. Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey. Donovan, Dennis, C1. Gd. (2) Black, A., C1. G"., Strangford. Callow, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Corbett, W., Ksq., Isle of Donovan J-.O.G11. Boatman. Blackmore, Mr. Wm., Chief! ofCastletownLife-boat.(2) Kan. Oooley, Lt. D.. B.S., C'. Gd. Officer : . G».,l'enzance. (2) ] Campbell, James, Leestone. Cork, W.,C'.Gd.,Fort George. Douglas, Alexander. (X ;d. 1 Blackwood, Rev. .!. O'Reilly, Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda. Corkhill, W., Coxswain of the ! Douglas, Jas. Jr., Hurriug- j Bally waller. (2) Campbell, Mr. Angus. Cutter Padstow Life-boat. (2) ton, Cumberland. 1 Blair.U. Horatio, R.N., ?.&«. Princeu Royal. Cornish, Lt. J., R.N., Bovis. Dower, Capt. A., Dungarvan. Blampied, Mr. C., Jersey. Cameron, Capt. Orford S., Oostello, M., Esq., Rosslare. Downing, Nicholas B., Esq. Blance, John, Shetland. R.N., C'. G". Cotton, D., Brixton, I. W. Drayson, D., C Gd. BliBsendon, William M. Candlish, J., Coxswain of the : Cotton, James, dittu. Duffy, M., Mullaghmure. Blois, Capt. J. R., R.N.* Lytham Life-boat. Cotton, W., ditto. (2) : Duncan, Mr. David, Coxswain Hlytht-, Mis. Kllen. Cannell, T., Isle of Man. Coul, Alexander, Moutrose. of Montrose Life-boat. i Bulitno, Simon, O. Gd., Bude. Cannon, Mr. John, Coxswain ' Coul, Charles, Montrose. Dunmore, The Right Hon : BniKunrd.H., Pilot, Guernsey. of Hasborougb Life-boat. Cowiu, J., Isle of Man. ' The Earl of. j Burner, G C G" , Collieston. Oarberry, Patrick, Wexford. Dox, Dr. H. L., Army Dunn, Mr. William, M. M. Bouchard, John, St. Martin's. Carbis, Thos., Coxswain of Medical Department. I )urban, John, Walmer. Bowen, Lieut. C. H., R.N.* the Penzance Life-boat. (2) Cox, Lt. H., R.N., C'.ft*. (2)* Dyer, B. Seaman, Wivenhoe. Boyd, Henry, C1. Gd. Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head. Cox, Joseph, Coxswain of the Dyer, B., Seaman, Wi enhoe. Boyd, John, Portrush. Carr,C.S.,Gunner R.C. Sylvia. Appledore Life-boat. (3) Dyer, Lt. H. McNeill, R.N. Boyd, Mrs. Captain, R.N. Carr. Mr. Henry, H.M. Cus- Cox, J. Jun.,Second Coxswain, Dyer, Mr. John, Strstlon Boyle, Marcus, Coxswain of toms, Wexford. Appledore Life-boat. (2) Wexf.ird Life-boat (2) Carr.John, O.Gd.. Dunmanus. Cox, W., Kimlore. Earle, Lt. E. C., R.N., Hve - Boyle,Lieut. Hon. R. F., R.N. Carr, Mr. Samuel. C.O. C'.Ga. Craggs, J., C*. Gd,, Devonport. Eastaway, R.,Boatman C'.Gd. Bradley, Mr.Wm., Southend. Carrington, Mr. J ., Steam-tug Cragie, J., Coxswain of the Eastaway, Mr. T. Brice,W.,Ct.Gd.,Greencastle. Liverpool, Harwich. Southwold Life-boat. Eddy, R. Pilot, Plymouth. (3, 624 THE LIFE-BOAT. [!ST MAY, 1894. Ellington, Mr. Chas., C1. Gd. Friend, Thos., Life-boatman, Hamilton, Mr. Geo., (?. G". Hopkins, Mr. John, Cox- Edwards, Mr. D., Montrose. Ramsgate. Hamilton, H. A., Esq. (3)» swain Portrush Life-boat. Ellis, Henry, C1. G"., Bude. Fulton, Mr. Robert, R.N. Hamono, Mr. A., M. M. Horsford, Miss Josephine. Elphlnstone, Geo., Dondalk. Furlong, A., Fishgnarrt. Harming, N., C*. Gd, Dingle. Horsford, Miss Maria. Else, Lieut., R.N., Fowey.* Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs. ! Houghton, H., Hartlepuol. Elton, Lt. W. H., RJJ, ?. G". Galbralth, Mrs.E., Whitney. Hansford, John, Weymouth. Howard, Francis, Private, Elwin, Lt., R.N., Lymington. Gale, Mr.W.,M.M., Barking. Harrington, Mr.Dennis, Bere 67th Regiment. Elyard, Lt. Col. J. (2)* Gallagher, P., Co. Down. Island, Cork. Howe, R,C'.Od, Ballygerig. Erridge, E., Boatman, Deal. Garrett, Mr. R, Coxswain ' Harrington, Mr. Jas., Brtd- Howell, Mr. J, Port Talbot. Essell, Lient. Wm. F, R.N.- Ramsey Life-boat. lingtonGnay. Howorth, Capt. Wm., R.N. Evans, Mr. D., ?. Gd., Cox- I Gartside- 1 ipping, Lieut. H. ' Harrington, T., C1. G". Hughes, E, Sen, Cwmerran. swain, Poolbeg Life-boat. N. Harris, F., Esq., Inspecting Hughea, G, Pilot, Guernsey. Evans, Police Constable George, Philip, Coxswain of Officer, C1. Gd., Seatteld. Hugiies, Mr. John, Coxswain Henry, Carnarvon. Caister Life-boat. (2) Harrison, Jacob, Shields. of Bull Bay Life-boat. Evans, Capu Thomas. Gerrard, Mr. R. Pilot. Flwt- Hatch, Mr. N. G., 1st Mate Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool. Evans, Mr. J., Fishguard. wood. Ship Berkshire. Hughes, Mr. R, Coxswain, Evans, Lieut. Thomas, K.N. Gilbert, Mr. James, Cox- Hayden, Mr. F., Sundown Moelfre Life-boat. Evans, T., s»n.. New Brigh- swain of the Tynemouth ' Haylett, Mr. J., jun., Cox- Hughes, T, Pilot, Holyhead. ton. (2) [ton. Lite-boat. ! swain of the Caister tiife- Hughes, Mr. W, Fisherman, Kvans. T., Jnn., New Bri*n- (Mlw, Mr. W. M. M.. Pad- boats. Pittenween, N.B. Evans, Wm., New Brighton stow. Hayter, Mr. John, Coxswain Humphreys, Mr.I),Liverpool. Evans, Wm., Pilot, Neath. Glllespie, Andrew, Uunner. of Brooke Life-boat. (4) Hurle, Edwin, Kamsgat*. Evison, Lt. J. C.. R.N., ?. Q". Gilmer, Mr. Wm., Dundalk. Headon. Mr. Richard, Cox- Hurry, Mr. Stephen, M. M. Gilson, Lt. T. A.. R.N., C«. G». swain Clovelly Lite-boat. HUBS, Mr. T, H.M.S. Rtmer. Farmer, David, Hayllng. (iimar, Mr. E., Master of the Heal, J.. Atherfleld. Hntcbinson, Mr. H, C1. Gd. Fan-in, Mr. G., H.M.S. Ajax. French brig Le Norman. Heard, Kich., Esq., C1. G°. Hutchlnson, Henry, Brid- Fell, Mr. Robert, Coxswain Gin, N. FraU9ois, Boulogne. Heath, Mr. Joshua, Coxswain lington. of Hamsey Lite-boat. Gleeson, R. K., Wextord. of the Fowey Life-boat. Hutchison, Lt, Kingstown. Fellowes, Capt. T. H. B., R.N. (Mover, Mr. J., M.M. Har- Heavy, P, Constable, Knock. Hutchison, Lient. W, R.N.* Fernie, Peter, Buckle. wich. Hein, Mr. F. J., M. M. Hyde, James, Scilly. Kesting, Lieut., R.N. Goldring, Mr. W., M.M., Kenin, P., Boulogne-sur-Mer. Hynds, Mr. John, Dnndalk. Festing, Colonel Sir F. W., Hayling. Henn*-ssy( Mr. Lawrence, Hynes, B., C1. Gd., Galway. C.B., K.C.M.G., R.M.A. Goldsmith, John, Life-boat- C'. Gd. (2) Field, Lient. Wm. Geo., R.N. man, Ramsgate. Hennessey, J., Cf. G". lies, The late Mr. John, Field, Mr.W., Milford Haven. Goldsmith, Richard, Life- Henry, Lieut., R.N., ?. G". Scarborough. • Finlay, G., (?. Gd., Lambay. boatman, Ramsgate. Henslow, Lt, K.N..O. Gd. Inkster, Mr. Peter, M. M., Kinlay, William, Montrose. Goldsmith, Stephen, Life- Henwood, T, C". G", Fowey. Shetland. Fisn, Chas. E., Coxswain man, Ramsgate. Herbert, The Hon. Auberon. Ramsgate Life-boai. (3)* Gordon, Mr. John, Second Herrington,B,Southwold (2) James, Lient. Horatio, R.N.* Fish, John, Sonthwold. Coxswain of the Tyrella Hick, Mr. M, Scarborough. James, Lieut. Wm, R.N.* Fisher, A. E., Kamsgale. Life-boat. Hicks, Barnard, Scilly. Japp, Robert, Montrose. Fisher, Mr. S., Horseferry-rd. Goss, Capt. T.. R.N., ?. G«. Hicks, Mr. D., Coxswain St. Jannan, Isaac, late Coxswain Fisher, Mrs., North Ferof . (2)* [ford. David's Life-boat ol Ramsgate Life-boat. (2) Fitjjames, Mr., K.N. (Tough, J., Fisherman, Water- Hicks, Geo, O. Gd, Tyrella. Jeffers, Rich, C1. Gd, Dingle. Fitzpatrlck, J., O. G i. Gould, Lt. Wm., R.N., (X Ga. Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. Jefferson, P, Newbiggin. (2) H'lann. Wm., Portland. Gourlay, James G., St. Higgs, S., jun, Esq., the Jellard, Mr. John, M. M.* Fleming, George, Gorleston. Andrews. late. (2) Jenkins, Mr. J., Coxswain Kletcher, T., C1. Gd, Rosslare. Graham, G., Lt. R.N., C«. Ga. Higgins, W, Second C»x- of the Swansea Life-boat. Flynn, P., C". Gd., Kilrusli. Graham, Capt. Philip, R.N.* swain Penzance|Life-boat. Jenkins,L,Pilot,Port Talbot. Fogg, Mr. James, Fleetwood. Granby, Mr. Charles, M. M. Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jenkins, Mr. W., Fishgnard. Koley, Mr. J., Port Talbot. Grandy, Mr., of the R. C. Hildebrand, H, Esq. (2) Jennings, Mr. Wm, M. M, Foley, Mr., M. M. Harpy. Hill, Mr. J, Coxswain, New- Harwich. Forbes, Mr. A., Peterbead. Grandy, Lient. S., R.N. (2)* castle, Dundrum, Life-boat. Jennings, W, C". Gd, Looe. Foreman, Mr. W., Coxswain Grant, Mr. W., Coxswain of Hill, Mr. W, Mate. Jesse, Commander R, R.N. Broadstairs Life boat. the Margate Life-boat. (2) Hillary, Sir A. Wm, Bart. Jinks, Mr. R, Chief Officer of Formby, Joseph, Formby. Graves, Mr. J., M. M., Car- Hillary, Sir Wm, Bt (4)*"* Coast Guard, Cardigan. Forward, Mr. T. R., Cem- lisle. Hills, W, late Coxswain of Joachim, Capt, H.N. (4) rnander R. C. Sylvia." Gray, A., C1. G*., Fort George. the Padstow Life-b»at. (2) Jobson, Lt. C,R.N. (2)*« Foster, J., C . Gd., Aldboro'. Gray, D., ?. G*., Kllmore. Hipplewhite, Mr. T, M. M. John, Mr. W, Breaksea. Found, Mr. W., M.M.' Gray, Mr. Geo. Bridlington. Hodds, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Johns, Mr.Rlch,Mevagissey Powell, John, Seaman. Gray, Mr.J.,M.M.,Peterhead. of Winterton Life-boat. Johns, Rich., Seaman, Fowey. Fowler, Mr. James, M. M. Gray, E. W. I)., Esq., Dublin. Hodge, Mr. Rebert, Clovelly. Johns, R. O, Coxswain of the Fox, Mr. John, Fleetwood. Gregory, J., X Gd, St. An- Hodgson, J, Sunderland. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Foy, Thomas, Rossglass. drew's. Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M, ship Johns, Mr. W, M. M. lrankish,T. H., Bridlington. Grey, George, Hartlep«ol. Pkenomene* Johnson, Admiral W. W. Franklin, L;, E., R.N., Hove. Griffith, David, Beanmaris.; Hegben, J, late Coxswain of P, the late.* Franklin, Mr. J. H., Seaton Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. Ramsgate Life-boat. Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth. Carew. [Carew. Griffiths, Mr. B., M.M, Port- Hogg, Mr. William, C4. Gd. Johnston, Mr. B, M. M. Franklin, Mr. M., Seaton madoc. Holborn, S, Broadstairs. Jones, Capt.C.Gray3.N., the l|Vranklyn, Lieut. G.. RJJ. Griffiths, G., Pilot, Anglesey. Holland, Lieut. John, R.N. late. (2) Kreeman, Mr. H., Coxswain Griffiths, T., O.G"i, Mulbay. Holman, Lieut. T, R.N. Jones, Mr, C . 0", Wicklow. Whitby Life-boat. (2) Gruer, Wm., C". Gd. Holmes, Lance-Corpl., Rifle Jones, Mr, C1. Gd, Swords. Freeman, James, Helston. Guy, Mr. Philip, Bidelord. Brigade. Jones, Mr. E, M. M. Freeman, John, Seaman. Hood, Hy, late Coxswain of Jones, Mr. E, Coxswain of Freemantle, 'Capt. C. W., Hall, Mr. G. E., Lowestoft. the Seaton Carew Lifeboat. the Holybead Life-boat. (2) R.N.* Halse, Mr. R., O. Gd. Hood, Mr. W, Seaton Carew. Jones, George, Boatman. Freeney, John, KUliney. Hamilton, Mr. B., Coxswain Hook, R,Coxswain of Lowes- Jones, John, Merllyn. French, Mr. Charles, C1. G". of the Black Rock Life-boat. toft Life-boat. (2) Jones, Henry, Penzance. J IST MAT, 1891] GOLD AND SLLVEB MEDALS. 625 Jones, J., PUot, Portbonrt. Legerton, Mr. Robert, Cox- McNamee, P., ?. ««., Dun- Mulligan, James, Sligo. Jones, Owen, Anglesey. swain of Clactor. Life-boat. man us. Murdoch, Mr. Peter, Glen- Jones, Lt. E.. E.N., ?. G" (S) MoNaughten, Neil, C . Q*. dHsbafc, Ayrshire. (3)*» Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath. McPhillips, Patrick, Ser- ' Murphy, "M- Adam, Cox- Jones, Mr. E., Assist. Cox Leggett, Edw., Gunner. geant, R.I.C. swain of I'yrella Lile-boat. of the Holyhead Life-boat. Leigh, Lt. T., E.N., ?. G". Mctjueen, Alex., Seaman. Murphy, James C«. Gd, St. Jones, Mr. Thos., Holy head. (3)** Maddick, Mr. H., M. M, Ives, Cornwall (2). Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Port Leslie, Mr. J., M. M., Stone- Manby, Capt. G. W.* Murphy, Mr. Michael, O.G4., talbot. haven, N.B. Manifold, Mr. W., Assistant Coxswain of New Romney Jones, Mr. T.,M. M., Cardiff Lett,Lt. S. J., B.N.,C«.Gd.* Coxsw. Arklow IJfe-boat. j Life-boat. ' Joy, Mr. George, M. M.* Levett, Mr. N., late Coxswain Mann, Lieut., R.N., (?. G«. Murray, A., O. G"., Elie. Juniper, Wm., Mnndesley. of the St. Ives Life-boat. Mariole, J. B., French Pilot. ) Lewis, K.,S«iman, Barmouth. Mark, Wm., ?. Gd., Dingle. Nelson, Mr. W.,B.N.,C«. G«. ! Kavanagh. Mr. P., Coxswain ' of the Arklow Life-boat. Lewis, Mr. G., O. Gd., New- port, Pembroke. Markweil, George, Holy Island. Nepean, Capt. St. Vincent, j R.N. | Kavanagh, Mr. P., Coxswain . of the Carnsore Life-boat.

; /2 Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich.

Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dund&lk.

Lewis, W., Seaman, (3) Marsh, Capt. D., K.N.,Ct.Gd.* MarAhall.Gapt.J., Bidefonl.

Marshall, Mr. John, Jun., Newnham, Lt.N:,B.N.,Ct.Gd.

Newsom, Mr, W., M.. St., ( Harwich. Koine, Mr. Bichd. 8.O.

C*. Gd., Helen's Bay. Lewis, W., Aberystwlth.

Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey. Second Coxswain of the Seaham Life-boat. j Nicnol, Mr. J., M. M., Mon- trose. Kearon, Capt. Enw., Arklow.

Kellaud, Mr. Wm. B., Trinity Pilot, Dartmouth.

1 Kelly, Lieut. E.. K.N.

Kelly, Mr. Geo. Edwd.

Kelly, J. M., Appledore.

Keadall, W., O. G".

Kennedy, inspecting-Lt. A., j R.N ., C.G". Ballyheige. (2) Kennedy, B., (?. Gd.

Kennedy, Mr. H., Belfast.


Kennedy, Master J., Belfast.

Kfnt 1W» SVtmlr f O C't Lifferi.ThOTOto, Liowestoft.

Likely, Henry, Limerick.

LUiAket, Mr. Hiram, New Brighton.

Lindsay, Llent. A. J., R.A.

Lindsay, Llent. Jas., R.N.* Lingard, Lieut. J, E.N., Whitby.* Litbaby, P., C1. Gd. Boatman.

Llewellyn, Mr. David, (?.Gd.

Llewellyn, M., Fisbgnard.

Llewellyn, Martha, ditto.

Lloyd, 0., O G*, Lulworth.

Lloyd, Lt. S., E.N., O. G*.* Martin, Mr. Chas., C1. «d., St. Ives, Cornwall.

Mason, J., X Gd., Elie.

Matthews, Mr. Edwin, Cox- swain of Lizard Lite-boats.

Matthews. Lu K. B., R.JN.- May.Mr. A.C., li.M.S. Hover.

May.W. R..Ci.Ga., Boscastle.

Meader, Henry, Lite-boat- man, Ramsgate.

Mearns, Mr. R., jun,, M. M,, Montrose.

Mearns, Wm., Coxswain ol Montrose No. 1 Life-boat. Nicholas, Matt., Coxswain of the Sennen Cove Life-boat.

Nicholson, M., Knock.

1 .Vicolle, Mr. Philip, Jersey.

! Niles, Mr. Wm.. Coxswain • of Cardigan Life-boat.

j Norcoctc, Capt. G. L., R.S.

; Norris, Benj., Boatman, Deal.

I Norris, Mr. James, M. M.

Norris, Martin, R.N.R.

Norsworthy, Mr. William, C.O. C G"., Carnarvon. (2) Nott, Capi. E. B., B.N. (») a.eni, jxir. jrauK, t .u. j*, Gd., Sandwich. Lose, Mr. John, C. O.,f . G". Mearns, Wm. Jan., Coxswain ffNeil, Patrick, Scilly. Kerley, T., (?. Gd., Penzance.

Kerr, E. C. Esq., Kamsey.

Kerrnish, Mr. John, O. O .

Kldd, D., Fisherman, Dundee.

Kinch, H., Newcastle. Swanage.

Loucbet, L. P. A. B., AntMe.

Longbor, Bees, Monknash.

Love, Private Robert, 63rd Begiment. Montrose No. 2 Life-boat.

Metcalfe, Jas., Hartlepool.

Metherell, Lt. R. B., B.N., C«. Gd.« Mewse, A., Swttman, Lowes- Orr, Mr, Bobt., Irvine, N.B.

O'Shaughnessy, Miss Nora.

O'Sallivan, Mr. M., Bere.

O'SnUlvan, D., (?. Gd.

Owen, Richard, Anglesey. King, Lt. S., E.N., Southend.

King, Mr. T., M.M., Harwich.

Kisbec Com Tlios B N Lovell, Patrick, Belmullett.

Lucas, Mr. James, Coxswain Lydd Life-boat. toft.

Middleton, John, Deal.

Milburn, John, Shields. Owen, Capt. Wm., Holyhead.

Owen, Mr. William, M. M.* Owen, Mr. William, Pilot. 1 Knight, Mr. Charles, Mate, Lndlow, Mr. I., Master of the American ship, Xmmavth* MUburn, Wnj., Isle of Man.

Miller, J., 0. Gd., Devonport. Owston, Mr. John, Coxswain of the Scarborough Life- j Knight, J. T., C . Gd.

[ Kyle, Geo., Assist. Coxswain Holy Island Life-boat.

Kyle, Matthew, Coxswain Holy Island Life-boat. Lusk, Mr. A., Baeberry, N.B.

Lyons, Lieut. Wm., R.N. (2) Macalister, Mr. Bobt., Wick.

Mocdonald, George, C*. Gd. Miller, W., Bamsgate.

Milligan, Mr. G., Yarmouth.

Mills, C., C . Gd., Clifden.

Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal.

Mitchel, J., PUot, Guernsey.

Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (2) boat.

Page, Mr A., Master, Rams- gate Steamer Vulcan. (2) Palmer, G., Esq., M.P. (2)** Parker, Mr. Edwin, (?. G«., Mothecombe, Mackay, Mr. James. Mittin, Philip, Wexford. Parker, Mr. J., Flamboro'. I Uke, Mr. A., Chief Officer of Msckell, Mr. Patrick, C*. G". Moar, Mrs., Burra Nese. Parker, Mr. Wm., M.M. ; C". 61, Wick, N.B. Mackintosh, Mr. Alex., M.M. Monger, Mr. Thomas, Cox- Parrott, Mr. B., ?. Gd., Lambert, John, Harwich. MacMabon, Capt. H., M.M., swain of Tenby Life-boat. Tenby. (2) Lambeth, Benj., Harwich. East Clare Militia. Moody, Samuel, Skegness. Parry, Lieut., B.N.* Landells, Mr. Tho8., Mttford. Macnamara. Lt. T., E.N., Moody, Samnel, Coxswain of Parry, Mr. Henry, Anglesey. Lane, Lt., R.N., Dartmouth. C*. G .» Skegness Life-boat. (2) Parry, Mr. B., M. M., Pon- L&ngau, Mr. Michael, First Mann, W., Assistant Cox- Moore, Gunner Jas., Coast madoc. Officer of Steamer Prmxa swain Aldeburgh Life- Brigade, Royal Artillery. Parsons, Lieut. Bich., H.M. Alexandra. boat. Moreno, Mr., Master of the 35th Eegiment. Langton, Lieut. T. W., B.N., McAllister, William, Port- Austrian Barque Eva. Parsons, Lieut. Thos., R.N. P. G*. rut h. Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. Parsons, Lt.W., R.N.,f .G4. La Primaudaye, Clement, McArdle, Thomas, Dnndalk. Morgan, Lt. R., R.N., (X Gd. Partridge, Capt. W. L., B.N. Commander B.N. McCarthy, J., X Gd. Morgan, Mr. T., B.C., Stffrlc. Pascoe, Peter, Porthleven. Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- McCarthy, Jag., C". G". Morris, Mr. John, Anglesey. Patton, David, Portrush. ner, E.A. McCombie, Mr. T., Steamer Morris, Capt. J.Bow, B.N.* Paul, Thos., C1. Gd., Bude. Larkin, Thomas, Seaman. Princess Alexandra. Morris, R., Seaman, Holyhead. Payne, Mr. John, C. O., Lavington, Lt. Thos., R.N. MeCulloch, K., X G". (2) Morris, Mr. W. E., Port O. G4., Skerries. Lawrence, Mr. James, Cox- McDonald, Mr. Wm., Irvine. Madoc. Paynter, Capt Bichard. swain of Selsey Life-boat. McGenis,(J., barque Albany. Morrison, Lt., R.N., C1. G«. Peake, James, Esq., H.M. Lazoix, Lieut, of the French McGladery, Lt. J., R.N. Morrison, Mr. Silvester, C*. Dockyard, Devonport.* Marine at Dieppe. McKenzie, J., C«.Gd., Walway. G1., Sennen Cove. Peake, Admiral T. L. « Least, Mr. Robert, Jan., Ire- McKinnon, Mr. J., M. M., Morrison, W., Ballywalter. Pearce, Rich., Esq., Penzance. land, near Stromness. Greenock. Mortley, Mr., C . Ga., Pad- Pearse, Jas., Pilot, Porthcawl. Lee, Mr. Charles, Coxswain McKinstry, John, Ferry- stow, Pearse, T., Pilot, Porthcawl. Worthing Life-boat. man, Magee. Hoss, J., Boatman, Warmer. Peart, John, Montrose. Leese, Charles, Gunner, B.A. McMillan, J., Kantyre. Mudd, Wm., Harwich. Pedder, Lt. W., E.N., O, G«. 626 THE LIFE-BOAT. [!ST MAY, 1894. Peebles, Mr. John, Irvine. Riach, Wm., Buckle. Scarlett, R., Harwich. Strowger, Mr. G., Coxswain, Peebles, Mr.T.,M.M., Irvine. Richards, Mr. E., M. M. Schofleld, Mr. Wm., Cox- Kessingland Life-boat. Pelrson, S. H., C". G". Richards, Henry, Penzance. swain of Olacton Life-boat. Stuart, Lt. J., R.N., C'. G«. Penney, Robert, Ramsgate , Richards, James, Penzance.

Life-boatman. ! Richards, Mr. T., M. M. Scott. Major Henry, Dover. Stuart, Lt. T., R.N., CXGa. (2) Scott, Mr. G. R., BeeOaven. j Stubbs, C., Seaman. Pepper, J.jC'.Q4., Lymington. ! Richardson, Mr. A., M. M. Scott, Mr. J., M. M. Stubbs, H., Atberfield. Perkins, Jaa., (X Ga., Bnde. Richardson, W., Esq., Cole- Selly, W. H., X G ., Pen- Stugglns, Mr. W., Sec. Cox. Perrlng, Fredk., Polkerris. ralne. zauoe. (2) Telgnmonth Life-boat. P.'rrott, Sir Edward G. L., Ridge, Capt. G. A. E., R.N. Sergeant, Lt. J., R.N., CX (la. Sullivan, J., Newhaven. Bart.* Ridge, Mr. J., Mate of R.C. Sewell, H.H.F., R.N., CXGa.* Sullivan, Wm. C. L., Esq. Perry, Frank, Weymonth. Kite. [with. Sewell. Master John, Belfast. Sumner, Mr. R., Formby.* Pestell, Mr. Walter, Cox- Ridge, Mr. J., CX G*.. Cadg- Shanahan, Mr. Michael. Bere. Superville, Mr., M. M., Bor- swain of the Palling Life- Rimmer, Mr. Thos., Cox- Shankey, R., X Ga. (2) deaux. boats, swain St. Anne's Life-boat. Shannon, P., X Ga., Kilrnsh. Surry, W., Penzance. Petrie, Ellen, Shetland. ! Rioch, R., (?. Ga, Collleston. Siharrock, J. P., C1 Ga., Bos- Sutcllffe, Tbos., Sergeant, Phillips.J.,Newcastle,Irelnd. ! Ritchie, Mr., Sanda. castle. R.I.C. [sars. Picard, Mr. P., French M. M. : Rivers. T., C'. Ga., Lydd. Shaw, Lt. C., R.N., X Ga. SutclitFe, Private, 21st Hus- Pilcher, Mr. Stephen, Cox- : Roberts. David, Colwyn Bay. Shea, D., Coxswain of the Sutherland,D.,C'.Ga. swain Tramore Life-boat. Roberta, Mr. John, Clogwyn. Padstow Life-boat. (3) Sutler, Mr. J., M. M. Pillar, W., Gunner, H.M.S. Roberts, Mr. John, Cefn Coch. Shea, D., (X Ga., Porthcawl. Sutton, Mr. C., Port Talbot. Eagle. Roberts, John, Caellun. Shleldon, Eobt., Redcar. Swarbrick, Mr. W., MrM. Pincomb, T., Pilot, Exmouth. Roberts, 0., Pilot, Anglesey. Simpson, Mr. Jas., late Mate Symmes, Lt. H. A. S., R.N. Pitt, E., (X G 1., Atherfield. Roberts, Mr. R., Carnarvon. of Ramsgate H. Steamtugs. ?. Ga.* Pomeroy, H., (X Ga. Roberts, Mr. R., Assistant Sims, J. C1. Gd., Dnngeness. Synge,TheRev.A.,Balbrlggan Porter, William, Seaman. Cox. Llanddulas Life-boat. Sims, Lt. And., R.N. (2) Potter, Mr. W., Coxswain Roberts, Mr. R., Assistant Sinclair, Mr. B., Thurso, N.B. Tait, Grace, Shetland. Cahore Life-boat. Cox. North Deal Life-boat. Sinnott, R., C'. Ga., Mullagh- Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P. Pounder, Mr. Thos., Hartle- Roberts, Mr. Robert, Cox- more. Taylor, J., C1. G"., Dundrnm. pool. swain of Pemnon Life- Smallridge, Mr. J. H., Cox- Taylor, Mr. W., C. 0., (X G ., Powell, Mr. John, M. M. boat. (2) swain Brannton Life-boat. Dunny Cove. (3) [ney. Pratt, Lt. Jas., R.N., (X Ga. Roberts, Mr. T., Coxswain CO Taylor, W. H., New Rom- Prattent, Lieut. John, R.N.* Holyhead Life-boat (2). Smlth.F., Boatman, Lowestoft. Ted, Mr. W., late Coxswain Preston, Mr., (X Ga., Newton. Robertson, Lt. J. H. M., R.N. Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloucester. Plymouth Life-boat. Preston, W. M. Esq., Beau- Robertson, Lieut. R., R.N.» Smith, J., Shields. Tegg, Mr.T., M.M., Cornwall. marls. (2) Robertson-Macdonald. Vice- Smith, Mr. J., Thnrso. Terrett, T., Constable, Knock. Prewel, R., (X G"., Kilrush. Admiral D. Smith, Mr. Owen, Bideford. Thomas,J., XGd., Atherfleld. Price, Thos., Beanmaris. Robins, Mr. J. Gnnn, (X Ga. Smith, Peter, (X Ga., Lydd. Thomas, J., C*. Ga., Rocken, Pride, C., CX Ga.,Christchurch . Robins, Edwin, Polkerris. Smith, T., X Ga., Ballina. Isle of Wight. Pringle, Mr. T., Coxswain of Robins, William, Polkerris. Smith, Wm., Bombardier, Thomas, R. J., Coxswain of the North Snnderland Robinson, Lieut., R.N. R.A. New Brighton Life-boat. Life-boat. Robinson, Mr. J., Aberdeen. Smith, Mr. W., Aldborough. Thompson, D., Thurso, N.B. i Prior, Mr. George, C. 0., Robinson, T., Whltby. Smyth, H., (X Ga., Kilmore. Thompson, Mr. G., Annalong. C'. G"i., Ballywalter. Rockcliffe, W., Southport. Snell, Lt. G., R.N., CX Ga.» Thompson, Mr. R. Klrkpat- Prior, Lt. T. H., R.N., (X Ga. Roderick, E., X Gd., Dun- Somerville, Lt.J.,R.N., XG 1. rick, C. 0., (X Ga. (3)* Prosser, Mr. H., (X G'. manus. (2)* Thompson, Mr. R., Sunder- Purdy. H., X Oa, Tyrella. Roderick, J.S., Esq., Ardmore. Southey, Lt., R.N., C«. Ga. land. Purvis. Mr. Kichard, Brid- Rodgers, J., Royal Charter.* Spark, Mr. A., M. M. Thompson, W., Apprentice, lington. Roe,R.,Esq., J.P., Lynroouth. Spindler, Mr. H., Coxswain Smack Ruby of Hull. Puxley, H., Esq., Dunboy. Rose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Thorpe Life-boat. Thorp, Mr. T., Newcastle. Pym. Lt.R.E., B,N.,Whltby* Ross, R., (X G"., Curracloe. Spraggs, J., Seaman, Hayllng Tlndall, Mr. Smith, M. M., Ross, R., (X Ga., Dunmore. Stables, R., Holyhead. Scarborough. Quadling, Mr.B. E., C'.Ga.(2)* Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., R.N * Standing, Edward, New Tindall, The late W., Esq. Quayle, Capt. E. (2) Rossiter, T., Wexford. Romney. [wold. Toole, Capt. W., Cnrracloe. ; Qnlgtey, Mr. W. T., (X Ga. Rothery, Lieut. J., R.N. Stannard.Mr.V.. M.M.. Soutb- Toomey, J., Kingstown. Quirke, fl.. Esq., Douglas. Rowe, W., IX Ga., Dingle. Stap, Mr. K., U. u«., Dnnbar. Torrens, Capt. John A. W. Rowe, W., Scllly. Stark, Lt. P., R.N., C'.Ga. (2)* O'N., Royal Scots Greys.* Rae, Wm., Whitburn. Rowe, W., Seaman, Helston. Starke, Mr. J., C . Ga. Trse, Mr. Geo., Coxswain of Randall, Lt. H., R.N.. CX Ga.. Rowlands, Mr. T., M. M., Starr, Capt. L. G. Runswick Life-boat. (2)** Newport, Pembroke. Steane, Lt. J., R.N., Rye.* Town, J., (X Gd., Folkestone. j Randle, Mr. J., Bristol. Rowlands, Mr.W., Coxswain, Steel, Mr. C., C'. Ga.* (2) Rawstone, Lt., R.N., (X G". Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Steele, John, Esq., Ayr. Town, J., C«. Ga., Castle- Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby. Ruddock, J., Boatman, Filey. Stephens, A., Tramore. gregory. Raye, Lieut. H. R., R. M. Russell, R., Esq., J.P. Stephenson, Mr. B., Coxswain Tredwen, Mr. R., Padstow. Read, Lieut. J., R.N., C'. G". Rutter, Mr. J., Scarborough. of the Boulmer Life-boat. Tregldgo, Mr.W. H.,(X Ga., Reade. W. M., Esq., Tramore. Rymer, Lt. ! ., R.N., (X Ga.* Stevens, Henry, Gunner R.A. Newquay. (3) Reading, Mr. Daniel. Master Stewart, W.jC'.G11., Ardmore. Trent, J., Atherfleld. • of Ramsgate Har. stm. tugs. Sadler, A., Ct. Ga. Stokes, Mr. R., late Cox- Tresillan, Mr. R. Redford, J., Cullercoats. Salmon, C., Gorleston. swain of Poole Life-boat. Trevaskis, Mr. E., Coxswain Rees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. Salter, P., Brixton, I.W. Storr, J., Whitby. of the Hayle Life-boat. (2) Rees, Mr. T. M., St David's. Sanderson, Lieut. J. P., R.N., Stone, J., C1. Ga., Bosoastle. Triphook, Mr. R., R. C. Rees, Mr. W., Fishguard. XGa., Bridge of Don. Stout, Mr. B., Coxswain Hamilton, Dumworldly. Reeve, Mr. J., Swansea. Sands,Mr.R.,M.M., Bahamas. Longhope Lite-boat. Trott, T., Boatman, Deal. Regan, D., O. G*., Kilmore. Sarony, Mr. O., Scarborough. Stragnell, U., R.N. Tnckfleld, Mr. T., Bideford. Keilly, Patrick, Private, Sauvage, Mr., French Fish- Strahan, Mr. H., Pilot. Tndor,Capt.J.,R.N.,WIck.(2) A.S.C. ing-boat IsabeUe. Strains, Mr. J., (X Ga. Tully, W., Newcastle. Renowden, J., (X G*., Dingle. Sawtell, Mr. Edwin, (X Ga. Streader, Mr. W. T., H.M. Tnmbnll, R., Fisherman, Revell, Edw., Seaman, Rams- Scanlan, Maurice, ?. Ga., Customs, Shoreham. Dunbar. gate Steamer Vulcan. Belderig. ! Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M. Turner. Lt. C., R.N. IST MAY, 1894.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 627 Turner, Mr. Ju.,C.Q.C'.Gi., Walsh, Mr. Martin, M. M.* Wheeler, C., Atherfield. Williamson, Mr. R., M.M. (21 Leysdown, Kent, [combe. Ward, J., R. C. Sylvia. Wheel, r, J., ditto. (2) Williamson, Robert, Thurso. Turpln, Mr. J.. C«. ««., Sal- Ward, Vice-Admiral J. R.* Wheeler, R., ditto. Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick. Tutt, E., (?. Ga., Uunmanus. (2) Wheelf r, W., Pilot. Wilson,J.,Pilot, St. Andrew's. Tnvache. Mr. M. M. French. Warder, D. T., ?. G*. White, Jas., Coxswain of the Wilson, Mr. J., M.M. Tyrrell, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Warford, Mr. G., Coxswain Fishguard Life-boat (3) Wllaon, Ralph, Holy Island. of Harwich Life-rxat. Pakefield No. 1 Life-boat. White, John, Coxswain nf Wilson, T., Esq., M.P.» | Warn, W., sen., Atherfleld. Howth Life-boat. Wilson.T., Pilot, Holylslaad. Drell, Mr. J., C. 0., C*. G". Warn, W.Jun., ditto. White, Joseph, Portland. Wllson.W.,Pilot,HolyIsland . Osher. Mr. J.. Bridlington. Warren, Lt. C. D., R.N. White, J. Kearney, Esq., Wlshart, J.. Wick, N.B. Csber, Mr. John, Bridlington. j Wasey.Capl. E. F.N.K., R.N. O. G". (1) Wood, Mr. T. L., ?. Gd. (2) (3) Whitley, Mr. Eli&s, Jersey. Woodgate, Mr. James, Cox- Van Honten, Mr. W., Rotter- Waters, Wm., Southwold. Whyle, Mrs.. Aberdonr. swain Dover Life-boat. (2) dam. (2) Watson, T. J., Ramsgate. Wilds, Mr. Robert, Coxswain Woods, Mr. E. W., Coxswaiu Varley, Ibis., Marsden. Watt, A., Montrose. of the Deal Life-boat. (2) Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat. Verion,Chs».. Life-boatman, Watt, Capt. F., Portrush. Wilkie, Mr. C., M. M. Woodham, Lt., R.N., Banff. Ramsgate. [field.* Watts, Mr. Charles, M. M. Wilkinson, Geo., Fleetwocd. Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Vicary, Lt. W., R.N., Ather- Watts, Mr. William, M. M. Wtllcox, J., (?. G*., Lydd. Ramsgate Su-amer Vulcan. Vondy, I.t Isle of Man. (3) Watts. Llent. W. S.. R.N.* Williams, Mr. D., Aber- Wordley, S., Harwich. Wangh, E., (?. G'. dovey. Wright, John, Seaman. Waddy, Dr., Chnrchtown. Webb, Edwin, C«. 6'. Williams, Mr. H., Coxswain Wright, Mr. J., M. M. Wade, Mr., M. M., Padstow. Webb, Mr Wm.. Coxswain of Kingstown Life-boat. Wright, Mr. Robert, Cox- Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, of Padstow Life-boat. Williams, Hngh, Penmaen. swain of Fleetwood Life- Mid. H.M.S. Ftrrater. Wehlin. J., C . )".. Tramore. Williams, Rev. J.,Anglesey.- boat. Wales, G.. BroaitBtalrs. Webster. Mr J.. Coxswain WilIiams,Mr.J., Bldelord. (2) Wyatt.G., Seaman, Harwich. Wales, J., Broadstairs. Marypurt Life-boat. Williama, Mr. J., Swansea. Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., O. K Walker, Lieut., R.N. Wedge, W.,C'.G*.,Salcombr. Williams, Owen, Cemlyn. Wyrill, H., Boatman, Scar- Walker, Mr. J., Briijg. Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman. Williams, Rev. O. Lloyd. (2) boro*. Walker, Mr. W. Lewis. Heaii- Weldrakft, E., Spurn Point. Williams, Mr.J.M., Padstow. tnaris. (2) WelBh. Mr. M.. M. M. Williams. Mr. J. O., C. O Yare, Richd., Stoker, Rams- Wallace, Mr. J., M. M. West, Mr. Wm., C1 G". Ot. G«.. Holyhead (21. gate Steamer Vulcan. Wallace, Mr. William. 1 Westbruok, Lieut., R.N. Williams. William, Grocer, Young,A.,Ct.G'i.,Shorehani Wallace, Mrs. William. Wharrier, Mr. William. Kn- Llandoulas. Yonng, A . H., ?. Gd., Blatcb • Walsh, J., Esq.,' Lloyd's gineer of Ramsgate Har- Williams, William, Quarry- ington. Agent, Dublin. bour Steam-tug. (3) man, Llanddulas. YOOIIK, Lt. T.. R.N., ?. Q"..