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Life-Boat Services In 1893

Lives saved.

Cairns, brlgantine, of Kowey—assisted to save vessel and 7 Alexandra, barque, of Frederik- stad—assisted to save vessel.

Alpha, brig, of Ilernosand—as- sisted to save vessel.

Alpha, barque, of Moss—assisted to save vessel.

Althea, barque, of Grimstad 10 Anna, barque, of Copenhagen ... 10 Annie, schooner, of Lancaster ... 3 Arbroath fishing boats—rendered assistance.

Auricula, s.s., of Sunderland— remained by vessel.

Bantam, lugger, of Hastings 4 Bessie Jane, gig 4 Boy Philip, gig 4 Branch, schooner, of Dartmouth 5 Brothers, yawl, rendered assis- tance.

Broughty Castle, schooner, of Londonderry—saved vessel.

Cabenda, s.s., of London—ren- dered assistance.

Cameroon, B.S., of Glasgow— landed 19 passengers Canterbury Sett, ketch, of Ply- mouth—rendered assistance.

Carula, brig, of Wyborg 6 Ceres, ketch, of Bade 3 Cerigo, s.s., of Li erpooi—ren- dered assistance.

Conquest, schooner, of Padstow— rendered assistance.

Cullercoats fishing cobles—ren- dered assistance, Gullercoats fishing cobles—saved l boat and 4 Cymbeline, schooner, of London, remained by vi-ssel.

Daniel, emack, of Bangor,—re- mained by vessel.

Dauntless, lugger, of Gourdon— remained by vessel.

Dayspring, ketch, of Hull—as- sisted to save vessel and 3 Dundee, pilot cutter, No. 2 7 Eivion, barque, of Carnarvon— rendered assistance.

Elizabtth, cutter, of Tenby 4 Elphinstone, barque, of Chris- tiania 14 Energy, dandy, of Grimsby 7 Excel, ketch, of Goole 3 Favorite, ketch, of Mil ford, boat of 1 Fox, pilot cutter, of Hull—assis- ted to save vessel and 8 frank, ketch, of Grimsby 7 Gannet, s.s., of North Shields ... 7 Qlendarroch, g.s., of London 17 Guiling Star, schooner, of Run- corn 4 Gustav Bitter, s.s., of Newcastle- on-Tyne 12 HakonJarl, barque, of Arendal, assisted to save vessel and 10 Lives saved.

Harold Haarfager, barque 11 Harry Sinclair, smack, of Grimsby 6 Helsingor, s.s.,of Elsinore—land- ed crew, 18 from a light vessel.

Helvetia, steamer, of Liverpool... 2 Henry Harvey, brigantine, of Hayle 8 Hiram, dandy, of Lowestoft— assisted to save vessel and 5 Horsa, ship, of Liverpool 3 Industry, schooner, of Belfast- remained by vessel.

J. D. Gough, barque, of Roches- ter—saved vessel and 2 Jane Douglas, schooner, of Glou- cester 5 Jane and Ellen, schooner, of Whitby 2 Jean McCrae, schooner, of Ar- drossan 4 Jestie, sloop, of Truro—saved vessel and 2 Johanne Marie, barque, of Chris- tiania 7 Kate and Hannah, brig, of Malmo 7 Lapwing, schooner, of Arklow— rendered assistance.

Lizzie Lee, brigantine, of Goole— rendered assistance and subse- quently saved crew 5 Lyra, coble, of Newbiggin— saved vessel and 3 Macrae, s.s., of Glasgow—assis- ted to save vessel.

Maria Farleigh, schooner, of Fowey—saved vessel and 4 Marie, schooner, of Lynn 5 Marie Kerstine, schooner, of Glas- gow—saved vessel and 3 Marion, s.s, of Bristol—landed crew, 6.

Martha BrocJcJeman, barque— saved a dog.

Mary, lugger, of Johnshana—ren- dered assistance.

Masher, lugger, of Banff—ren- dered assistance.

M. A. Walker, dandy, of Grimsby 5 Minerva, schooner, of Goole—ren- dered assistance, Mon Ami, fishing boat -rendered assistance.

Moses Parry, schooner, of Car- narvon—rendered assistance.

Moss Rose, steamer, of Liverpool —remained by vessel.

Mystery, dandy, of Harwich—as- sisted to save vessel and 4 Naar Myn Genoegen, cutter, of Ostend, boat of 4 Newbiggin fishing boats—ren- dered assistance.

Nora, schooner, of Mandal—saved vessel and 7 Not Forgot, schooner, of Chester 3 Odd, s.s., of Bergen, remained by vessel.

Lives aaveJ.

Overstrand trawler 6 Ptntlech, boat of—saved boat and 4 Prosperity, smack, of Carnarvon —remained by vessel.

Rayner, steamer — assisted to save vessel and 17 Rebecca, schooner - 4 Rockcliff, s.s., of West Hartie- pool—rendered assistance.

Romulus, brig, of Dover 6 Rowan, S.B., of Glasgow 17 Runton, trawler 3 St. Louis, brig, of Fecamp—as- sisted to save 6 lives.

St. Olof, barque, of Mariehamn— assisted to t ive vessel and 12 Sarah, schooner, of Fowey—as- Bistfd to save vessel and 5 Sarah Elizabeth, schooner, of Chester 5 Sir Wilfrid Lawson, smack, of Grimsby 7 Staithes fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

Ditto, saved boat and 3 Stephen and Saraht fishing boat, of Ramsgate 2 Stromness fishing boats — ren- dered assistance.

Sultana Reina, brigantine, of Liverpool 6 Talacr-*, schooner, of Beaumaria 2 Theda, schooner, of Carnarvon ... 8 Useful, fishing boat, of Kirkcaldy 6 Valentia, s.s., of Greenock 3 ranadis, barque, of Cimbrishamn —saved 16 persons from a light vessel.

Venscapen, Russian barque 14 Warrenspoint, B.S., of Newry .. 8 W. D. Potts, schooner, of Carnar- von—assisted to save vessel and 6 Whitby fishing cobles—saved 2 boats and 6 Willie, yawl, rendered as-istanc .

Youghal open boat—saved boat and 5 Young, John, lucrger, of St. Ives —rendered assistance.

Zephyr, ketch, of Boston—as- s sted to save vessel and 3 Total lives saved by Life- boats in 1893, in addition to 28 vessels 428 During the same period the Institution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and ot-hpr boats 170 Total Number 1893 598 Total of Lives saved from the establishment of the Institution in 1824 to 31st December, 1893 37,855.