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The Schooner-Rigged S.S. Cerigo (2)


—At about 2.45 on the morning of the 2nd September, signal guns and rockets were fired by the East Goodwin Light-vessel. Signals were also fired by the South Sand Head Light-ship and by a vessel on the Goodwin Sands. The Life-boat Civil Service No. 4, stationed at Walmer; the North Deal Life-boat, Mary Somerville, and the Life-boat Charles Hargrave, of Kingsdowne, were launched in response to these signals and found the schooner-rigged s.s. Cerigo, of Liverpool, bound from Gaza for Grimsby, with a cargo of barley, stranded on the Southeastern part of the Goodwins. A moderate to strong breeze was then blowing, the weather was thick and at times a heavy sea broke upon the Bands. The services of the crews of the three Lifeboats were engaged by the master of the vessel to throw overboard some of the cargo, in order to lighten his ship, and to lay out a kedge anchor and warp. When the tide had risen sufficiently, the Dover harbour tug, which had also been employed, attached her hawser and after towing for some time the vessel was got clear of the sands and was able to resume her journey. The Life-boats regained their stations at about 4 P.M..