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Lines on a Gallant Rescue By a Shore-Boat

HALF a league, half a league, Half a league seaward, In a wild storm of death Sail'd the five heroes.

Onward, the Quay Brigade! Straight for the wreck they made: In a wild storm of Death Sail'd the five heroes.


Onward the Quay Brigade! Was there a man dismayed? Scorned was the danger near, Loud the surf thunder'd: Theirs not to reason why, Theirs with a trust on high, Theirs but to save or die: Through hungry seas of Death, By their prow sunder'd.


White seas to right of them, White seas to left of them, White seas in front of them, Broken and sunder'd; Whilst the rain frozen fell, Boldly they sped and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell, Through surf that thunder'd.

* The gallant services rendered at the wreck of the Victoria, of£ Bridlington Quay, on the 19th November, for which Silver Medals and other rewards were granted by the Institution, will be found recorded on p. 564.


Plash'd the sad signal flare, Plash'd as it spread its glare, Showing the sailors there Awaiting stern death, while All on shore wonder'd: On deck the heroes spring, Tidings of Hope they bring, And the despairing men Into the boat they swing, Frozen and hunger'd.

Then they sail'd back, through surf, Surf as it thunder'd.


White seas to right of them, White seas to left of them, White seas behind them, Broken and sunder'd; Whilst the rain frozen fell, They that had labour'd well, Better than words can tell, Came through the jaws of Death, Back from the mouth of Hell, Heroes and shipwreck'd, Through surf that thunder'd.


When can their glory fade ? O the wild voyage they made 1 All on shore wonder'd.

Honour the voyage they made! Honour the Quay Brigade, No one there blunder'd.

G. H. Y..