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The Life-Boat Crew

MY theme is a very old one Yet one that's ever new, 'Tis about those sturdy heroes The gallant life-boat crew.

Each year they add fresh laurels To their glorious scroll of fame; Their daring deeds are known to all Who've heard of England's name.

Ye Christian folk who sit at home By fireside safe and warm, Close curtaiu'd "midst the ruddy glow, What reck ye of the storm ? Or of the hapless beings Cast on our rock-bound shore, Whilst certain death in sight of home Seems held for them in store ? Little I ween it troubles you Howe'er the storm-wind blows; Ye pray to God all men to bless Then seek your soft repose.

But there are those who leave their beds To face the angry blast, Their fellow-men are straggling there, This night may be their last.

Or help must soon be given them, Their cries grow less and less ; Once more in mute appeal they fire The signal of distress.

The cry comes " Man the Life-boat all," And soon she's under weigh, Just one goodbye, then lost to view Amidst the blinding spray.

They think not of their dear ones then, Their own lives hold as naught, Except to save their fellow-men They have no single thought.

***** The hours have now pass'd swiftly by, 'Midst driving sleet and rain, And loving hearts throb anxiously And Keen eyes search in vain.

But yet no sign of those brave hearts; When will they reach the shore ? Thou God, whose love is chastisement, Have pity, we implore.

But see! they come, a mighty cheer Goes upward from the beach, And willing hands are helping them The shore once more to reach.

With dauntless energy and skill The elements they've braved, And precious lives from certain death Are by their efforts saved.

Oh ye, who know not what to do With this world's surplus wealth, Eemember those brave rescuers Who risk their lives by stealth.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published 1st February, 1894..