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The Horsa

ST. MARY'S, SCILLY ISLANDS.—A message was received by telephone from the coastguard station at St. Martin's, reporting that a full-rigged ship was ashore, at about 10.30 on the morning of the 4th April. The Life-boat Henry Dundas was promptly launched and, on reaching the vessel, which was the Horsa, of Liverpool, found that in attempting to beat round St. Martin's Head she had missed stays and had been run ashore in a sheltered bay. At the request of the master the Life-boat landed his wife, child and nurse. Several boatmen boarded the vessel and rendered assistance, and when the tide flowed the ship floated and was towed out of the bay by a steamer.

The tow-rope, however, parted three times, and, as the ship was leaking very badly, it ultimately became necessary to abandon her when about sixteen miles W. of the Bishop Rock.