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HOLYHEAD.—The steam Life-boat Duke of Northumberland was called out on service on the morning of the 26th Jan., 1893, signals of distress having been shown by the schooner Sarah, of and from Fowey for Euncorn, which had stranded on the Clipera Eocks in a strong gale from the W.S.W., thickweather and a heavy sea. The Life-boat landed the vessel's crew of five men at 7.20 and they were taken to the Sailors' Home. At 9 o'clock, the weather having moderated, the Life-boat, at the request of the master of the Sarah, took him and his crew back to the vessel to try to save her, as she was striking heavily on therocks. The Life-boat men assisted to heave part of the cargo overboard, then towed the vessel off the rocks and placed her in safety..