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Recent Demonstrations

ABERDEEN.—The first Life-boat demon- stration in aid of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION in Aberdeen was held on Thursday, the 6th July, the "Royal Wedding Day." It had been originally intended to have a " LIFE-BOAT SATURDAY-," but it was ultimately decided that' a Life-boat demonstration should form one of the features of the wedding celebration.

To the Seamen's and Firemen's Union, and their active secretary, Mr. J. C. THOMPSON, is the credit due for initiating the movement in Aberdeen. Offers of help from Friendly Societies and others speedily came in, and Lord Provost STEWART kindly gave his patronage.

The Hon. Secretary to the local Branch, Mr. ALEXANDER D. MILNE, cordially co- operated with the Life-boat Demonstra- tion Committee, and Mr. W. S. LUNAN undertook the office of treasurer.

The procession was of a most imposing character, and the various elements were loudly cheered by the throngs who crowded the streets. " Old Father Neptune " led the van, and was followed by the Old Mill Reformatory Band, the Life-boat Bon Accord, drawn by a team of twelve greys belonging to Messrs. WORDIE & Co., with Coxswain PATERSON and his crew in their life-belts sitting in the boat, the Bon Accord and Dee Swim- ming Clubs, an old fisherman and woman on horseback, the yawl Shamrock, a re- presentation of a fisherman's home, with fisher-girls mending nets, &e., a fishing-yawl, 100 fishermen on foot, a rocket apparatus, band of the Oakbank Industrial School, the new banner of the Seamen's and Firemen's Union, 150 sea- men, a representation of Grace Darling and her father, the banner of the Shipwrights' Society with models and implements of their craft; a collecting lorry, banner of the Boiler Makers' Society and a lorry with boiler makers at work on it; the Bon Accord Lodge of Bolton Unity of Oddfellows, Caledonian Order of United Oddfellows, Mar Lodge of Ancient Shepherds, Bose and Thistle Lodge of Free Gardeners, Bon Accord Lodge of Free Gardeners, bind from the Blind Asylum, 20 members of the Aber- deen riding-school in costume, a procession of private carriages and horses, and the Fire Brigade, the harbour plant, consisting of divers, a section of a dredger, and a model of lighthouse, &c., bringing up the rear of the procession. The substantial sum.

which was sent to increase the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- TION shows that the collectors were not idle during the progress of the procession through the streets.

A cordial desire was expressed by many that a " Life - boat Saturday Demonstration " should become an annual event in Aberdeen.

BRIDLINGTON.—Thursday, the 6th July, will be long remembered at Bridlington and by the thousands who visited that well-known Yorkshire watering-place on that day. It was the wedding day of the Duke of York and the Princess May, and the inhabitants decided to celebrate this happy event by having a Life-boat demon- stration on an enormous scale, go as to combine a novel and pleasant attraction to the many visitors from the inland towns with an effort to benefit the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION—a very"happy thought," taking into consider- ation the Royal Bridegroom's connection with the sea and the Institution and the Bride's well-known sympathy with charitable objects.

The idea of having a Life-boat demon- stration was conceived by Lieutenant YONGE, E.N., of H.M. Coastguard, and he was the leading spirit, who, from the start, carried it through to its ultimate success. This is by no means the first instance of Lieutenant YONGE'S desire to help the Life-boat Institution, for among other things he has delivered in many places a most stirring and deeply interest- ing lecture on Life-boat work.

H.R.H. the DUKE OF YORK kindly gave his patronage to the demonstration.

The Eight Hon. the EARL or LONDES- BOROUGH became President, and Mr. ANGUS HOLDEN, M.P. for the Buckrose division, became Vice-President. A very large representative Committee was formed, on which was to be seen the names of well- known gentlemen from many of the towns of the East Biding. The work was left, however, to the following Executive Committee:—Lieut. YONGE (Chairman), Major TAITE, Lieut. C. HARLAND, Messrs. T. HABLAND, F. CREASER, H. J. JACKSON, G. LOGAN, J. NIGHTINGALE, C. GHAT, Capt. ATKIN, Messrs. J. M. WILSON, J. W. POOTELL, E. P. ROGERS, E. MUSK, E. L.

DAVIS and W. FORSTER. Mr. J. WILL- BOURNE acted as Secretary, and most efficiently did he carry out his work.

These energetic gentlemen shared with Lieut. YONGE the credit of not only having provided a most interesting and instructive entertainment for the thou- sands who witnessed it, but also for being the means of considerably increasing the funds of the Institution.

The procession, which started at 12 o'clock, was of a deeply interesting and highly attractive character. It was headed by six of the Mounted Police, and followed by the battery of the 1st E. E, Y. | Volunteer Artillery, composed of Brid- lington and Flamborough companies, with four heavy guns; the Princes Parade • Band; the members of the Bridlington Local Board, in open carriages ; the mem- , bers of the Hornsea Life-saving Company, under command of Captain W. JOHNSON ; the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- TION'S Life-boat Ellen and Margaret of Settle, from Hornsea, manned by Cox- ! swain WHITE and his crew. The crews of the two Flamborough E. N. Life-boats on foot (their boats not being on transport- ing carriages); The Flamborough Life- saving Company, under command of Captain W. 0. WARD; the Filey E. N. Life-boat Hollon the Second, manned by her crew, with Coxswain WTVILLE at the helm; the Filey Life-saving Company; Band of 1st West Yorkshire Eifle Volun- teers; Trades' Societies, with their ban- ners and insignia; the Druids in their picturesque dress; the Ulrome Life-saving Company; the Barmston E. N. Life-boat, with Coxswain PURVIS and crew; the De- monstration Committee; the Hull Spring Bank Sailors' Orphan Band; a detachment of the Coastguard under arms, in com- mand of Mr. ELLIS, Chief Officer, Filey ; a model of H.M.S. Victoria, (a most in- teresting element); Coastguard and boat, Bridlington Life-saving Company, com- manded by Mr. JACKSON, and preceded by the rocket apparatus; a model of rocket apparatus; the local Life-boat Seagull; a model of a memorial column to the me- mory of the unfortunate Life-boat men and seamen who lost their lives in the great gale of 1871; the Bridlington Com- pany of the 2nd V.B. East Yorkshire Eegiment under the command of Major TAITE ; a representation of Grace Darling and her father; the R. N. Life-boat William John and Frances, stationed at Bridlington, with Coxswain WALLIS and his crew on board; and lastly, an in- teresting collection of models of ships and boats, constructed by Mr. P. ANDERSON.

It is not surprising that this procession brought thousands of spectators into the streets, the opportunity being well taken advantage of by the army of lady and gentlemen collectors who accompanied it.

In addition to the Life-boats which took part in the procession, the Flambro' and Withernsea boats were anchored off the promenade.

After the procession was over the Life-boats were launched, the rocket apparatus brought into action, and an interesting exhibition of saving life by these means given to the highly appre- ciative and enthusiastic crowd that thronged the promenade and beach. Tire- works in the evening concluded the day's programme, and undoubtedly all those who had worked so hard must have gone to rest with the pleasant feeling that the first Bridlington Life-boat Demonstration had been a great success. We understand that it is the local intention to repeat the Life-boat Demonstration annually.

DUNDEE.—Last year Dundee held its first LIFE-BOAT SATURDAY, establishing for itself the right to be called the pioneer of the movement in Scotland. This year Dundee has followed up the success of last year by repeating its unselfish efforts to assist the Life-boat Institution. Again Mr. C. W. MILLAR, who acted as secretary on the first occasion, has piloted the movement and shown the same unflagging energy. It is expected the result will be quite as satisfactory as on the former occasion, in spite of the very depressed state of trade. The Lord Provost and the Magistrates kindly lent their patro- nage. The local committee of the Dundee Branch of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION co-operated heartily with Mr. MILLAR and his committee, and it is very evident that all who took the matter up threw themselves heart and soul into it.

The Dundee Courier of the 2nd October says: " A brilliant spectacle, and one for- tunately favoured with fine weather, was again seen in Dundee on Saturday. ' Life- boat Saturday' has now become an esta- blished annual institution in our midst...

Many join these street spectacles at much cost and inconvenience to themselves, but those who on Saturday made our streets bright and cheerful for a space have their reward in knowing that a substantial in- crease has been made in the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION." It was generally agreed that the pro- cession was not quite so long as last year, but this was amply compensated for by the more attractive character of its component parts. Certainly Major LARUEN and Major BATCHELOR had no easy task in marshalling the procession. The police, under Chief Constable DUHAS, had an arduous duty, as is always the case at Life-boat Saturdays, to keep the enthu- siasm of the crowds within bounds : but, as usual, the arrangements were made to perfection. The bauds, of which there were no less than twenty, were splendidly disposed so as to produce a continuous lively effect. The Broughty Ferry Life-boat and crew headed the procession, being the principal centre of interest, and the following were among those who took part in the gigantic show :— Boys' Brigade and Band, Artillery Band, Painters, Free Gardeners, Industrial School Band, Manchester Oddfellows, Boilermakers, Polepark Fire Brigade, 2nd V.B. R.H. Band, Arbroath Reeha- bites, Dundee Boating Club, 3rd V.B. R.H.

Pipe Band, Moulders, Browbridge Boys Brigade and Band, Lochee Swimming Club, Lennie's Boys' Brigade and Band, Camperdown Brass Band, Shepherds, Arbroath Pipe Band, Bolton Oddfellows, Arbroath Brass Band, Engineers, 4th V.B.

R.H. Brass Band, Sailors and Firemen, Carnoustie Band, Ancient Foresters, Sub- marine Band, Trades Band, Hammermen, City Flute Band, Bakers, Rossie Refor- matory Band, St. David's Boys' Brigade, Dundee Band, Harbour Workers, Pullar's Band, Calender Workers, Shipwrights, T. and J. JONES' Employes, Irish Foresters and City Eifles, 1st V.B. R.H.

The organization for collecting was perfect, and much credit is due to those who took part in this work for the com- plete and emcient way it was carried out.

GLASGOW.—"If a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well." The "Second City " never loses sight of this maxim, and certainly it has been kept well in view during all the arrangements for its first "LIFE-BOAT SATURDAY." The 30th September will long be remembered both in Glasgow and by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, for Glasgow having decided to follow the splendid lead shown by Manchester, put forth all its energies to secure a result worthy of the great city, and judging by the magnificence of the procession and the enthusiasm aroused, there is little doubt that the desire ex- pressed to provide a steam Life-boat to be called the City of Glasgow will be con- summated. The amount of work entailed by those who carried out the arrange- ments which culminated on Saturday 30th with the pageant that filled the Glasgow streets has been enormous.

Towards the end of May the local com- mittee of the Glasgow branch met, and decided to co-operate with any organiza- tion raised to carry out a "Life-boat Saturday." Mr. WILLIAM MARTIN, of 116, St. Vincent Street, who had before this interested himself in the movement, came forward to offer his services as secretary, and it was a good day for the Life-boat Institution when his services were ac- cepted. He was given carte Uanche to form a Local Council and Committee. In this he had the inestimable advantage of the assistance of Mr. C. W. MACARA. A large council was formed, the LORD PROVOST consenting to be chairman. A most re- presentative executive committee was got together, and with ex-Baillie SIMONS as Chairman, Mr. MARTIN as Secretary, and Mr. JOHN M. MACLEOD as Treasurer, success was a foregone conclusion. The Executive Committee and the Institution incurred a great loss on almost the eve of the demonstration in the unlooked-for death of Mr. JAMES A. SMALL, who, fifteen years ago, succeeded his father as Treasurer of the Glasgow Branch of the Institution.

Mr. JAMES SMALL was indefatigable in his efforts to promote the best interests of the Branch and cause, and his death in the prime of life is much deplored.

As is customary on " Life-boat Satur- day," the leading feature was a-proces- sion, and on this occasion it assumed enormous proportions, being nearly two miles in length! Marshalled by Lieu- tenant-Colonel MACFARLANE, it was formed in the neighbourhood of Blythswood Square, the head of the procession moving off at 3 p.m. The route chosen was Sauchiehall Street, Buchanan, Argyll, Stockwell, Main, Govan and Crown Streets, and by Albert Bridge to Glasgow Green. On arriving at Glasgow Green one of the Life-boats was launched, the Montrose crew being in the boat. The launch appeared to give great pleasure to the thousands of onlookers. Whilst the boat was afloat the boys of the training ship Empress, under Commander DEVEHILL, E.N., gave an exhibition of different drills, which elicited the hearty applause of the spectators.

The two Life-boats in the procession were manned by the Montrose and Irvine crews, both of which crews have seen a good deal of active Life-boat service.

Their appearance was the signal for en- thusiastic cheering along the route of the procession. The following was the com- position of the procession :—Mounted Police, Police Band, Carters, model of H.M.S. Victoria, carriages with committees and Press representatives; Arthur Lil- burn and Co.'s apprentices and sailors, MONTROSE LIFE-BOAT CHEW in the late Brighstone Grange Life-boat; Empress boys, Sons of Temperance, Allan Line Life-boat and Bailors, Glasgow harbour labourers (old society); Ambulance Association, Shepherds, Glass bottle makers and flint glass workers; Thomas Stewart's Van, Juvenile Band, Eechabite Band, Boatmen with boats, National Seamen and Fire- men's Union; Seamen, Grace Darling and her father, Fire Brigade, Tin plate workers, Juvenile Band, Amateur Swimming Association, Sailmakers; National Dock Labourers, Boys with boat, Sons of Britannia, Boys' Brigade, Good Templars, Postal Band; Ancient Order of Foresters and Irish Foresters, Lascars belonging to Clan and Anchor Lines; Free Gardeners, Horse Shoers, Co-operative Society, IRVINE LIFE-BOAT CREW in the late Atherfield Life-boat, and Father Neptune.

In the evening a grand concert was held in aid of the Life-boat Fund in the Albert Hall,the band of the BLACK WATCH, by kind permission of Colonel WAVKLL and officers, taking part. Miss JESSIE MACLACHLAN and other well - known artists gave their services. A musical and dramatic entertainment was also given before a crowded audience in the Athenaeum Hall.

A Ladies Committee is in process of formation, and a meeting has already been held with Mrs. JAMES BELL, the wife of the Lord Provost, in the chair.

LEEDS.—To Leeds is due the credit of carrying the" LIFE-BOAT SATURDAY " move- ment into Yorkshire. The first "Life- boat Saturday," which was held here on the 10th June this year, was in every way successful, and must have given great satisfaction to all those who under- took its organization. It has resulted in the sum of (in round numbers) 2,OOOZ.

being sent to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, after paying all the expenses connected with the demon- stration. The street collection alone realised nearly 4001. (chiefly in bronze).

The Ladies Auxiliary contributed the magnificent sum of 680Z., and a donation of 500Z. was received from the well- known and generous supporter of the Life-boat Institution, Colonel F. C. T. GASCOIGNE.

The first step to forming the Leeds " Life-boat Saturday" organization was taken by Mr. PALMER, the editor of the Yorkshire Post. It will be fresh in the mind of every one who follows Life-boat matters that Mr. PALMER was instru- mental in raising 3.500Z. for the benefit of the Life-boat Institution by issuing, in 1891, a magnificent appeal and throwing the columns of the Yorkshire Post open to receive subscriptions. Mr. PALMER approached the Mayor of Leeds with a deputation consisting of Alderman SPARK and Mr. Councillor BRINDLEY in March this year. This resulted in the Mayor kindly consenting to head the movement, and from start to finish the Mayor (Mr.

Alderman WARD) took a prominent and active part in the proceedings, much of the success being due to him and the Mayoress, who headed the Ladies' Com- mittee. Mr. LUDOLF, the Hon. Secretary of the Leeds Branch, was, in point of fact, quite as keen as any of his fellow- citizens in wishing to see Leeds join the " Life-boat Saturday" movement, and proved himself an energetic supporter.

A very large and active Executive Committee were got together, with Mr.

PALMER as Chairman ; Alderman F. SPAEK and Councillor BBINDLEY, Vice-Chairmen ; Messrs. E. BECKETT FABEB and JOHN BOWLING, Hon. Treasurers; Councillor CHARLES WILSON, Secretary, the members for the borough and other influential gentlemen also giving their support.

The Executive Committee had but the short space of five weeks to organize and carry into effect the philanthropic move- ment they had undertaken, and few except those who actually did the work can understand what an immense amount of energy and application was necessary to~produce so splendid a result. Messrs.

PEARSON and BELLAMY, of the Manchester " Life-boat Saturday" Committee, most kindly came to Leeds and attended a meeting, at which the benefit of their experience was most gratefully received.

To give the proceedings on the " Satur- day " itself a thoroughly Yorkshire character, two Yorkshire Life-boat crews —namely, the Whitby and Scarborough crews—came from the coast to man the Life-boats which were the leading feature of the procession. Both these crews have remarkable records for life-saving, and they sat in two boats by no means unworthy of their occupants, namely, the late BRIGHSTONE GRANGE boat, which has saved 244= lives, and the late ATHERFIELD boat, which has 112 lives to her credit.

Before the procession started from the Town Hall the Mayoress was presented with a lovely bouquet by Coxswain OWSTON, of the Scarborough Life-boat, and Coxswain FREEMAN, of the Whitby Life-boat. Councillor BRINDLET had the direction of the procession, and under his charge everything went like clock- work, Chief Constable WEBB giving all the assistance and help that the police could give, the police arrangements being admirable throughout.

The procession was most imposing, and included, as well as the two Life-boats, a troop of the Yorkshire Hussars, the Mayor's carriage, Adel Eeformatory Band; the officers of the Executive Committee, sub- scription vans, Fire Brigade, Hunslet Band, Cars of Children, Grace Darling and her father, Armley Wesleyan Band, boys dressed as sailors, &c., &c. The route taken exceeded six miles in length, and the crowd which witnessed the procession was estimated at 300,000. After the pro- cession returned to the Town Hall, con- gratulatory speeches were given by the Mayor, Mr. PALMER, Alderman SPARK, Mr.

JOHN BOWLING, Councillor H. WILSON (who said he wanted to ask everybody to get ready for a ten times harder day next year), and Councillor BBINDLEY.

In the evening a concert was held in the Town Hall, and entertainments given at the theatres in aid of the "Life-boat Saturday " fund.

Leeds has indeed " shown the way " in Yorkshire in a splendid manner.

NOTTINGHAM.—In June this year the attention of the Mayor and many of the leading people in Nottingham was called to what was being done in other large cities and towns in the United Kingdom to im- prove the financial position of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. A new honorary secretary had just been appointed to the branch, Mr. A. E. HEAZELL, who kindly consented to relieve Mr. SAMUEL COLLINSON of the work which he had in past years so enthusiastically and success- fully carried out, and the present time was thought to be auspicious for the intro- duction of the "LIFE-BOAT SATURDAY movement into this great Midland centre of industry. After a meeting or two, at which the Mayor (Mr. BROWNSWORD) kindly presided, it was decided to organize a " Life-boat Saturday" on the now well- known lines. The Mayor consented to be president and Sir SAMUEL JOHNSON, the town clerk, Tice-president; Mr. ALFRED PAGE was elected chairman of the executive committee, Messrs. KIBBY and W. BAKER vice-chairmen, Colonel T. C. WEIGHT treasurer, and Mr. FREDERIC W. Fox secretary. A large Council was formed, which included the names of the M.P.'s for the borough, many of the clergy, magi- strates, and the most prominent men of business, &c. Volunteers came forward for the Executive Committee, and very soon it became known in Nottingham that a success was certain. Mr. Fox, the secretary, who is well known in Nottingham for his philanthropic sympathies, threw all his energies into the movement, and he and his Committee worked unceasingly to procure the success which, in spite of the terribly depressed state of trade, was ulti- mately awarded them. Saturday, 30th September, was chosen for "Life-boat Saturday" and Nottingham was en fete, all apparently striving to do their best to help the cause which had been so strongly advocated by the Mayor and those on the Committee. Two Life-boat crews were in the town—the celebrated CAISTEB CREW and the SKEGNESS CBEW (who would no doubt be quite as celebrated if the geographical position of Skegness was as dangerous to shipping as the shoals off Caister). These two crews took part in the procession, manning the two demon- stration Life-boats sent to Nottingham by the Institution. The remembrance of this Saturday will long remain in the minds of the Caister and Skegness crews, for the Nottingham people appeared never to tire of doing all they could for their amusement and entertainment.

The procession was of exceptional in- terest, and consisted of Mounted Police, Bugle Band Eobin Hood Eifles, Mounted Police, Band of South Notts Hussars, Steam Fire-engine, LIFE-BOAT with CATSTER CREW, collecting van, Mounted Police, Band of Eobin Hood Eifles, Ambu- lance Corps of Eobin Hood Eifles, Steam Fire-engine, Police Band, a detachment and bands of the Boys' Brigade, LIFE-BOAT with SKEGNESS CREW, collecting van, Mounted Police, Babbington Ambulance Brigade Band, Mounted Police, &c. A Life-boat was launched into the river Trent in the presence of some 50,000 spectators, the procession arriving punc- tually to its appointed time.

All the arrangements of the day were admirable. Mr. BAKER and his Finance Committee organized the collecting arrange- ments for the line of route—no easy matter—but most successfully coped with.

Mr. L. F. KIRBT, Chairman of the Demon- stration Committee, directed the arrange- ments for the procession. The Police, as usual, contributed much to the success of the procession by the able and good- tempered way in which they restrained the crowd. In the evening a collection was taken in the Grand Theatre and other popular resorts.

It was a general opinion expressed in Nottingham that "Life-boat Saturday" should become an annual fixture.

PRESTON.—This year Preston chose the 9th of September on which to hold their " LIFE-BO AT SATURDAY " Demonstration, showing that the movement which was so successfully inaugurated last year, was to be an annual event. Nothing that could be thought of was spared by the energetic Committee to make this year's demonstra- tion as complete a success as its prede- cessor, and favoured by splendid weather it was the universal opinion that this had been achieved.

The Mayor (Alderman EDELSTON) was Chairman of the Committee, and most of the names connected with the movement last year were to be found on the Com- mittee again,with a fair addition of recruits.

Messrs. W. NAYLOR and J. W. MAKENSON acted as secretaries, proving themselves very energetic and thoroughly in sympathy with the work they had so generously applied themselves to. As well as a magnificent procession (made especially picturesque by the bright and graceful Morris dancers) there was also a Cyclists' parade, at which some 400 Cyclists were present, many of the machines being beautifully decorated. This parade was under the direction of Mr. ORD, and he and his committee took the greatest trouble to make it a success. Prizes were given for the best decorated cycles and to the club which brought the greatest number of members to the " meet." The FLEETWOOD LIFE-BOAT'S CREW, under Cox- swain WEIGHT, took part in the pro- cession, manning the late Atherfield boat, and as they passed through the streets they received quite an ovation. Very much credit was due to the Procession Com- mittee for their management and organi- zation of the attractive procession. This committee was composed of the following, viz.:—Messrs. T. HOUGHTON, BARTON, ABRAHAMS, T. H. FENTON, and W. HALL.

The procession started from West j Cliff, and comprised: — 1st Volunteer Band, Loyal North Lancashire Eegiment; I carriage containing the Mayor, Rev. C. 0. L. EILET, and Mr. CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM, the Institution's Organizing Inspector; Mr. Barton's Band, Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester Unity; LIFE-BOAT with FLEETWOOD CREW on board; Preston Ambulance Corps, Drum and Fife band 1st V.B. L. N. L. Regiment, Preston Morris dancers, sailors in boat My Sweetheart, Trinity Flute and Drum Band, Preston Juvenile Morris dancers, " You dirty boy," Dancing bear, Grace Darling, clowns on donkeys, representation of Death of Nelson, Preston Royal Morris dancers, St. Peter's Band and monks of St. Bernard.

One of the pleasantest incidents of the day was to see the numbers of people breaking from the crowd to shake hands and congratulate the Rev. C. 0. L. FILEY on his safe arrival in the Sarnia, this ship having been five weeks overdue in her passage from Canada. It was chiefly due to Mr. FILEY that the " Life-boat Satur- day " movement was taken up in Preston.

The Mayor and his Committee are much to be congratulated on the financial result of the second " Life-boat Saturday " in Preston, which, in spite of the very depressed state of the trade of the country, has almost come up to that of last year.

In addition to the above-mentioned " Life-boat Saturday s," the following towns have also held similar demonstrations, or special collections have been made in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT institution,viz.,Bournemouth, CLACTON-ON-SEA, HARWICH, ILFRACOMBE, REDCAR, TEIGNMOUTH, and WHITBY ; and the following " Life-boat Saturdays " were arranged to take place on the dates as- signed to them, too late unfortunately to be able to notice in this month's journal, viz., BRADFORD and CARDIFF on the 14th October; BARRY DOCK on the 21st October; MANCHESTER (Third annual "Life-boat Saturday"), 21st October.

SOUTHAMPTON and SHEFFIELD have de- cided to hold their " Life-boat Saturday " demonstrations on the 4th November, and strong and energetic committees are sparing no effort to ensure successes.