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Broughty Castle

DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN.—On the 6th February, while a gale of wind was blowing from the S.S.W. and a heavy sea was running, the schooner Broughty Castle, of Londonderry, coal laden, from Swansea for Douglas, was being towed into port by a small steam-tug. The sea was so heavy that the tug was compelled to cut the hawser and release her hold of the vessel which then struck against the point of the breakwater, carried away her bowsprit and all her head-gear and drifted inshore. The tug immediately proceeded to obtain the services of the Douglas Life-boats, which were promptly launched to the assistance of the vessel, but her crew reached the land in their own boat. When the No. 1 Life-boat Thomas Bose had returned ashore the master of the schooner requested the crew to go back to the vessel and endeavour to save her. They accordingly did so and succeeded in extricating her from her dangerous position..