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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 12th January, 1893, Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Bead and confirmed the Minutes of the Finance and Correspondence, Building and Wreck and Reward 8ub-Committees,and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the Inspectors of Life- boats on their recent visits to the following stations:—• Chief Inspector—Alnmouth.

Deputy Chief Inspector—Porthleven.

Northern District—Alnmouth, Girvan and Eyemouth.

Eastern District—Yarmouth, Palling (two boats), Winterton (two boats), Caister (two boats), Lowestoft, Pakefleld (two boats), Gorles- ton (three boats), Kessingland (three boats), Dunwich and Southwold (two boats), and Dungeness.

Western District—Bude, Watchet, Burnham and Weston-super-Mare.

Irish District—Culdaff, Bull Bay, Cemaes, Cemlyn, Moelfre, Llanddwyn, Beaumaris, Pen- mon and Llandudno.

Reported the receipt of 1,1161. from the CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., the Honorary Secretary. This sum comprised 1,OOOZ. to complete the endow- ment of the Kingstown new Life-boat, the Civil Service JVo. 7; and 1161. to coyer certain ex- penses incurred by the Institution during the past year in connection with rewards to the crews of the Civil Service Life-boats. The total sum thus contributed to the Institution by gentlemen in Her Majesty's Civil Service has been 15,7592.

Decided that the best thanks of the Insti- tution be conveyed to the contributors—and especially to Mr. DIBDIN—for the very valuable assistance which they continue to render to the Life-boat cause.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions:— £ i. d.

" A. G." 500 - - " E. P., In memoriam" . . . . 100 - — A Friend of Mr. C. W. BARWELL, Hon. Sec. Birmingham Branch . 100 - - Balance of the Liquidation of the Universal Marine Insurance Co., per Messrs. DOXAT & RICARDO, through Col. FiTzRoy CLAYTON, Deputy Chairman 75 — - "G.E., A Thank Offering" . . 50 - - Lady MACKINNON 50 - - Executors of the late Mrs. R. E.

WILLIAMS 50 - — Licensed Victunller Life-boat Fund, per A. L. ANNETT, Esq. (ad- ditional) 50 - - " A. G. K." 25 - - " S. E. K." 25 - - £ s. d.

WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OP SALTERS (additional) 21 - - " J. P." (annual subscription) . . 15 - - Contents of Contribution Box at Billingsgate, per R. W. MAY, Esq 12 6 11 Proceeds of Memorial Recital at St. James's Churcb, Paisley, per JAMES URE, Esq 9 13 8 Proceeds of Sale of Work by Miss F. M. DURNFORD and her Four Sisters, Windsor 56- Life-loat Saturday Collections.

Bolton, per T. H. WINDER, Esq. . 1,200 - - Dundee, per D. BRUCE, Esq. . . 847 13 7 Preston, per Rev. C. 0. L. RILEY, M.A 233 - - Montrose,per J. B. ALEXANDER .Esq. 200 - - Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Sunninghill Parish Church, per Rev. J. SNOWDEN, M.A. ... 13 15 10 Ramsgate, St. George's Church, per OWEN F. DANIEL. Esq. . . 10 5 8 Elvetham Parish Church, per Rev.

W. GILL 87- Saul Church, per Rev. R. HALL, M.A 446 Bursledon, per Rev. LORAINE ESTRIDGE, M.A 44- Woodstock, St. Mary's .... 4 12 11 „ St. Maitin Bladon . - 15 1 „ St. Andrew's Mission Chapel -36 Peckham, Linden Grove Sunday School, per Mr. E. H. HUTCHIN- SON 27- Aberford, per Rev. A. L. BARNES- LAWRENCE, M.A 15- •—To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ e. d.

EFT/CHER, SAMUEL, Esq., Newtown, Sheffield 890 8 - SWAINB, B. H., Esq., Southsea. . 200 - - THOMAS, Mrs. M. A., Netting Hill 180 - - SAUL, JAMES, Esq., Tottenham (additional) 85 - — ADDISON, Miss MARY, Staines . 50 - - BRYANT, Mrs. E. J., Pembroke . 30 - - HAWTHORNE,MISBM. A.,TJttoxeter 20 - - TEEMLETT, Miss A. H., Plymouth. 17 19 - Besolved that a letter of condolence be ad- dressed to the widow of Lieut. HELB , R.N., who had for many years served on the Committee of the Dublin Branch and been Honorary Secretary of the Poolbeg Life-boat Station.

That the thanks of the Committee be conveyed to J. LOWTHIAN BELL, Esq., and Dr. A. G. MACGREOOR in recognition of their valuable services while holding the office re- spectively of Honorary Secretary of the New- biggin and Huna Branches of the Institution.

'ihiit Mr. CHARLES E. F. CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM, late Lieut. R.N., late Inspector of the Eastern District, be appointed Organising Inspector.That Commander T. HOLMES, R.N., District Inspector, be transferred from the Irish to the Eastern District, and that Mr. EUSTACE W. 0. STRACEY, late Lieut. R.N., be appointed a District Inspector of Life-boats and have the Irish District allotted to him.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for Atherfleld and Dungeness No. 2, also that the alterations and improvements of the Courtmacsherry and North Sunderland Life-boats had been completed and the boats returned to the coast, and that new transporting carnages had been provided for the Port Isaac and Yarmouth Life-boats.

Paid 6,3101. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 2I3Z. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Penmon, Cardigan, Fishguard No. 3, Gorleston No. 1, Fraserburgh, Lynmouth, Arklow, New- biggin, Padstow, Newhaven and Teignmouth Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

8 3 2 Schooner James and Mary, of Dublin.

Schooner Duke, of Wicklow ....

Ketch Alice, of Milford S.S. Lloyds, of London. Landed crew.

Ketch Daybreak, of Peterhead ....

Schooner Fairy, of Sunderland. Landed crew.

3 15 3 2 Brigantine Chocolate Girl. Took off pilot from vessel.

Schooner Spray, of Dublin S.S. Verdandi, of Gothenburg.

Ketch May Queen, of Plymouth. Moored vessel and brought ashore ....

Fishing-lugger Harriet and Robert, of Newhaven. Saved vessel and . .

Brigantine Visitor, of Teignmoutb. Ren- dered assistance.

The Penmon, Winterton No. 2, Great Yar- mouth, Seaham and Ramsgate Life-boats also rendered the following services: — Schooner Haven, of Bangor, assisted to save vessel and crew, 3; s.s. Boldon, of Newcastle, assisted to save vessel and 17; dandy Henovm, of Great Yarmouth, assisted to save vessel and 1; s.s. Emma Sauber, of Hamburg, rendered assistance; and schooner Francis, of Fowey, took off crew from light ship and assisted to save their stranded vessel.

(Details of these services were given in the last Annual Report.) Voted 1,011{. 3s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the Walton-on-the-Naze, Aldeburgh, Thorpe- ness, Harwich, Winterton No. 2, Shoreham, New Brighton No. 2, Penmon, Palling No. 2, Eastbourne, Newhaven, Scarborough, Dunwich, Flamborough No. 2, Claeton, Caister No. 1, Gorlestou No. 1, Huna, Great Yarmouth, Wex- ford No. 1, Carnsore, Holy Island No. 1, Beaumaris, North Deal, Broadstairs, Kings- downe, Southwold No. 1, Wells and Salcombe Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels which did not ultimately need their services.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was also called out on service, but was not eventually required.

The Institution's Silver Second Service Clasp was awarded to Mr. ROBERT ROBERTS, Coxswain of the Penmon Life-boat, in recognition of his skilful management of the Life-boat on the occasion of the rescue of eight persons from the schooner James and Mary, of Dublin, under circumstances of considerable danger, on the 9th December. The Silver Second Service Clasp was also voted to W. M. PRESTON, Esq., Honorary Secretary, who went out in the Life- boat and assisted in effecting the rescue.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. WALTER PESTELL, Coxswain of the Palling Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his long and good services in saving life from shipwreck.

He had held the pest for 22 years, during which time the boats had been out 93 times on service and saved 398 lives.

Also that a grant of 125Z., with the sympathy of the Committee, be made to the widow and son of PATRICK HAMMOND, who, on the 23rd December, when the Kingstown No. 2 Life- boat was returning from a night surprise exer- cise, becoming apparently frightened by the boat missing stays and striking on the rocks near the pierhead, jumped overboard, and having no life-belt on was unfortunately drowned, not- withstanding the efforts made to save him.

Also 1501. in aid of the local fund raised for the relief of the widow and children of JOHN DOWNES, a member of the crew of the Walton- on-the-Naze Life-boat, who died from the effects of an injury received while assisting to launch the boat on service on the 10th December.

Also the sum of 51. to JOHN JONES, one of the crew of the Cardigan Life-boat, who was injured on service in the boat on the 9th December.

Also 102. to RICHARD COWELL, in consideration of injuries said to have been sustained by him while employed in the Life-boat service at Ballycotton, co. Cork.

Also 20/. to the widow and children of Mr.

EDWARD MAIN, Coxswain of the Southsea Life-boat, who died suddenly from lung disease on the day after he had been out in the Life- boat for exercise.

Also 24Z. to twenty-four men for putting off in three boats from Stroma, Caithness-shire, and saving the crew of five men from the schooner Mary, of Moutrose, which had stranded at Stroma, in a moderate S. W. gale and a heavy sea, on the night of the 16th December.

Also 61. to twelve men for saving the crew of three men from a pilot boat which had been capsized off Drogheda, co. Louth, in a strong W. breeze and squally weather, on the 15th December.

Also 21. to two men for putting off twice in a boat and saving three men from a rowing boat which had been capsized off Kinghorn, Fife- shire, in a moderate gale and a heavy sea, on the 27th November.

THURSDAY, 9th February.

Colonel FiTzRoY CLAYTON in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Cor- respondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.Bead the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their receut visits to the follow- ing stations:— Northern District—Middlesbrough, Saltburn, Redcar, Seaton Carew, Seabam, Whitburn and Hartlepool No. 3.

Eastern District—Brancaster.

Western District —Aberdovey, Barmouth, Criccieth, Porthdinllaen, Llanaelhaiarn, Pwll- heli, Abersoch and Aberystwith.

Irish District.—Douglas (two boats), Peel, Castletown, Port Erin and Ramsey.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ t. d.

"E. P." 500 - - F. LARKWORTHY, Esq., amount received from Executors of late Mrs. A. M. CATHBE .... 82 13 10 Miss JESSIE COOKE, per Executors of late Mrs. CATHRB .... 2 12 5 Cancer Hospital, per Executors of late Mrs. CATHKE .... 2 12 5 Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum, per Exors. of late Mrs. CATHBE. 2 12 5 0. CAKB ASHLEY, Esq., towards maintenance of Lyme Regis Life-boat, Susan Axtley ... 70 - - Lord CHARLES BRUDENELL BRUCE (additional) 52 10 - "A Thank Offering from Rev. J.

T. BOTLIN, B.A.". ... 50 - - St. Michael's Paddington Life-boat Fund, towards maintenance of their Life-boat at Kessingland, per Rev. G. F. PRESOOTT, M.A.. 19 3 6 Collected by the Hon. Lady BEAU- CHAMP, towards maintenance of the Caister Life-boat Seauchamp 12 11 6 Worshipful Company of Armourers and Braziers (additional) . . 10 10 - Proceeds of Life-boat Dance at Leeds, per ARTHUR SCRIVEN, Esq. 4 - - Life-boat Saturday Collection.

Stockport, per JAMES LEIGH, Esq., on account 240 - - Life-boat Sunday Colkctiont.

Sudbourne and Orford, per Eev.

E. M. SCOTT 5 15 3 Caister, per FREDERICK STUART, Esq - 10 - •—To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £ g. d.

CHISHOLM, Mrs. SELINA, Oldham . 1,000 - - HODGES, Mrs. ELLEN, Shepherds Bush 630 - - ELPHMSTONE, Lady WILLIAM . . 509 4 11 KIDD, MARTIN, Esq., HOLMFIRTH 200 - - BEDELL, Miss MABY ANN, HULL . 180 - - RICHMOND, WILLIAM, ESQ., Wan- stead 18 - - Read letter from W. H. WHENCE, Esq., H.B.M. Consul at Constantinople, dated the 2nd February, reporting the good work in Saving Life from Shipwreck recently performed by the men of the Asiatic Section of the Life- Saving Service on the Coasts of the Black Sea, nnder the able leadership of Mr. MATTHEW SUMMERS.—To be thanked.

Produced the first Report of the Royal Com- mission " appointed to inquire what Light-houses and Light-vessels it is desirable to connect with the Telegraph system of the United Kingdom by Electrical communication.

Resolved that Mr. PENROSE FITZGERALD, M.P., a member of the Committee, be requested to ask in the House of Commons whether the recommendations of the Royal Commission will be carried out forthwith, which lie at once kindly agreed to do.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Captain G. A. GOLDWYEB, in acknowledg- ment of the good services rendered by him to the Institution during the eleven years in which he held the office of honorary secretary of the Littlehaven Branch of the Institution; also to Captain HARINGTON, R.N., for similar services rendered during a period of eight years in connection with tlie Bath and Wells Branch.

The Committee also specially recognised the services performed by Mr. CHARLES GREEN, who for a term of fifteen years held the post of Coxswain of the Tralee Bay Life-boat.

They likewise awarded the sum of 81. to JOSEPH HINKS, Braunton Life-boat signalman, in consideration of injuries he sustained in the Life-boat service.

Reported that the Silloth Life-boat, having been altered and improved in London, had been returned to its station.

Paid 6,408Z. for sundry charges on Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 224Z. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Cullercoats, Whitby No. 1, Broadstairs, Har- wich, Caister No. 2, Holy head (steam Life-boat), Port Logan, Llanddwyn and Silloth Life-boats, in rendering the followiug services :— Lives saved.

Cullercoats fishing boats. Rendered assis- tance and saved one boat 4 Two fishing cobles of Whitby. Saved boats, and 6 Schooner Sarah Elizabeth, of Chester. . 1 S.S. SelsingSr, of Elsinore. Landed crew from light-vessel.

Dandy Energy, of Grimsby 7 Schooner Cymbeline, of London. Re- mained by vessel.

Schooner Sarah, of Fowey 5 Schooner Industry, of Belfast. Remained by vessel.

Smack Daniel, of Bangor. Remained by vessel.

S.S. Cabenda, of London. Rendered assis- . tance.

The Lowestoft No. 1, Ramsgate, Holyhead (steam Life-boat), and Douglas, No. 1, Life- boats rendered the following: services:— Dandy Mystery, of Harwich, assisted to save vessel and 4; schooner Sarah Elizabeth, of Chester, 4 lives saved; schooner Sarah, of Fowey, assisted to save vessel, and schooner Sroughty Castle, of Londonderry, saved vessel.

Voted also 5551. 2». tid. to pay the expenses of the Gorleston No. 1, Skerries, Douglas Nos.1 and 2, Lowestoft No. 1, Robin Hood's Bay, Dartmouth, Port Patrick, North Deal, Pake- field No. 2, Harwich, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Dover, Clacton, Walton-on-the-Naze, Balcary, Culdaff, Wiuterton No. 2 and Valentia Life- boats in assembling their crews or putting off •with the view of rendering assistance to vessels in distress.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had been taken out, but her services were not eventually needed.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and the sum of 21. 5s. to Mr. WILLIAM EGBERT KELLAND, Trinity Pilot, and 21. 5s. to another Pilot who accompanied him, for their gallant services in putting off in their cutter's boarding boat with a view of saving five men from a boat which had been seriously damaged by collision with the cutter on the night of the 14th of January. A pilot who was in the injured boat was taken into the cutter by means of a rope, but nothing could be seen of the other men.

Also SI. to four men for putting off in a boat and saving one of two men from a small fishing boat, the Concordia, of Trimingham, Norfolk, which had been capsized midway between Trimiagham and Mundesley in a strong N.

breeze, and a very rough sea on the llth of January.

Also 51. 5s. to five Goastguardmen and two civilians for putting off in a boat belonging to the Leestone, co. Down, Coastguard Station, and saving a boat, containing two men, which was in danger off Leestone in a moderate gale on the 16th of January.

Also 31. 10s. to seven men for saving the crew of eight men of the brig Trio, of Risb'r, Norway, which had struck on the Crow Rock and gunk in Dursey Sound, co. Cork, in a moderate S.E. gale and a rough sea on the 25th of December.

Also 11. 5s. to five men for wading into the sea and saving the crew of a fishing boat which had been capsized in a surf at Sheringham, Norfolk, on the llth of January.

Also the thanks of the Institution to Messrs.

CHARLES S. COOKS, EDWARD BOWLER, and FRANK BOWLER, for their timely services to a boat with four persons on board which was in need of assistance in Douglas Bay, Isle of Man, on the 8th of September last. The three gentlemen were in a boat fishing, and observing that the occupants, two ladies and two gentle- men, of the rowing boat required help, pro- ceeded towards them and took their boat in tow to the shore.

THURSDAY, 9th March.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart, M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of ' Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— ' Northern District—Montrose (2 boats).

Western District — Newquay (Cardigan), Teignmouth, Exmouth, Weymouth, St. Heller's (Jersey) and St. Peter's Port (Guernsey).

Irish District—Rhyl, Llanddulas, Rhoscolyn, Rhosneigir, Holy head (3 boats), Port Rhuffyda, Balbriggan and Skerries.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— £ s. d.

Miss LEWIS 250 - - Mrs. CHURCH-DIXON .... 100 - - Worshipful Company of Leather- sellers (additional) .... 21 - - The Dawn's Crew, per W. A. LOKG, Esq 55- Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Adderley Church, Market "Drayton, per Rev. R. A. CORBET, M.A. . 3 7~ - Kilmarnock, Princes Street New Presbyterian Church Bible Class, per Mr. J. TERRANCE ... 2 - — Midhurst, per Rev. S. M. CAMPBELL 1 18 - H.M.S. Active, per Rev. F. C. STEBBING, R.N., M.A. ... 1 11 - —To Tie thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £. «. d.SHUTE, W. R., Esq., Bristol . . 50 - - NEAVE, WILLIAM. FUBSE, E-.q., Cheapside 20 - - AVERT, Mrs. E. H., Plymouth. . 5 - - Read letter from CHARLES GLYN PRIDEAUX- BRUNE, Esq., expressing his great regret that the condition of his health compelled him to resign his position as a member of the Com- mittee of Management of the Institution, which he had occupied for twelve years.

Resolved—That a letter of thanks for his pnst services, and regret at the loss of the same, be sent to Mr. PRIDEAUX-BRUNE.

The Committee specially recognized the valuable services of the following gentlemen as Honorary Secretaries of various branches of the Institution for many years past:—R. L. ALPINE, Esq., Ardrossan; ALFRED BELK, Esq., and S. HERBERT BELK, Esq., Hartlepool; Rev. J.

O'REILLY BLACKWOOD, Bally waiter; M. BRYAN, Esq., Bristol; HENRY COOPER, Esq., Ardmore; JOHN CRAIG, Esq., Ardrosean; W. J. CUMISKY, Esq., Balbriggan; Rev. J. FAIRBBOTHER, Hauxley; F. HANIEL HARVEY, Esq., Hayle; R. HENDERSON, Esq., Dunbar; JOHN HUMPHERY, Esq., New Romney; Colonel MABSHALL, Rhos- colyn ; BENJAMIN PBESTON, Esq., M.A., Lowe- Btoft; E. P. ROSKRTJGE, Esq., Porthoustock; Rev. R. E. TAYLOR, M.A., Cresswell; and T. WATERHOUSE, Esq., Totland.

Also the valuable co-operation received for many years past from NEWSON GARRETT, Esq., as Chairman of the Aldeburgh Branch.

Reported the transmission to its station of a new Life-boat for Tramore, County Waterford.

Also that the Cadgwith and New Romney Life-boats, having been altered and improved, had been returned to the coast, and that a new carriage had been provided for the Ramsey Life-boat.Paid 5,416Z. for -various charges on different Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 140?. 5s. fid. to pay the expenses of the Wexford No. 1, Newbiggin, Hanxley, Mable- thorpe, Portrush, Cadgwith and Polpear Life- boats, in rendering tlie following services :— Lives Saved.

Lugger Young Join, of St. Ives. Rendered assistance.

Newbiggin fishing-boats. Rendered assistance.

Coble Lyra, of Newbiggin. Saved boat and 3 Brigantine Lizzie Lee, of Goole. Ren- dered assistance.

S.S. Valentia, of Greenock .... 3 S.S. Guttav Bitter, of Newcastle-on-Tyne 12 The Groomsport Life-boat saved the schooner Maria Farleigh, of Fowey, and her crew of four men.

Voted also 202Z. 5s. 9d., to pay the expenses of the Hayle, Braunton, Port Logan, Appledore Nos. 1 and 2, Port Erroll, Aldeburgh and Whitby No. 1 Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off to assist vessels not eventually requiring help.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Captain DAVID GRAHAM BALL, master of the s.s. Ouetav Bitter, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, in recognition of his gallantry in saving one of the crew of his vessel, which stranded off the Lizard on the 4th March.

Also the Silver Medal to WILLIAM ROBINS, EDWIN ROBINS, GEORGE BISHOP and FREDERICK PERKING for putting off in a boat and gallantly saving the master and the owner of the Dieu Protege, of Lannion, who, on the 14th February, were endeavouring to enter Par Harbour in their boat in a very heavy sea and a gale from the W.S.W. The boat was capsized, and her two occupants swam to a buoy to which they clung until rescued, at great risk, by the four salvors.

Also the Silver Medal to WILLIAM HODDS and Mr. J. HAYLETT, jun., Coxswains of the Winterton and Caister Life-boats, in recognition of their gallant services for many years past in helping to save a large number of lives from different shipwrecks.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, and 11. 10s. to Mr. JAMES BARROW, chief boatman in charge of H M. Coastguard at Mulroy, co. Donegal, and 11. 10s. each to four Coastguardmen for putting off in the Station's life-whale-boat and saving the crew of three men from the ketch Catherine Sciberts, of Chester, which stranded in Downing Bay in a whole gale and a very heavy sea on the 10th February.

Also 51. 5s, to seven men for saving the crew of four men from the pilot-boat St. Patrick, which had been capsized off Drogheda, eo.

Louth, in a moderate breeze and a heavy sea on the 20th February.

Also 11. 15s. to seven men for putting off in a boat and rendering assistance to the crew of the steamer Elizabeth, at Holy Island, North- umberland, on the 27th January.

Also 15s. to three men who saved a man whose boat having been stove in by collision with a barge had sunk off Deal in a moderate gale and a rough sea, on the 2nd February.

Also 10s. to a man for saving another man who had fallen overboard from a boat belonging to the Norwegian barque Lovehjerte, at Ex- mouth, Devon, in a moderate S. W. gale and a rough sea, on the 19th February.