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The Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

302 THE LIFE-BOATS OF THE ROYAL STATION. Length. Breadth. No. of Oars. When Stationed or Named. No, ENGLAND. It In. Ft. In. NORTHUMBERLAND BKUWICK-ON-TWEED - - - 37 - 8 - 12 1888 1 HOLY ISLAND — No. 1 - — — 34 - 8 3 10 1884 2 No. 2- - - 31 - 7 3 10 1891 3 BAMBURGH CASTLE — — — 34 - 7 6 10 1889 4 , NORTH SUNDERLAND — — — 34 - 8 - 10 1884 5 QA in ALNMOUTH — — — — — fr± ~- 34 - — 7 6 L J 10 1892 1888 7 HAUXLEY - - - - - 37 - 8 - 12 1888 8 CRESSWELL — ». — — - 34 - 7 6 10 1889 9 37 - 8 6 12 1885 10 BLYTH — No. 1 - - - - 34 - 8 - 10 1886 11 „ No. 2 - - - - 31 - 7 3 10 1889 12 CULLERCOATS — — — — 37 - 8 - 12 1884 13 TYNEMOUTH — No. 1 — — - 37 - 8 - 12 1888 14 „ No. 2 - - - 33 - 8 - 10 1872 15 DURHAM - - - WHITBURN - - - - - 34 - 8 - 10 1881 16 ROKER —— — — — — 31 - 7 3 10 1889 17 SUNDERLAND, SOUTH PlER - 34 - 7 6 10 1892 18 „ SOUTH OUTLET — 37 - 8 - 12 1887 19 e*A 1 ft nr HARTLEPOOL — No. 1 — — — ol: — 34 - — 8 - 1U 10 1887 1889 & J 21 ,i No. 2 - - - 34 - 8 - 10 1887 22 „ No. 3 - - - 34 - 8 - 10 1887 23 WEST HARTLEPOOL — No. 1 - 34 - 8 - 10 1887 24 „ No. 2 - 34 - 8 - 10 1887 25 SKATON CAREW — — — — 34 - 8 - 10 1888 26 YORKSHIRE - - MIDDLESBROUGH - - - 34 - 8 3 10 1884 27 R A r » 8 0 1ft OO ot — t}A O 8 0 1U in 1884 £0 OQ STAITHES — — — — - o4 — 34 - O 7 6 1U 10 1880 1887 Zu 30 RUNSWICK - - — — — 34 - 8 - 10 1880 31 UPGANG —- — - — — 34 - 7 6 10 1890 32 WHITBY — No. 1 — — — - 34 - 8 - 10 1881 33 No. 2 - - - - 34 - 7 6 10 1887 34 ROBIK HOOD'S BAY - — — 32 - 8 - 10 1881 35 SCARBOROUGH •• — — — 37 - 8 - 12 1887 36 FILEY ______ 34 - 8 - 10 1884 37 FLAMBOROUGH — No. 1 — - 34 - 8 - 10 1887 38 No. 2 - - 33 - 8 - 10 1882 39 BRIDLINGTON QUAY — — 34 - 7 6 10 1885 40 BARMSTON — — — — _ 34 - 7 6 10 1884 41 HORNSEA — — — — — 34 - 7 6 10 1887 42 WlTHERNSEA — _ — — 34 - 8 3 10 1883 43 QQ 1 O DONNA NOOK - - - - OO — 34 - — 7 6 iz 10 1887 1889 44 45 MAELETHORPE — — — — 34 - 8 3 10 1883 46 SUTTON —— — — — — 31 - 7 3 10 1888 47 CHAPEL — — — __- 31 - 7 3 10 1888 48 SKEGNESS — — — — _ 37 - 8 - 12 1888 49 NORFOLK - - - HUNSTANTON - - - - 34 - 7 6 10 1887 50 BRANCASTER— — — — — 34 - 8 - 10 1892 51 WELLS - — - — — _ 37 - 8 - 12 1888 52 BLAKBNEY — — — — - 35 3 10 3 14 1891 53 SHERINGHAM — — — — 41 - 9 3 14 1886 54 CROMER ------ 35 - 10 - 14 1884 55 MUNDESLEY - - - - - 34 - 8 3 10 1882 56 HASBOROUGH - - - - 34 - 7 6 10 1887 57 NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, 31st December, 1892.


NAME AND ADDRESS OF HOSOEAET SECRETARY, 1 j John and Janet—Mrs. Barr's Bequest . .

2 I Grace Darling—Miss Kgdell's Bequest.

3 ! Bedford—Mins A. M. Bedford's Trustees .

4 *John and Betty Ciittell—The late Mr. Cuttell i 5 Thomas Bewick—Miss Bewick's Legacy 6 t Melhcent—Miss M. Fielder's Legacy . .

7 i A/len Scott—Mrs. Scott's Bequest .

8 I AlgernmSf Eleanor—Her Grace the Dowager ! Duchess of Northumberland.

9 j Ellen and Eliza—Anonymous 10 i Robert and Kusun—The late Miss E. H.

i Jacomb-Hood.

11 j Da'mei—Mrs. Dalmer's Legacy . .

12 | Oswald, Sarah and Jane—Mrs. Stoker .

13 ! Co-operator A'o. 1—The Co-operative Union, Limited 14 *Charles l ibdin—C v Service No. 2 Fund.

15 Forester—A. O. of Foresters 16 * William and Charles—A Lady ....

17 | William fledley—Mr. Medley's Legacy . .

18 Junws—The late Mr. Coppin 19 Caroline C'ayett —Mrs. Clagctt's Legacy .

20 Skynner—Mr. Skynner's Legacy. . . .

21 ! llminster—Mr. Lovibond's Legacy . . .

22 *Charles Iny/el/y—Ttasi Fund, per G. P.

Wragge, Esq.

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Cyclist—That Jubilee Fund Rochdale—Collected in Rochdale Foresters' Pride—A. O. of Foresters. . .

John Lawsvn —R. N. L. B. Institution .

Thomas and Isabella Firbank, Kingston- upon-Hull—Their Legacies.

Brothers—E. B., M. P., and A. and E. I., Cheddar.

Charles and Ann—Mrs. Townend, per Man- chester Branch. [gacy.

Wine/ride Mary ffopps—Mr. Hopps' Le- Margaret and Edmard—A. Lady.

Upqany—Anonymous " ''• ' ' ""-"- Ellis—Late Mrs. M. A.

33 *Robert and Mary Ellis 34 35 -Anonymous ...,*.

Enhraim and Hannah Fox—Mr. and Mrs.

Fox's Children 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 *Queensbury—Herbert A. Foster, Esq. (En- dowed by his brothers,uncles, and himself) •Hpllon the Second— Late R. W. Hollon, Esq.

Mary Frederick—Mrs. Preston's Legacy .

Matthew -Widdlewood—G. Middlewood, Esq.

William John and Frances—Mr. Payne's Legacy *Georye and Jane Walker—Mr. Walker's Legacy *Ellen and Margaret of Settle—Settle Fund.

Admiral Rons—That Life-boat Fund .

Manchester L'mty—l.O. of OddFels.(M.U.) * Richard— Miss Anne Dixon Ifeywood—A, P. Heywood-Lonsdale, Esq..

Elizabeth Berrey . . . Miss Berrey's John Alexander Berrey . ) Legacy Ann, John, and Mary—Miss Ball's Legacy.

Licensed Victuallet—Licensed Victuallers .

Alfred S. (Jenth—Mrs. Silkenstadt . . .

Baltic—That Life-boat Fund Zaccheus Burrouyhes — Mrs. Burroughes' Legacy.

William" Bennett—Mr. Bennett's Legacy .

Benjamin BondCabbell—Miss Egdell's Legacv J. H. Elliott—The late Mrs. J. H. Elliott Huddersfield—Huddersfield ....

B. G. Sinclair, Esq., Berwick-on-Tweed.

•Rev. B. Binks, Holy Island, Beal, K.S.O.

G. Hutchinson. Esq., Hamburgh Castle, Belford, Northumberland.

Rev. A. M. MacPhee, North Sunderland, Chathill.

Robert Brown, Esq., Lit.tle Houghton, Lesbury, R.S.O.

T. L. M. Orde, Esq., Alnmouth, R.S.O., Northumberland.

Rev. James Fairbrother, Amble, Acklington.

Rev. R. E. Taylor. M.A., Crosswell Vicarajje, Morpeth.

John Tate, Esq., Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Morpeth.

rRev. P. H. E. Wilder, The Vicarage, Blyth, North- )• umberland.

P. J. Messent, Esq., C.E., Tynemouth, North Shields.

W. H. Williamson, Esq., Whitburn, nr. Sunderland.

Major Peacock, 3 Suuniside, Sunderland.


William Warham, Esq., Londonderry Offices, Seaham, S. Herbert Be!k, Esq., Hartlepool.

Alfred Belk, Esq., Hartlepool.

John N". Taylor, Esq., Dock Office, North Eastern Railway, West Hartlepool.

Rev. F. VV. Mortimer, M. A., Seaton Carew, West Hartle- James Hogg, Esq., Middlesbrough-on-Tees. [pool.

J. M. Meek, Esq., Coatham, Eedcar.

Mr. T. G. Pearson, Saltburn-by-the-Sea.

Dr. J. V. Laverick, Hinderwell, R.S.O., Yorkshire.

Mr. Robert Gibson, Harbour Master, Whitby.

Rev. R. Jermyn Cooper, M.A., Flyingdales Vicarage, Scarborough.

John Stephenson, Esq., King's Cliff, Scarborough.

James H. Mackwood, E?q., Scarborough.

Mr. J. Fountain, Queen Street, Filey, R. S. O., Yorkshire.

Mr. James Woodhouse, Croft's Farm, Flamborough, ' Hull.

.Captain Atkin, Bay View, Esplanade, Bridlington Quay.

Rev. E. L. H. Tew, M.A., Hornsea, near Hull.

Horatio H. Ayre. Esq., Withernsea, near Hull.

Capt. Thomas Jewitt, Grimsby.

Mr. Gilbert Houlden, Non h Somercotes, Grimsby.

Dr. Iredale, Mablethorpe, Alford.

Mr. B. Simons, Sutton-on-the-Sea, Alford.

Mr. Richard Smith, Chapel, Alford.

C. F. Grantham, Esq., Skegness, R.S.O., Lincolnshire.

Rev.H. D. Barrett, B. A.,Vicarage, Hunstanton,Norfolk.

Rev. E. K. Kerslake, M.A., Deepdale Rectory, King's E. B. Loynes, Esq., Wells, Norfolk. [Lynn.

Rev. R. H. Tillard, M.A., Blakeney, Dereham.

Capt. Rodney Eden, Sheringham, Cromer.

W. G. Sandford, Esq., Cromer.

G. Gordon, Esq., Mundesley, North Walsham, Norfolk.

Rey. G. Spackmau, B.A., Happisburgh, Stalham, S.O,, Norfolk.


* This Life-boat is endowed.


No. of Oars.

Kt. In.

37 - 40 - 32 - 44 - 42 - 36 - 32 - 46 - 30 - 31 - 44 - 46 3 30 - 42 - 32 - 38 - 40 - 30 - 34 - 39 - 46 - 45 - 37 - 39 - 34 - NORFOLK - - - PALLING— No. 1 — No. 2 - WlNTERTON—No. 1 No. 2 CAISTEK—No. 1 — „ No. 2 - YARMOUTH — — SUFFOLK - - - GORLESTON—No. 1 — „ No. 2- No.3- LOWESTOFT—NO. 1- No. 2- PAKEFIELD—No. 1 - „ No. 2 - KESSINGLAND—No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 SOUTHWOLD—NO. 1 No. 2 - - - DUNWICH — THORPENESS ALDEBURQH ESSEX - - - - HARWICH—No. 1 — WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE • CLACTON-ON-SEA - • SOUTHEND— — — KENT - - - - MARGATE ------ 37 KlNGSGATE - - - - - 31 BKOADSTAIRS — — — — — 39 EAMSGATB _____ 40 NORTH DKAL — — — — — 42 WALMER — — — — — — 40 KINGSDOWNE — — — - — 40 DOVER _-_-__ 37 HYTHE ______ 37 NEW ROMNEY — — — — — 34 DUNGENESS—No. 1 (LYDD) — — 34 „ No. 2- - - - 44 SUSSEX - - - RYE ------- 34 WlNCHELSEA ----- 34 HASTINGS — — — — — — 34 EASTBOURNE — — — — - 34 NEWHAVES _____ 37 BRIGHTON — — — — — — 34 SHOREHAM — — — — — 34 WORTHING — — — — — 34 LlTTLEHAMPTOH — — — — 34 SBLSEY --_-__ 34 HAMPSHIRE - - HAYLING ISLAND _ - - - 34 SOUTHSEA ------ 37 ISLE OF WIGHT - BEMBRIDGE _____ 34 ATHERFIELD — — — — — 34 BRIGHSTONE GRANGE — — — 34 BROOKE ----- • 34 TOTLAND BAY- - - - - 37 JERSEY - - - ST. HELIER'S ----- 34 GUERNSEY - - ST. PETER'S PORT - _ - _ 34 DORSET - POOLE ______ 34 SWANAGE _____ 37 Ft. in.

8 9 11 10 10 - 12 2 11 6 10 6 9 6 12 9 10 - 9 - 12 1 12 - 9 - 12 - 10 - 12 - 11 9 8 11 7 6 9 - 12 7 11 - 9 - 9 - 7 6 9 - 7 3 9 - 10 - 11 - 10 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 7 6 7 6 11 - 7 9 7 9 8 - 8 3 9 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 9 - 7 6 7 6 8 - 7 6 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 3 8 - 12 14 12 12 14 12 12 14 10 12 14 14 12 14 12 12 12 12 10 12 14 12 12 12 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 12 1884 1870 1878 1890 1883 1892 1892 1892 1870 1892 1876 1886 1871 1870 1879 1884 1855- 1882 1887 1890 1890 1881 1884 1885 1885 1883 1889 1888 1887 1888 1884 1890 1888 1884 1884 1887 1892 1881 1883 1880 1880 1881 1888 1890 1887 1888 1885 1888 1886 1887 1892 1892 1888 1885 1888 1888 1880 1890 NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, &c.—continued.


58 59 60 161 ! 62 I 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Good Hope—Rev. W. J. Guerrier . . .

British Workman—That Magazine . . .

Edward BirkbecTc—R. N. L. B. Institution .

Margaret—Miss Eason's Legacy. . .

Covent Garden—That Life-boat Fund . .

Beauchamp—Sir R. Proctor-Beauchamp, Bt.

John Burcft—Mrs. Bureh Mark Lane—London Corn Exchange . .

Leicester—Town of Leicester Thorn Zelma—James McLaren Smith, Esq.

Samuel Plimsoll—Plimsoll Life-boat Funds The Two Sisters, Mary and Hannah—Thel late Mr. Thomas Parkin X Henry Burford, R. If.—Legacy of J. L. . .' Bo/ton—Town of Bolton . . . [Fund.

St. Michael's, Paddington—That Life-boat Charles Bury—Mr. Bury's Legacy . . .

London Coal Exchange—London Coal Ex- change Quiver No. 2—Quiver Magazine ....

Ann Ferguson—Mrs. Ferguson's Legacy Christopher North Graham—Mrs. C. North* Graham and her sons and daughters . . j Aldebunjh—Anonymous Springwell—Miss Burmester Honourable Artillery Company—Their Dra- matic Club * Albert Edward—Freemasons of England Theodore and Herbert—Mrs. F. S. Smith's) Legacy ( Quiver No. 1—Quiver Magazine ....

Thomas Chapman -R. N. L. B. Institution.

Christopher Waud, Bradford—-Late Mr. G.

M. Waud.

Bradford—Town of Bradford Mary Somerville—Miss Somerville's legacy I 89 ;•Civil Service No. 4—Civil Service Fund Charles llargrave—His Legacy .

Lewis Morice—Mrs. Morice's Legacy . .

'Mayer de Rothschild—Late Lady Rosebery.

Sandal Magna—Joseph Spawforth, Esq. .

B.A.O.B.—Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Life-boat Fund. Thomas Simcox—Mrs. Simcox . . . . J Mary Stanford—Legacy of John Stanford, I j Esq. f i Frances Harris—Her Legacy ' "Charles Arkcoll—Charles Arkcoll, Esq.. .

I William and Mary—Friends at Manchester Michael Henry—Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Fund. [petition.

I Sunlight No. 2.—Messrs. Lever Bros.' Com- * William Restell—Mr. Restell's Legacy . .

j Henry Harris—Mr. Harris's Legacy. .

i James, Mercer and Elizabeth—Mrs. Stoker.

John and Henry Skynner—Late Mr. Skynner and Miss Brigden.

Charlie and Adrian—X. ......

107 j Heyland—That Memorial Fund ....

108 *Queen Victoria—R. N. L. B. Institution .

109 ; Catharine Swift—Mrs. Swift's Legacy . .

Joe Jarman—Miss A. E. Jarman's Legacy .

William Slaney Lewis—Mr. Lewis's Legacy.

Charles Luckombe—Mrs. Luckombe's ' Sarah Brooshoft, Kirk Ella (Colonel _acy.» Charles Luckombe—Mrs. Luckombe's Legacy I Sarah Brooshoft, Kirk Ella (Colonel Broo"-| Vincent Wilkinson, Kirk filial shaft's Legacy Boy's Own No. 2—That Life-boat Fund .

William Ark-Lady Erie * This Life-boat is endowed.

Mr. E. French, Palling, Stalham, S.O., Norfolk.

JE. R. Boult, Esq., Wlnterton, Great Yarmouth.

![Rev. E. G. H. Murrell, M.A., Caister, Great Yarmouth.

A. F. Clowes, Esq., 27 Regent Street, Great Yarmouth.

Mr. J. S. Dawson, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth.

i}B. Preston, Esq., M.A., Lowestoft.

I E. E. Johnson, Esq., Highbank, Pakefield, Lowestoft, Mr. J.Williams, Chief Officer H.M. (?. G'., Kessingland, Lowestoft.

•Mr. J. Sinclair, Southwold, Suffolk.


Rev. J. F. Noott, B.A., Frostenden Hermitage, Wang- Mr. Thomas Nunn, Rose Cottage, Leiston, Saxmundham.

J. 0. Williams, Esq., H.M. Coastguard, Aldeburgh, R.S.O., Suffolk.

James N. Justice, Esq., H.M. Customs, Harwich.

Rev. J. T. Cooke, M.A., Walton-on-the-Naze, R.S.O., [Essex.

Fred. W. Lewellen, Esq., Clacton-on-Sea, Colchester.

James Richmond, Esq., Bruce House, Southend, Essex.

William Crawford, Esq., Margate.

.Col. Isacke, North Foreland Lodge, Broadstairs.

Mr. W. Jenkins, Ch. Off. H.M. C'. G*., Kingsgate, I Margate.

Mr. Thomas Jackson, Alexandra Road, Broadstairs.

Capt. E. Jones, Harbour Master, Ramsgate.

Rev. T. S. Treanor, M.A., Upper Deal.

Lieut-General Bruce, C.B., 1 East Cliff, Dover.

George Wilks, Esq., Hythe, Kent.

John Humphery, Esq., New Romney, S.O., Kent.

E. T. Bass, Esq., J.P., Lydd, New Romney, S.O., Kent.

Capt. Vidler, Rye, S.O., Sussex.

Mr. J. Drowley, Chief Off. H. M. C'. Gd., Camber, near Rye.

Councillor Hutchings, 24 Havelock Road, Hastings.

Mr. H. M. Emary, 64 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne.

J. W. Noel,Esq.,Meechiug Road, Newhaven,S.O., Sussex.

H. A. Perry, Esq., 34 Duke Street, Brighton.

Thos. Fuller, Esq., M.D., Longcroft, Shoreham.

George Piggott, Esq., 1, Victoria Terr., West Worthing.

Mr. W. Auld, 4-2 New Road, Littlehampton.

Rev. W. C. Battiscombe, Selsey, Chichester.

Mr. H. R. Trigg, Hayling Island, Havant.

| Wm. Payne, Esq., N. Provincial Bank, Portsea, Hants.

R. L. Hodges, Esq., N.P. Bank, Landport, Portsmouth.

Capt. E. du Boulay, Bembridge, Brading, R.S.O., I.W.

t Charles Dabell, Esq., Blackgang, Niton, Wroxall, t R.S.O., Isle of Wight.

I S6V- Canon Heygate, M.A.| Bri hstone Newport, I.W.

Rev. F. B. Lipscomb, M.A.J 6 v Rev. R. Leslie Morris, M.A., Brooke, Isle of Wight.

Mr. W. J. Waterhouse, Totland Bay, Isle of Wight.

P. Baudains, Esq., St. Helier's, Jersey.

Capt. Carre', R.N., Valnord, Guernsey.

G. Braxton Aldridge, Esq., Poole.

Mr. John Haysom, Swanage, Wareham.



No. at Om.

When Stationed or Named.

Ft In. Ft In.

DORSET - - - KIMERIDGE -----| 34- 76 WEYMOUTH ----- 34- 8 LYME REGIS ----- 34- 8 SOOTH DEVON - - SIDMOUTH _____ 34 _ 8 EXMOUTH _____ 34- 76 TEIGNMOUTH ----- 34- 76 TORQUAY- ----- 37- 8 BRIXHAM— — — — — — 37- 8 DARTMOUTH — — — — — 34- 8 SALCOMBE _____ 34- 8 HOPE COVE _____ 34- 8 YEALM RIVER - - - - 34 - 8 PLYMOUTH _____ 34- 76 CORNWALL - - - LOOE ------- 34- 8 POLKERKIS — — — — — 34- 76 MEVAGISSEY ----- 37- 8 FALMOUTH _____ 34- 8 PORTHOUSTOCK - - - - 37 - 8 CADGWITH _____ 37- 8 34 - 76 34 - 8 - MULLION _-_--_ 37- 8 PORTHLEVEN — — — — — 34- 79 PENZANCE _____ 34- 8 SENNEN COVE -___ 34- 83 SCILLY ISLANDS - ST. MARY'S ----- 33- 8 - ST. AGNES ---.__ 34- 76 CORNWALL - - - ST. IVES ------ 34- 76 HAYLE ------ 34- 8 NEW QUAY ----- 34- 8 PADSTOW- ----- 34- 8 PORT ISAAC ----- 34- 76 BUDE ------ 34 _ | 8 - NORTH DEVON- - CLOVELLY ----- 33. 8 - APPLEDORE—No. 1---34- 75 No. 2 - - - 3t - 76 BRAUNTON ----- 34- 8 - MORTHOE _____ 36 - 76 ILFRACOMBE _____ 34-|76 LYNMOUTH — — — — — 34- 76 SOMERSET - - - WATCHET _____ 34. 8 - BURNHAM -----I 34 76 WESTON-SUPEH-MARE — —I 34 - 76 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 12 12 10 10 12 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 1887 1887 1891 1885 1884 1887 1889 1885 1887 1887 1887 1887 1885 1882 1887 1888 1887 1886 1887 1887 1885 1887 1882 1884 1880 1891 1890 1886 1887 1892 1883 1887 1886 1870 1891 1885 1881 1892 1886 1887 1887 1887 1889 SOUTH WALES.


ANGLE, MILFORD HAVEN _ LlTTLEHAVEN — — — ST. DAVID'S — — — — FlSHGUARD No. 1 — — No. 2 - - 37 34 34 34 37 37 34 37 35 37 31 37 - I 8 - 8 - 8 3 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 9 - 8 - 7 3 8 - 12 10 10 10 12 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 1881 1887 1883 1884 1887 1885 1885 1888 1885 1885 1889 1885 NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, &c.—continued.



Augustus Arkiaright—F. C. Arkwrighl, Esq., J.P., and Friends.

*Friern Watch—E. Heman, Esq.

Susan Ashky—C. Carr Ashley, Esq.

William ana Frances—Miss Bass .

* Joseph Somes—Mrs. Joseph Somea .

Arnold—Teignmouth Bazaar . . .

James and Eliza Woodall—A Lady, per Manchester Branch.

Brian Bates—Mr. Bates' Legacy .

Henry and Amanda Shaw—Mrs. Shaw Lesty—The late Mr. Lesty's Legacy .

*Alexandra—Freemasons of England.

Darling—Mis. Thomas's Legacy. .

Escape—Miss Lucy Harris . . .

Boys' Own No. 1—That Life-boat Fund Arthur Hill—Arthur Hill, Esq. . .

John Arthur—Anonymous ....

Jane Whittingham—Mrs. Whittingham's Legacy.

Charlotte-A. F. H Joseph. Armstrong— That Life-boat Fund John and Sarah—Mrs. Redfern's Legacy Edmund and Fanny—Late Mrs. Hollond Edith—A Lady Charles Henry Wright—Mrs. Wright's Legac; Dora—The late Henry M. Harvey, Esq. .

Denzti and Maria Onslow—Miss Onslow * Henry Dundas—Mis. Dundas Drutnmond'p Legacy.

James and Caroline—Mr. Goss' Legacy. .

Exeter—Mr. W. Kendall's Legacy . . .' E. F. Harrison—New Oriental Bank . .

illie Rogers—Dr. J. Rogers' Legacy . .

Arab—R. A. B. Preston, Ksq 'Richard and Sarah — The late Richard Thornton West, Esq., and Mrs. West.

'Elizabeth Moore Garden—Family of the late R. T. Garden, Esq.

Graham Hughes—The late Mrs. Hughes .

Bessie Pearce—Mr. Love's Legacy . .

*Jane Hannah MacDonnld—Mrs. MacDonald ' Robert and Catherine—Miss Leicester .

Theop/iilus Sidney Echalaz — Rev. T. S.

Echalaz's Legacy.

Co-operator No. 2—The Co-operative Union, Limited Louisa— Rev. T. L. Wheeler W.- H. G. Kingston—" Union Jack " Life- boat Fund.

John Godfrey Morris—Mr. Morris's Legacy William James Holt—Late Col. Holt and Mrs. Symes.

Gerald D. Bond, Esq., Creech Grange, Wareham.

Henry Warren, Esq., Custom House Quay, Weymouth.

M. C. Preston, Esq., Lyme Regis.

W. J. D. Whitaker, Esq., L. & S. W. Bank, Sidmonth.

M. F. Moresby, Esq., R.N., 2 Adelaide Terrace, Exmouth.

W. J. Burden, Esq., Teignmouth, Devon.

Mr. J. G. Nevin, 11 Trafalgar Terrace, Torquay.

Alfred Kendrick, Esq., Lloyd's Agent, Brixham, Devon.

Henry Fooks, Esq., H.M. Customs, Dartmouth.

'Commander Herbert, R.N.,J.P., Salcombe, Kingsbridge.

John Yonge, Esq., Puslinch, near Yealmpton, Plymouth.

James Rooney, Esq., Great Western Docks, Plymouth.

R. Thomas, Esq., Looe, R.S.O., Cornwall.

W. E. Geach, Esq., Penellick, Par Station, R.S.O.


Capt. J. Ball Farran, Mevagissey, St. AustelL J. E. Downing, Jun., Esq., Grove Place, Falmouth.

Mr. E. P. Roskruge, St. Keverne, Helston.

Rev. J. J. Mallock, M.A., Ruan Minor.R.S.O., Cornwall.

H. Appleton, Esq., M.R.C.S., The Lizard, Cornwall.

Rev. J. H. Scholefield, M. A., Mullion, Cury Cross Lanes, Rev.H.W.Corry,Porthleven,Helston. [R.8.0.,Cornwall.

T. H. Cornish, Esq., Parade Street, Penzance.

Mr. E. J. Bluett, Scilly, R.S.O., CornwaU.

W. T. Tresidder, Esq., St. Ives, R.S.O., Cornwall.

W. H. A. Theed, Esq., Foundry Hill, Hayle.

Capt. W. Thomas, New Quay, R.S.O, Cornwall.

W. M. Richards, Esq., J.P., Padstow, R.S.O., Cornwall.

W. R. Guy, Esq., Port Isaac, Wadebridge, R.S.O.

Wm. Rowe, Esq., Stratton, "North Devon Mail." Mr. John Merchant, Chief Officer H.M. (?. Gd., Clovelly, Bideford.

Reginald B. Moles worth, Esq., Cliff Cottage, Bidef ord.

Claude W. S. Gould, Esq., Rock Park, Bamstaple.

Mr. William Cole, Corner House, Ilfracombe.

Rev. A. R. Hockley, Lynmouth, Barnstaple.

Will. Home, Esq., Watchet, R.S.O., Somerset.


Brid H. Piers, Esq., Julia Terrace, Bumham, near Bridge- Conway G. Warne, Esq., St. Duthus, Ashcombe, Weston-super-Mare.

Joseph Denman—Hon. Mrs. Joseph Denman Speedwell—A Ladv Wolverhampton—Town of Wolverhampton.

A Daughter's Offering—Miss Jones's Legacy David Barclay of Tottenham—Mrs. Barclay's Legacy.

City of Manchester—Manchester Branch .

Anne Cullin—Miss Collin's Legacy ...

Henry Martin Harvey—Mr. Harvey's Legacy Friend—Mr. Corker's Legacy Gem—Late Mr. Metcalfe Elizabeth Mary—Mrs. Tudor's Legacy . .

Appin—Miss Downie's Legacy ....


Capt. Pengelley, H.M.I.N., Dock Master, Penarth, Rev. W. Jones, Newton Nottage, Bridgend.

T. W. Islay Young, Esq., Cae Hir, West Cross, near Swansea.

Mr. Charles Bevan, Overton, Port Eynon, Swansea.

Gerard Elkington, Esq., J.P., Pembrey, Llanelly.

John Risley, Esq., Brondeg, Ferryside, R.S.O.

J. G. Lock, Esq., M.R.C.S., J.P., Tenby. [shire.

R. W. B. Mirehouse, Esq., The Hall, Angle, Pembroke- Mr. F. Pascoe, H. M. Coastguard, Broadhaven, Pem- brokeshire.

W. Peregrine Propert, Esq., LL.D., St. David's, R.S.O.

W. J. Vaughan, Esq.,Fishguard, R.S.O., Pembrokeshire.

[ Continued.

* This Life-boat is endowed.


No. of Oar*.


37 - 34 - 37 - 34 - »t to 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 12 10 12 10 1884 1883 1886 1887 34 - 37 - 34 - 38 - 34 - 39 - 37 - 34 - 34 - 33 - 34 - 39 - 37 - 50 - NORTH WALES.

MERIONETHSHIRE- ABERDOVEY - - - - BARMOUTH — — — — CARNARVONSHIRE- CRICOIETH - - - - PWLLHELI ABERSOCH — — — — PORTHDINLLAEN — — - LLANAELHAIARN — - — — LLAHDDWYN - — — — ANGLESEY - - RlIOSNEIGIR — — — - RHOSCOLYN - - - - FORTH RHUFFYDD — — HOLYHEAD No. 1 — — No. 2 - - „ No. 3 (Steam) CEMLYN — — — — — — 34 CEMAES —— — — — — 34 BULL BAY ----- 34 MOELFRE — — — — — — 39 PENMON — — — — — — 34 BEAUMARIS — — — — - 42 CARNARVONSHIRE LLANDUDNO (OBMB'S HEAD) - 37 DENBIGHSHIRE - LLANDDULAS ----- 34 I FLINTSHIRE - - RHYL (TUBULAR) - - - - 32 „ No. 2 ----- 34 CHESHIRE - - - NEW BRIGHTON, ;(TUBULAR) 43 LANCASHIRE - - SOHTHPORT No. 1 - - - - 34 „ No. 2 - - - - 42 LYTHAM — — — — — — 37 ST. ANNE'S No. 1 - - - - 34 „ No. 2 - - - - 43 BLACKPOOL — — — - — 35 FLEETWOOD No. 1 — — — — 37 „ No. 2- - - - 46 BARROW ------ 38 CUMBERLAND - - SEASOALE _____ 34 WHITEHAVEN — — — — — 34 WORKINGTON- - - - - 34 MARYPORT — — — — — 34 SILLOTH — — — — — — 34 ISLE OF MAN - - RAMSEY ------ 37 DOUGLAS No. 1 - - - - 34 „ No. 2 - - - - 42 CASTLETOWN — — - — — 34 PORT ERIN ----- 37 PEEL ______ 37 SCOTLAMD.

KIRKCUDBRIGHT - BALCAKY ______ 34 KIRKCUDBRIGHT _ _ - - 34 WIGTOWNSHIRE - WHITHORN _____ 34 8 - 8 - 7 6 8 - 8 - 9 - 8 - 7 6 7 6 8 - 7 6 9 - 9 - 12 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 9 - 8 - 11 - 8 - 8 3 8 4 8 - 12 6 8 - 13 3 8 - 7 6 11 9 8 6 8 - 11 - 9 - 7 6 8 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 8 - 7 6 11 - 7 6 8 - 9 - 8 3 7 6 7 6 10 12 10 14 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 12 10 12 12 10 12 10 14 10 12 12 10 8 10 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 12 12 10 10 10 1886 1885 1886 1892 1892 1888 1883 1885' 1890 1878 1891 1891 1890 1892 1888 1887 1889 1892 1880 1891 1887 1885 1856 1888 1888 1886 1888 1886 1887 1892 1885 1887 1887 1887 1886 1884 1886 1886 1885 1888 1887 1890 1885 1892 1885 1884 1887 1886 NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, &c.—continued.



Clemdon—That Life-boat Fund ....

Lizzie and Charles Leigh Clare—The late Mrs, Leigh Clare, per Manchester Branch.

Frank and Marion—Mrs. Francis G. Smart Elizabeth Lloyd—Mr. T. E. Jones's Legacy, per Manchester Branch.

David Havard, Esq., J.P., M.D., Newport, Pern.

Mr. William Joseph, Rock Terrace, Cardigan.

Capt. David Rees, The Quay Stores, New Quay, Llandys- Rev. J. Williams, Bridge Street, Aberystwith. [sil.

Thomas Niccolls Stratford—His Legacy .

J mes-Gibb—Mrs. Jones-Gibb «...

Caroline—Late Miss Lamb's Bequest and Capt. Rodney Blane's Life-boat Fund.

Margaret Platt ( f Stalybridge—T&ta. Platt's Legacy Oldham—Oldham Life-boat Fund . . .

Georye Moore—That Life-boat Fund Cyprian—Mrs. Noble Richard Henry Gould—Mr. John Gould's Legacy, per Manchester Branch.

Thomas lAngham—Mrs. Lingham . . .

*Ramon Cabrera—The Countess de Morella .

Norliury—Norbury Life-boat Fund . . .

*Thomas Fie/den—Samuel, John and Joshua Fielden, Esqrs.

"Joseph Wiiilworth—The late Sir Joseph Whitworth, Lady Whitworth and friends Duke of Northumberland (Hydraulic Steam Life-boat) B. J. Nicholson—Mrs. B. J. Nicholson George Evans—Mrs. Evans's Legacy . .

Curling—Miss Curling Star of Hope—Late Mrs. Atherton Howard 'Christopher Brown—Settle fund ....

Tom and Jenny—" D " Sunlight No. 1.—Messrs. Lever Brothers' Competition.

Mary Jane Gould—Mr. Gould's Legacy, per Manchester Branch.

Morgan—Miss Ellen Hodgson ....

Jane Martin—Mrs. Martin 'Henry Richardson—Mr. H. T. Richardson's Legacy.

Mary Anna—Anonymous Edith and Annie—The Misses Macrae . .

Charles Biggs—Miss Biggs's Legacy . .

Nora Royds—C. M. Royds, Esq. . . .

Brothers— Anonymous *Samuel Fletcher of Manchester—From his Estate by command of H.M. THE QUEEN Child of Hale—Colonel W. Blackburne . .

• Edith—Mrs. Carew's Legacy .....

William Birkett—Mr. Birkett's Legacy . .

Rescue—The late Mrs. Phipson ....

* Elizabeth Leicester—Miss Leicester . . .

Dodo—A Lady *Civil Service No. 5—Civil Service Fund Emma Frisky—Miss Annie F. Howis . .

Mary Isabella—Anonymous, per Manches- ter Branch.

Thomas Rose—Mr. Rose's Legacy, per Man- chester Branch *Civil Service Ao. G—Civil Service Fund .

Hope—Mrs. Bradshaw's Legacy . [Legacy.

William Sw/den— Miss L. C. Sargenson's John Monk—Legacy of Captain Monk, R.N.

Capt. Enoch Lewis, Aberdovey, R.S.O., Merioneth.

Mr. G. Griffiths, 2 St. Ann's Square,Barmouth, R.S.O.

D. Homfray, Esq., I r - j T a r Mr. Arthur Thomas }p°«™adoc, R.S.O., Carnarvon- [shire.

lapt. Evan Jones, Post-Office, Pwllheli.

Capt. H. Roberts, Glanrafon Morfa, Nevin, Pwllheli.

Rev. T. A. Jones, Trevor, Carnarvon.

John Jackson, Esq., Harbour Office, Carnarvon.

Mr. W. Jones, Ty Croes Farm, Ty Croes, R.S.O., Angle- Colonel Marshall, Bryn Golen, Holyhead. [sey.

Capt. G. Lewis, Mount Norris, Holyhead.

Mr. W. Williams, Fronddu, near Cemaes, Amlwch, R.S.O., Anglesey. [Anglesey.

Rev. T. Prichard, B.A., Llanbadrig, Amlwch, R.S.O., John Hughes,Esq., Frondeg, Amlwch,R.S.O.,Anglesey.

Rev. G. B. Jones, Llanallgo, Pentraeth, Anglesey.

} William M. Preston, Esq., Lleiniog Castle, Beaumaris.

Rev. John Raymond, 17 Gloddaeth Crescent, Llandudno.

John Davies, Esq., Craig y don, Llanddulas, Abergele, R.S.O., Denbighshire.

[Mr. Robert Hughes, Rhyl, North Wales.

Harold D. Bateson, Esq., 14 Castle Street, Liverpool.

Hugh B. Kent, Esq., " Rocklands," New Brighton, Birkenhead.

G. A. Pilkiugton, Esq., C.A., J.P., Belle Vue, Southport.

W. Thomas, Esq., M.D., J.P., 39 Park Crescent, Southport.

C. Myers, Esq., Lytham, R.S.O., Lancashire.

•Thomas Bradley, Esq., St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, Preston.

[Ernest Crosby, Esq., 11 Upper Queen's Terrace, I Fleetwood.

Capt. E. P. Stokes, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire.

The Honorary Secretary, Seascale, Cumberland.

J. G. Oldtield, Esq., Lloyd's Agent, Whitehaven.

J. Clifton Thompson, Esq., 53 Edkin Street, Workington.

R. Glaister Sharp, Esq., Maryport. [Cumberland.

Frederick Joyes, Esq., H.M. Customs, Silloth, K.S.O., E. C. Kerr, Esq., Bank, Ramsey, Isle of Man.

fThos. Bawden, Esq., Douglas, Isle of Man.

G. H. Quayle, Esq., Castletown, Isle of Man.

Mr. George L. Trustrum, Port Erin, Isle of Man.

John Corris, Esq., Manx Bank, Peel, Isle of Man.

David Hay—His Legacy ......

Hugh and Ann—Miss Fergusson's Legacy .

Henry and John Leighton—Late Capt. Henry Leighton, per Miss Agnes Leighton . .

J. G. Boyes, Esq., Auchencairn, Castle Douglas.

James McMuldrow, Esq., Kirkcudbright.

Alex. Macfie, Esq., J.P., Clydesdale Bank, Whithorn, R.S.O., Wigtownshire.


* This Life-boat is endowed.

310 THE LIFE-BOATS OF THE ROYAL STATION. Length. Breadth. Ho. of OKI. When Stationed or Named. So. PL bt.

34 - 37 - 33 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 37 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 42 - 39 - 37 - 37 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 37 - 34 - 33 - 34 - 31 - 34 - 34 - 31 - 37 - 31 - 37 - 37 - 37 - 33 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 33 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - 34 - Ft in.

7 6 8 6 8 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 8 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 11 - 9 - 8 - 8 - 7 6 7 6 8 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 7 3 8 - 8 - 7 3 8 - 7 3 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 7 6 8 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 8 3 7 6 8 - 8 - 7 6 7 6 7 6 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1887 1877 1871 1887 1887 1886 1887 1892 1890 1888 1888 1887 ' 1891 1891 1890 1889 1888 1886 1892 1887 1889 1888 1887 1889 1865 1888 1889 1888 1892 1891 1887 1889 1888 1888 1888 1873 1884 1888 1887 1865 1888 1889 1885 1885 1885 1888 1881 1891 1885 1892 1885 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 262 253 254 255 2fl6 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 PORT PATRICK - - - - ARGYLLSHIRE - - CAMPBELTOWX - - - - SUTHERLANDSHIRE DORNOCH FIRTH AND EMBO - ABERDEENSH1RE - FRASERBURGH - - - WHITELINK BAY — — — - PORT ERROLL, — — — — FOKFAESHIEE - - MONTROSE— No. 1- - - - No. 2- - - - BUDDON NESS 1 T. ( BKOUOHTT FERRY } D»HD»» { FIFESHIBE - - - ST. ANDREW'S - - - - HADDINGTONSHIKE NORTH BERWICK - - - - IRELAND. BALLYWALTER — - — — LOUTH - - - GILES' QUAY - „ r BLACKROCK - } DUHDALK { DROOHEDA — No. 1 - - - „ No. 2 - - - NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, &c.—continued.



224 225 226 227 228 '29 130 131 132 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 •258 259 260 261 •262 263 •264 Edinburgh and R. M. Ballantyne—Edin- burgh Workpeople, and Edinburgh Ladies Endowment Fund.

*Civil Service, No. 3—Civil Service Fund .

* William and Harriot—Mrs. Richardson's Legacy.

Sir Home. Popkam—Mrs. Popham's Legacy.

•Janet Hoyle—1. K. Hardie, Esq. . . .

Alexander Munnoch—His Legacy . . .

Busbie—Mr. Wallace's Legacy ....

Charles Sklrroia—Mrs. Skirrow ....

David and Elizabeth Kidd, Brother and Sister—Miss Pringle Kidd.

Mary Adelaide Harrison—Heath Harrison, John R. Ker— Robert Ker, Esq. . . [Esq.

Isabella,—Mrs. Duguid .......

Good Shepherd—L. O. Ancient Shepherds .

Samyntas Stannah—Mrs. Stannah's Legacy Co-operator No. 3 — The Co-operative Union, Limited.

Caroline and Thomas—Mr. Hackwood's Legacy.

Jonathan Marshall, Sheffield—Col. Broo- shoft's Legacy.

Dame—"D." Theophilus Sidney Echalaz—Rev. T. S.

Echalaz's Legacy.

Frances Sprot—Miss Sprot's Legacy. . .

James Sharpe—Mr. Sharpe's Legacy . .

Help for the Helpless—Mrs. Bain's Legacy .

Cosmo (f Charles—The late Capt. Gordon .

Three Brothers—Anonymous Peoples Journal—No. 1 — Subscribers to Dundee " People's Journal." Frances Camilla Howard—Miss Dixon . .

Ellen Newman and John Bentley—John Bentley, Esq.

Alexander Black—Mrs. A. Black. . . .

Theophilus Sidnei, Echalaz — Rev. T. S.

Echalaz's Legacy.

Mean/cell of Glenbervie — Mr. Alexander Davidson's Legacy.

Augusta—Lady Wood's Legacy ....

Bessie Webster- -George Webster, Esq. .

William Souter—Mrs. Souter's Legacy . .

May—"D." Sam-/el Shawcross—A. O. of Foresters .

Ladies' Own—Miss Smithers' Life-boat Fund George Paterson—Miss Paterson's Legacy .

Royal Stuart—Late Mrs. Atherton Howard Fergus Ferguson—Mrs. Ferguson's Legacy Wallace—The late Lady Cuningham-Fairlie James and Rachel Grindlay—Mr. T. Grind- lay's Legacy.

Quintin Cochrane, Esq., Port Logan, R.S.O., Wigtown- shire.

Rev. James R. Kennedy, The Manse, Port Patrick, R.S.O., Wigtownshire.

H. Inglis, Esq., Commercial Bank, Ballantrae, Girvan.

P. Fraser MacKenna, Esq., B. L. Bank, Girvan.

William Pollock, Esq., 24 Sandgate, Ayr.

Alexander Wyllie, Esq., Troon.

James Dickie, Esq., Council Chambers, Irvine.

John Craig, Esq., Ardro.ssan.

R. L. Alpine, Esq., Ardrossan.

Patrick Murray, Esq., Brodick, R.S.O., Isle of Arran.

Mr. Gavin Thomson, Campbeltown.

/Ericas M. Mackenzie, Esq., Stornoway.

Capt. G. Baillie, Stromness, S.O. Orkney Edward E. Corrigall, Esq., Longhope, Stromness, S.O., Orkney.

Mr. John Sutherland, Jun., Huna-by-Wick.

Hector Sutherland, Esq., Town Clerk, Wick.

Baillie Neill, Dornoch, Sutherland.

Mr. James Mclntosh, Nairn.

Capt. A. Coull, Harbour Master, Lossiemouth, Elgin.

Mr. John Wilson, 15 Baron Street, Buckie.

John B. Wands, Esq., N. Bank, Banff.

Andrew Tarras, Esq., Town House, Fraserburgh.

Mr. A. J. Birnie, Cairndenitj, Inverallochy by Lonmay, William Boyd, Esq., F.K.S.E., Peterhead. [Aberdeen.

Mr. John Smith, Port Erroll Terrace, Cruden, Ellon.

Mr. P. Murray, Newburgh-by-Aberdeen.

David Carr, Esq., Stonehaven.

Rev. John Brown, Bervie, Fordoun.

R. G. Welch, Esq., Johnshaven, Montrose.

M. Balfour Alexander, Esq., Montrose.

William Cargill, Esq., Arbroath.

James Hunter, jun., Esq., 69 Reform Street, Dundee.

Mr. Andrew Balsillie, 14 North Bell Street, St. Andrew's.

U. Morton, Esq., Craig Head, Crail.

H. B. Mackintosh, Esq., Anstruther.

D. McCulloch, Esq., British Linen Co., North Berwick.

William Young, Esq., Bank of Scotland, Dunbar.

W. McDougall, Esq., Commercial Bank, Eyeinouth.

f 265 266 2«7 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 Robert and Agnes Blair — Mrs. Blair's Legacy.

Georye Pooley—Tir. Pooley's Legacy . .

William Wallace—Mr. Wallace's Legacy .

Faith—Mrs. Bradshaw's Legacy . .

Louisa Burnaby—Mrs. Cameron ....

Farnley—E. Armitage, Esq., R.A. ...

Providence—Mr. Poolev's Legacy . . .

'General R. Dudley Blake—Mrs. Blake's Bequest *Charkt Whitton—Mr.C. R.Whitton's Legacy Charity—Mrs. Bradshaw's Legacy . .

Rev. J. Simpson, J.P.,Portrush, R.S.O., Co. Antrim.

R. Graham Lindsay, Esq., Donegal Place, Belfast.

Rev. J. O'Reilly Blackwood, Ballywalter, Newownrardf.

John McMullan, Esq., Cloughey, Portaferry.

Rev. David Kennedy, Tyrella Rectory, Clough, S.O., Co. Down.

Rev. J. H. Seymour, M.A., Newcastle, S.O., Co. Down.

. F. Farrell, Esq., Harbour Office, Dundalk.

Mr. N. Halligan, Banktown, Drogheda. [heda.

Thomas Gilroy, Esq., Morningtoa House, near Drog- [ Continued.

* This Life-boat is endowed.

312 THE LIFE-BOATS OF THE ROYAL STATION. Length. Breadth. No. of Oars. When Stationed or Karaed. No. Ft to. Ft. in. 34 - 7 6 10 1QQQ fyjK. 34 — 8 - 10 1OO»7 1 QQQ &i O 97fi 34 - 8 - 10 looo 1 QQ(* &tu 977 34 - 8 - 10 XOOD 1QQ1 £t i 97ft KlNOSTOWN — No 1 - — — 37 - 8 - 12 lool 1891 £ito 279 No. 2 - - - 42 - 11 - 12 1890 280 WICKLOW - - GKETSTONES - - - - - 37 - 8 - 12 1886 281 WICKLOW — — — — — 40 - 10 - 10 1889 282 . 39 — g _ 12 1 QQO 9QQ WEXFORD - - COURTOWN - - - - - 37 - 8 - X£ 12 lotfU 1888 iOO 284 CAHORE —— — — — — 35 - 8 - 10 1892 285 WEXFORD — No. 1 — — — — 42 - 11 - 12 1890 286 No. 2- - - - 34 - 8 3 10 1878 287 Q7 19 1 OGfi QQQ . Of — 34 - ~ 8 3 L£i 10 10 yu 1 QQA Zoo 9RQ FETHARD- - - - - - 34 - 8 3 10 looi 1886 tiOa 290 WATERFORD - DUNMORE EAST - - - - 37 - 9 - 12 1884 291 rp an in 1 QQfi n no 1 AMOBE O(J 04 ~ 7 ft J.U in lolfU 1QQ7 £;}£ nQQ JJUNQARVA» Ort 34 — i D 8 - J.U 1A loo/ IQQf) Si7O f)QA CORK - - - YOUQHAL- - - - - - 34 - 8 - 1U 10 looU 1885 y* 295 BALLYCOTTON - - - - 37 - 8 - 10 1891 296 QUEENSTOWN No. 1 — — — 34 - 8 - 10 1866 297 „ No. 2 - - - 42 - 11 - 12 1890 298 COURTMACSHERKT — — — 34 - 7 6 10 1885 299 34 - 7 6 in 1 QQft Sftft FEXIT (TRAIJSK BAT) — — — 34 - 07 _ 8 - 1U 10 19 lofu 1890 1GQO ouu 301 DAO ClILDAFF ------ Ol •* 34 - ~ 8 - Lo 10 looo 1892 OUi 303 LONDONDERRY- GKEENCASTLE - - - - 33 - 8 - 10 1880 304 galional fife-boat Institution Is prepared to establish and maintain a Life-boat Station on any part of the coast of the United Kingdom where it can be shown, from previous disasters, that a Life-boat is required. It is requisite that there should be a sufficient number of men (fishermen, or others accustomed to the management of boats at sea) to man the Life-boat, and a Committee formed from the residents in the neighbourhood to superintend the Station and obtain such small Annual Subscriptions as may contribute towards a portion of the expense of the Life-boat Station.

Communications should be addressed to the Secretary of the Institution, 14 John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.




275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 Maid of Annan—Mrs. Langworthy Sir Edward Blakeney—Dr. Mahony's Legacy.

Tom and Ida Smithies—Trustees of the late Miss Eliza Smithies / Aaron Stark Symes—Mrs. Elizabeth S. Symes Hannah Pickard—Mr. Pickard's Legacy . *Civil Service No. 7—Civil Service Fund .) Richard Brown—Late Mrs. R. F. Browne .

*Robert Theophilas Garden—Late R. T. Gar- den, Esq.

Frances and Charlotte—The Misses English's) Legacy Three Sister!—Anonymous ....

Willie and Arthur—Joseph Leather, Esq.

Andrew Pickard—Mr. Pickard's Bequest .» 'Civil Service No. 1—Civil Service Fund . Ji Robert Fitz Stephens—A. Lady, per Pembroke i! Stephens, Esq., Q.C John Robert—E. M. S "Helen Blake—Mrs. Blake's Bequest . . .

Henry Dodd—Mr. Dodd's Legacy . . .

Henley—Mr. Henley's Legacy ....

William Dunmlle—Mrs. Dunville's Legacy.

Hooper—Miss Hooper Mary Luckombe—Mrs. Luckombe's Legacy .

T. P. ffearne—T. P. Hearne, Esq. . . .

Quiver—No. 3—" Quiver " Magazine . .1 Endeavour—Miss Ball's Legacy . . ., Farrant—Mr. Farrant's Legacy ....

Crosby Leonard—Late Crosby Leonard, Esq.

Louisa and Emma—Miss Sargenson's Legacy Vandeleur—Mr. Vandeleur's Legacy . .

William Montgomery—Mrs. Montgomery .

Mary Beckwith—Mrs. Beckwith's Legacy .

George H. Fowler, Esq., Skerries, R.S.O., Co. Dublin.

Edward Greer, Esq., Evora, Howth, R.S.O., Co. Dublin.

Mr. J. S. Morgan, 2, Sea View Per., Clontarf, Dublin.

Capt. the Hon. F. G. Crofton, R.N., Harbour Master, Kingstown.

R. Cathcart Dobbs, Esq., Greystones.

S. E. Pirn, Esq., Wicklow.

Mr. James Tyrrell, Main St., Arklow.

Hon. George Stopford, Estate Off., Gorey, Co. Wexford.

(Capt. R. D'Olier George,-Cahore, Gorey. Co. Wexford.

I Mr. J. S. Sinnott, Cahore, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

John F. Walsh, Esq., West Mount House, West Gate, Wexford.

E. A. Gibbon, Esq., Rosslare House, Tagoat, Wexford.

Thos. Grant, Esq., Ballyteige Castle, Kilmore, Wexford.

Allan Leigh, Esq., Fethard, Waterford.

IMr' T' Dunn6y Dunmore East Waterford.

Edward Jacob, Esq.. Ardview, Tramore, Waterford.

Mr. John Cullinan, Devonshire Square, Dungarvan.

Mr. Henry Cooper, Ardmore, Youghal.

J. W. Pirn, Esq., Youghal. ~ [Cork.

T. W. Strangman, Esq., Shanagarry, Midleton, Co.

Capt. Usborne, R.N., Harbour Master, Queenstown, Capt. Townshend, Courtmacsherry, Bandon.

Alexander O'Driscoll, Esq., Valentia, Killamey.

Robert McCowen, Esq., J.P., Lloyd's Agent, Tralee.

Wm. Smyth, Esq., M.D., J.P., Burton Port, R.S.O., Co. Donegal.

R. M. Fleming, Esq., J.P., Culdaff, Co. Donegal.

Pierce Crosbie, Esq., Greencaiitle, Moville.


* This Life-boat ia endowed..