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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1892

Jan. 2.—Three men s-aved a man who had fallen overboard from the hrigantine Thomas, of Lowestoft, which was lying at anchor oS Lowestoft Harbour.—Reward, 15s.

Jan. 5.—Six men saved four fishermen whose boat hnd been capsized off Garnish Island, co.

Cork, in a moderate gale from the N.N.W. and a rough sea.—Reward, SI.

Jan. 12.—Two men saved three persons from a boat which had been capsized off Teign- mouth.—Reward, 11.

Jan. 14.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and 21. each to Mr. JAMES WATSON, master, and WILLIAM BUKTON, EDWIN HUKLE and ARTHUR B. FISHER, the crew, of the smack Britain's Pride, of Ramsgate, for gallantly saving an apprentice from the ship Enterkin, of Glasgow, which was wrecked on the Galloper Sands in a heavy W. gale and a very heavy sea m the 12th of December.

Also the Silver Medal and 17. each to JOHN ABBOTT and EDWIN WEBB, Coastguardmen, for gallantly swimming in a heavy sea and effect- ing the rescue of the crew of six men from the schooner Faavaret, of Stavanger, which stranded near West Wemyss, Fifes) ire, in a moderate E.S.E. gale on the 13th of November.

The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were awarded to Mr. MICHAEL MUNDAY, Chief Officer, and lit. each to four Coastguard- men who assisted to effect the rescue of the crew.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS NEIL and Sergeant COLVILLE, H.L.I., for assisting to save the Cox- swain of the Lydd Life-boat on the occasion of the accident to that boat on the 11th of Novem- ber ; 11. each was also awarded to five men who helped to save two of the Life-boat's crew on the occasion in question.

Also 71. 10s. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving three of the crew of the smack Walrus, of Voe, Lerwick, which had stranded at Revra Baas, Papa Sound, Shetland, in a strong S.W. by S. breeze and a heavy sea on the 3rd October.

Also 61. to four men for saving the crew of eight men of the steamer Galgorm Castle, which sunk close to Penmon lighthouse, Anglesey, in a strong N. gale and a very heavy sea on the 7th of December.

Also 41. 10s. to three men for putting off in a boat and saving two of the crew of the schooner Louise, of Thisted, which had stranded in Luce Bay. Wigtownshire, in a strong S.E. gale and a heavy sea on the 12th of December.

Also 41. to four men for saving the crew of four men of the fishing boat Elizabeth, of Cas'le- bay, which had struck on a rock and was sink- ing off Canna, Hebrides, in a strong W.N.W.

gale and a very heavy sea on the 2nd of October.

Also 31. 10s. to seven men for rescuing three of four men from two fishing boats which had been sunk by shots fired from a gunboat while at target practice outside Plymouth Sound on the 30th October.

Al,-o 31. to six men for putting off in the Shaldon, Devon, surf-boat, and saving a man from a fishing boat which had been capsized on Teigumouth bar on the 2nd of December.

Also 21. 10s. to five men for putting off in a boat and remaining by the fishing boat Un- daunted, of Girvan. which was in danger in a gale from the N.W. and a rough sea on the 11th of December.

Also 21. 5s. to three fishermen for saving three men from the boat of the Russian schoo'her Ve.rtia, which boat had been capsized off Tenby in a squall on the 8th of December.

Jan. 18.—Four men put off in a boat and saved three of four men from a boat which had been capsized at Ballinacourty, co. Waterford, while endeavouring to raise a ve.-sel's anchor during a light N.W. breeze and a smooth sea.— Reward, 21.

Jan. 18.—The master and crew of the fishing smack Princess, of Hoylake, saved two men from the punt of the flat Hannah and Joseph, of Liverpool, which had sunk in Liverpool Bay in a strong S.E. gale and a very heavy sea.— Reward, SI.

Jan. 21.— Five men saved a boy who had been washed overboard from a boat towing astern of a schooner near Western Calf Island, co. Cork, in a strong S.W. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 61. 5«.

Jan. 21.—Six men put off in a boat and saved three men whose boat had been disabled off Amlwch in a very strong S.W. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 41. 10s.

Jan. 23.—Six men put off in the Institution's boarding-boat at New Brighton to the assistance of the steamer Holland, of Liverpool, but found several tugs were trying to tow her afloat and that no further help was required.—Reward, 9J.

Jan 25 —Seven men saved a boat, containing two men, which was in danger near Cantick Head, Orkney Islands, in a strong gale and a moderately rough sea.—Reward, 51. 5s.

Feb. 1.—Five men put off twice in a boat, and rescued four men from the smack Abbey and flat Ayiies, both of Beaumaris, which were in danger in Llindu Ino Bay in a strong gale from W.N.W. to N.W., and a rough sea on the 1st instant.—Reward, 11. 10«.

The sum of 51. 5s. was also awarded to seven men who brought ashore one of the crew of the Agnes.

Feb. 7.—Four men put off in a boat and saved two of three men from a boat which had been capsized off Minehead, Somersetshire, in a fresh breeze from the W.N.W. and a moderate sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Feb. 11.—Voted 61. to eight men for putting off in a boat from Collieston, Aberdeenshire, and saving four men from a boat belonging to the stranded steamer Florence, of London, in a IST MAY, 1893.] REWARDS.

339 moderate S.S.E. wind and a heavy sea on the ! 25th of November. j Also 21. 10s. to the crew of a steamer for towing into Aherdovey harbour a fishing- smack, with four men on board, which had lost her sails in a gale of wind on the 26th of October. i Feb. 15.—Six men saved, by means of ropes, the crew of five men from the schooner Excel, of Whitehaven, which had stranded on the Harry Furlongs rocks in a gale from the E.

and a heavy sea.—Reward, 31. | March 4.—The Coxswain of the Broughty Ferry Lift-boat saved the crew of three I men from the fishing-boat Scottish Chief, of North Alloa, which was wrecked on Abertay Bank in a rough sea.—Reward, 1Z.

March 10.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed on vellum, and H., to PATRICK ROOVEY, and 51. to five other men, for saving the crew of five men from the fishing-boat St.

Patrick, of Newcastle, which was capsized about five miles S. of St. John's Point, co. 1 Down, in a moderate S.E. gale and a heavy sea on the 10th February.

March 15.—The crew of a coastguard boat saved two of the crew of the ketch Yeo, which had stranded off Padstow.—Reward, iSL March 20.—Two men saved two men whose boat, while in tow of a steamer, had been sunk by a heavy sea at the entrance to the Tyne in a moderate S.E. breeze.—Reward, 10s.

March 26.—Three men rescued the crew of two men from the Smack Commerce, of Beaumaris, which had stranded in Llandudno Bay in a strong gale from the N.E. and a heavy sea.—Reward, 21. 15s.

II. 10s. was granted to four men who helped to launch the salvors' boat.

April 2.—The master and three of the crew of a fishing-lugger rescued the crew of six men from the lugger Gideon, of St. Ives, which had been damaged by collision with a schooner and ultimately sunk off St. Ives in a strong breeze from the E.N.E. and a heavy sea—- Reward, H. 10«.

April 7.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and 15s., to Mr. J. MCCARTHY, Principal Lighthouse-Keeper at Lundy Island, and 11. 10s. to the two assistant lightkeepers and eight other men, for saving, by means of lines, the crew of twenty-one men from the s.s. Tunisie, of Bordeaux, which stranded under a high cliff on the eastern side of the island in a strong E. gale, a snowstorm, and a very high sea on the 19th of February.

April 18.—Four men saved a man and a ! child from a rowing boat in Swanage Bay in a moderate N.W. wind and a smooth sea-=- Reward, II.

April 30.—Two men saved one of the crew of the fishing boat Pansy, of Scarborough, which had capsized and sunk about four miles N. of that port in a strong breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, II.

May 27.—Two men saved two men from a boat which had been cut in two by collision with a steamer off Ringburn Point, Stranglbrd Lough.—Reward, II.

May 28.—Four men put off in a boat and saved seven boys whose boat had drifted out to sea off Llanaelhaiarn, Carnarvonshire, in a strong S. gale.—Reward, U.

May 28.—Five fishermen put off in a boat and saved the two proprietors of a sailing coble which had been capsized off Fairlight. Sussex, in a strong breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 21. 10s.

A reward of 5s. was granted to a coastguard who promptly conveyed to the fishermen a message reporting the casualty.

May 29.—Five men put off in a boat and saved three men from a ship's boat which was in danger off Workington, Cumberland, in a moderate gale from the S.W. and a heavy tea —Reward, 21. 10s.

June 2.—'1 hree fishermen saved one of the crew of the fishing-boat Mary, of Galway, which had foundered in a squall off Inverne, co. Galway.—Reward, 11. 2s. (id.

June 3.—Five men put off in a boat and saved the crew of three men from a fishing yawl which had been capsized in a strong breeze and a heavy sea at Ranugh Point, Aranmore, Ireland.—Reward, 27. 10«.

June 5.—Two men put off in a boat and saved three of five men from a boat which had been capsized on the Pole Sand off Ex- mouth, Devonshire, in a moderate gale from the N.N.W.—Reward, 11.

, 11. was also awarded to two other men who picked up another of the occupants of the boat.

He died, however, before reaching the shore, June 15.—Two men put off in a boat and saved three, of four persons »hose boat had been capsized on Mulroy Bar, co. Donegal, in a strong N.E. breeze and a heavy tea.— Reward, 41.

June 23.—Two men saved a man whose boat had been capsized in Montrose Harbour in a light N. breeze and a smooth sea—Reward, 10s.

June 25.—The Institution's boarding-boat at St. Anne's, Lancashire, rendered assistance to the schooner Countess of Carrick, of Runcorn, which was in a dangerous position near the Horse Bank in a strong breeze.—Reward, 81.

dune 25.—Four men saved four of five me» from a boat belonging to the steam fishing vessel Sudero, of Grimsby, which boat had sunk in the South Bay, Peterhead, in a choppy sea and S S.E. wind.—ttevr, rd, 21.

June 29 —Two men rescued three men whose fishing-boat had been upset off Souter Point, near South Shields, in a fresh N.N.E. wind und a moderate sea.—Reward, 10*.

July 4 —Four men saved three of the crew of a Coastguard boat which had been upset off Winterton, Norfolk, in a sudden squall.- Reward, 21.

July 7.—Four of the crew of the s.s. Holly, of Glasgow, put off in a boat from that vessel and saved one of two men from a boat which had been capsized in Dublin Bay in a strong W.N.W. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 21.

July 14.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and 10». each to HENRY HAYES and GEORGE EDWARDS for rescuing four of six men from a boat which had foundered in Poole Bay, Dorset, in a S. gale, which sprung up suddenly on the 28th May.

July 14,- Three lads saved three of five persons whose boat had been capsized and sunk off Newhaven, near th, in fine weather.— Reward, 12. 2s. Gd.

July 19.—Six men put off in a boat and saved the crew of three men from the ketch Jane, of Beaumaris, which stranded off White- haven and became a total wreck in a whole gale from the N.N.W. and a very heavy sea.— Reward, SI.

Aug. 1.—A man saved two persons from a boat which had been capsized and sunk off Felixstowe, Suffolk, in a strong N W. breeze, squally weather, and a rough sea.—Reward, 10«.

Aug. 9.—A man saved two men whose boat had been capsized off Killyleagh, co. Down, in a moderate E.N.E. breeze, and a smooth sea.

—Reward, 5s.

Aug. 23.—Two men put off in a boat and saved three of four persons from the yacht Sampareil, of Bognor, which had struck on an old submerged wreck and sunk off Thorney, Sussex, in a smooth sea.—Reward, 10s. The sum of 9s. was also granted to replace two oars broken in effecting the rescue.

Sept. 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vel- lum, to JOHN McKiNSTRY, aged fourteen years, for putting off in a boat and saving three of four persons from a ferry-boat plying between Larne Harbour and Island Magee, co. Antrim, which had been capsized about 200 yards from the landing-place at Island Magee, in a moderate gale from the N., squally weather and a rough sea, on the 19th July.

Also 10» to two fishermen for saving another fisherman whose boat had been driven on the rocks at Gobbins, co. Antrim.

Sept. 15.—Two men saved the crew of two men from the hooker Lady, of Costello Bay, which had been dismasted off Spiddal, co. Galway, in a moderate gale from the S.E., and a rough sea.—Reward, II.

Sept. 20.—Fifteen fishermen put off in the private Life-boat Augusta at Sheringham, and saved eleven men from some fishing-boats which had been overtaken by a moderate gale from the E.N.B. and a heavy sea.—Reward, 151.

Sept. 24.—Two men saved four men, whose boat, the Enterprise, of Burton Port, had been struck by a squall, capsized and sunk while competing in a sailing race at a regatta at Burton Port in a strong gale and a rough sea.

—Reward, 1Z.

Oct. 9.—Several men assisted to save the crew of eleven persons from the Norwegian barque Sirene, which, having become unmanage- able, was driven against the pier at Blackpool, in a gale of wind and a very rough sea. The vessel struck the pier several times and on each occasion some of her crew were rescued, until at length all of them were safely taken off the ship with the help of those who were on the pier. Considerable risk was incurred by the salvors, as the pier was much damaged by the frequent collisions of the vessel, and as the last man was rescued a large portion of the fctruc- ;ure, a few feet from where the rescuers had seen standing, was demolished.—Reward, 151.

The salvors generously handed the money which had been awarded to them to the Blackpool Hospital Fund.

Oct. 10.—Five men put off in a boat and saved one of the crew of the fishing-boat Brothers Gem, of Banff, who had been knocked overboard by the jil'ing of the boat's sail at Gorleston, Suffolk.—Reward, 11. 17» Hd.

Oct. 11.—Five of the crew of the Would light-vessel put off in a boat and saved the master and one of the crew of the Danish schooner Hamlet, who were clinging to wreckage, their vessel having been totally lost on the Hasborough Sands.—Reward, 51.

A reward of 21. was also granted to two of the crew of the Hasborough light-vessel, who put off in a boat with the view of saving life on the occasion in question; and 51. to the crew of the Calais fishing dandy 833, who also as- sisted in the attempts to rescue the shipwrecked crew.

Oct. 13.—Committee decided to send a letter of thanks to GEORGE LOYD FOSTER HAYTER, Esq., of Puckrup, Tewkesbury, and awarded 10«.

to a boatman for saving the crew of four men from a boat which had been upset off Westgate, Kent, on the 6th June.

Oct. 25.- Four men saved the crew of four men of the fishing boat St. Joseph, of Gal- way, which had been dismasted in a strong N.E. breeze and a somewhat rough sea in Galway Bay.—Reward, 21.

Oct. 26.—The crew of the fishing-boat Betsey, of Liverpool, rescued the crew of two men from the fishing-boat Aeron Express, of Aber- ayron, which had been blown out to sea, and was about five or six miles from land in a whole gale from the S. and a heavy sea.— Reward, 21.

Nov. 10.—Voted also 501. to the widow of the Coxswain of the Greystones Life-boat, her hus- band having unhappily been washed off the pier at Greystones sod drowned while endeavouring to render assistance to a vessel in danger on the 14th October.

Nov. 29.—Five men put off in a boat and saved two of the crew of the schooner Daring, of Garston, which had sunk in Slade Bay, co. Wexford, in a strong W.S.W. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 51.

Dec. 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution and 21. to MALCOLM KENNEDY, master of the fishing skiff Jessie, of Bowmore, Islay, and 21. each to his crew of three men for saving three men from the fishing boat Oag Van, of Port Ellen, Islay, which was wrecked on the rocks at Rhugarton-taig, Islay, in a moderate gale from the N.N.W. and a heavy sea on the 10th October..