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Life-Boat Services In 1892

Agenese, brig, of Sandefjord—as- sisted to save vessel.

Alice, ketch, of Milford 2 Alonso, 8.8., of Hull 7 Arbroath fishing boats—remained in attendance.

Arne,& schooner.of Soon—assisted to save vessel and 11 Augvold, Norwegian brigantine— rendered assistance.

Reaver, steam yacht, of Berwick —assisted to save vessel and ... 6 Boldon, s.8., of Newcastle—as- sisted to save vessel and 17 Breeze, schooner, of Sunder land... 6 Brighton* steamer, of London- rendered assistance.

Brothers, smack, of Carnarvon... 2 Bronghty Castle, schooner 3 Bull Bay boat—saved vessel and 3 Caister fishing boats in distress- rendered assistance.

Canpida, dandy, of Yarmouth- remained by vessel.

Charlotte Stringer, barque, of Grinstad 10 Chocolate Girl, brigantine — landed pilot.

Chriitian, cutter, of Dunmore— saved vessel.

Christiana, smack, Llangranog 2 Cicelia, ketch, of Guernsey—as- Bis*ied to save vessel and Cullercoats fishing cobles — re- mained afloat.

Daybreak, ketch, of Peterhead ... 4 Dejianee, steam tug, of (ireenock —remained by vessel.

Don, ketch, of Great Yarmouth— saved vessel and 6 Douse,brigantine, of South shields 6 Duke, schooner, of Wlcklow 3 Eider, s.s., of Bremen — saved mails, specie, &c., and 379 Emma Sauber, B.S., of Hamburg —rendered assistance.

Ephrussi, barque, of Brevig—re- mained by vessel.

Eugenie, brig, of Brevig—assisted to save vessel and 8 Express, schooner, of Dublin— save!vesseland 4 fair Play, yawl, of Arklow—re- mained by vessel.

Fairy, schooner, of Sunderland— landed crew from a steamer.

Felix, brig, of Stettin 1 Fire Fly, barge, of Londou—as- sisted to save vessel and 4 Francis, sch., of Fowey—assisted to save vesseland landed crew.

Gem, smack, of Dublin 4Lives saved.

Glencairn, ship, of Glasgow—re- mained by vessel and landed... 23 Harriet, schooner, of Bristol- remained by vessel.

Harriet and Robert, lugger, of Newhaven—saved boat and ... 2 Hiram, trawler, of Lowestoft— rendered assistance.

Holy Island fishing boats—ren- dered assistance.

Idlewild, s.s., of Sunderland— assisted to save vessel and 15 James and Mary, of Dublin 8 James Taylor, ech., of Preston ... 4 Jane and Ann, of Scarborough— assisted to save boat and 4 Janets and Ann, schooner, of Chester—rendered assistance.

Janus, s.s., of Grangemouth 18 Jessie, smack, of Plymouth—ren- dered assistance.

John, cutter, of Dungarvan — landed an injured man.

2 John Nelson, sch , of Beaumaris Jubilee, schooner, of Harwich— assisted to save vessel and 6 J. Y. Short, s.s., of Sunderland... 7 Lady Louisa, steamer, of Liver- pool—rendered assistance.

Lancet, brig, of Wbitby 7 Liberator, fishingsmack, of Wex- ford—rendered assistance.

Lloyds, s.s., of London—landed crew saved by another steamer.

L( westoft fishing luggers—assis- ted (o save seven boats and ... 16 Lythemore, brigantine,of Llanelly —remained by vessel.

Mtdby Ann, schooner, of London 4 Manx Girl, yawl, of Dublin— rendered assistance.

Margard and Ann, fishing yawl 2 Mary, pilot cutter, of Bristol 4 Mary and Ann, coble, of North Sunderlanit—rend, assistance.

Mary .4nn, boat, of Southwold ... 4 Mary Ann, sloop, of St. Andrew's —rendered assistance.

Mdry~-Jane, schooner, of Ramsey 3 Maryland, B.S., ot London—ren- dered assistance.

Marys, ketch, of Aberystwith ... 3 Maxwell, ship, of Liverpool 29 May tytteen, ketch, of Plymouth— moored vessel and landed crew 3 Meath, s.s.. of Sunderland 38 Minnie, boat, of Port Patrick— remained in attendance.

Miss Hunt, schooner, of Carnarvon 4 „ —assisted to save vessel.

Mogador, s.s., of London—ren- dered assistance.Isle, steamer, of Douglas —remained by vessel.

Montrose and Newbiggin fishing boats—remained in attendance.

Morning Star, coble, of North Sunderland—rend, assistance.

Palm Branch, coble, of Whitby 3 Paul, brig, of Hennebont—re- mained by vessel.

Peeblfsskire, barque, of Glasgow —rendered assistance.

Perle, schooner, of Dunkirk 12 Pollie, pilot cutter, of Cardiff- saved vessel.

Queen of the Isles, brigantine— remained by vessel.

Raven, schooner, of Bangor—as- sisted to save vessel and 3 Renown, schooner—rend, assist.

Renown, of Great Yarmouth- assisted to save vessel and 1 Rensche, schooner, of Papenburg 5 Rion, s.s., of Newcastle—assisted to save vessel and 25 Rose, schooner, of Carnarvon 3 Royal Fern, cutter, of Peel—as- sisted to save vessel and 3 Saga, barque, of Flekkefjord 11 Seagull, ketch, of Beaumaris 3 Sheringham fishing boats 4 Spray, schooner, of Dublin 3 Staithes fishing cobles-rend, assist.

Stirf, yawl, of Little ham pton— assitted to save vessel and 2 Tally Ho, lusrger, Scarborough ... 4 Tekla, schooner, of Newcastle— assisted to save vessel and 7 Telegraph, of Frederikshald—as- sisted to save vessel and 9 The Saint, schooner, of Runcorn 5 Verdandi, B.S., of Gothenburg ... 15 Vigilant, schooner, of Montroae 4 Visitor, brigantine, of Glasgow- rendered assistance.

Wanderer, fishing boat, of Ferry- den—rendered assistance.

Wild Rose, coble, of Redcar— rendered assistance.

William, smack, of Carnarvon... 3 William and Sarah Ann, ketch, of Goole—saved vessel and 7 William Parker, of Ipswich 6 Total lives saved by Life- Boats in 1892, in addition to 33 vessels 836 During the same period the Institution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and otber boats 220 Total Number saved in 1892 1056.