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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

(Tbtf-gura refer to the numbtn of the Hfc-boatl detailed on the twelve preceding Pages.) A. F. H., 131. ., 195, 241, 267. oman. E. Esq., 118. ooley, G. Esq., the late, 266, A Lady, 16. )almer, Mrs. the late, 11. onourable Artillery Com- 27lf A Lady, 31. )avidfon,Mr.A.,th-late,2*3. pany Dramatic Club, 81. Preston, Mrs., the late, 38. A Lady, per Manchester )enman, Hon. Mrs. JOB., 160. ouper, Miss, 294. [30. •reston, R. A. B. Esq., 147. Branch, 123. ixon, Miss Anne, 46. opps, W. G., Esq., the late, roctor-Beaucbamp, Sir R., A Lady, 138. Kxon, Miss, 249. Howard, Mrs. Alherton, the Bait., 63 A Lady, 161. )odd, H., Esq , the late, 291. late, 1«3, 261. UEEN, HKE MAJESTY THE, A Lady. 2 1 2. )ownie, Miss, the late, 171. nwis. Miss Annie F., 2:4. 206. A Lady, per Pembroke )rnmmond, Mrs. Dundaa,tbe uddCTsheld, collected in, 67. Quiver " Magazine, col* Stephens, Esq., Q.C., 288. late, 142. lugbes, Mrs., the late, 150 lected, 76, 84, 297. Anonymous, 9, 247, 284. )uguid, Mrs., 236. [248. ngleby, Rev. Cbas.,the late, Redfern, Mrs., the late, 136. Anonymous, 32. Nlnilee, People's Journal. per G. P. Wragge, Esq., 22. estell, W. T., Esq., the Anonymous, 34, 79. )uuville, Mrs., the late, 293. . U the late. 71 late, 102. [late, 20 i. Anonymous, 132. E. B , M. P., and A. and E. I, acomb-Hood, Miss E. H., ichardson, H. T. Esq., the Anonymous, 2 1. Cheddar. 28. the late, lu. [110. ichardson, the late Mre. Anonymous, 205. M S.. 289. arman, M ss A E., the late, Harriot, 226. Anonymous, per Manchester Sason, Miss, the late,61. ewish Scholars' Life-boat Rochdale, collected in. 24. Branch, 216. Echalaz, the Hi v. T. S , th" Fund, 100. Hog. rs, Dr. J., the lute. 146. Arkcoll, Cha , Esq., 98. late, 164, 212, 252. [224. on. s, Miss M., the late, 163. .ose, Thomas, Esq., the late. Arkwright, If. C., Esq., J.P., Cdinburgh Working People, Jones. T. E., Esq., the late, 216. and friends, 117. Sdinburgh Ladies' tenduw - 175. [144. ;osebery, Lady, the late, 92. Aruiitage. E.. Esq., K. A.,270. raent Fund, 224 Jsndall, W., Esq., the late, Urns, Admiral, Life-boat Armstrong Fund, 135. Sgdell, Miss, the late, 2, 55. fer, Kobert, Esq., 234. Fund, 43. Ashley, C. Carr, Esq., 119. illicit, Mis., the late, 56. Cidd, Miss Pringle, 232.[2f 9. Koyds, C. M. Esq., 204. Bain, Mrs., the late, 245. Mis, Mrs. the late, 33. jadies' Own Lite-boat Kund, t. Michael's, PaddingtonT Ball, Miss, the late, 49, 298. Cnglish, the late Misses, 283. jamb, Miss, the late, 178. Life-boat Fund, 73. [301. Baltic Life-boat Fund, 62. 5rle, Lady, 116. *angworthy, Mrs., 275. argensoM,Miss,the late, 219, Barclay, lira., the late, 164. !vans, Mrs., the lat -, 191. weather, Jos., Esq.. 285. bc.,tt, Mrs., the late, 7. Barr. Ms., the late, 1. arrant, H. A. M., Esq., the elcester, collected in. 66. ettle, collected in, 42, 1 94, Haas, Miss, 120. late, 299. [262. Leicester, Miss, 153, 211. harpe, James, Esq., the late, Bates, Mr. Brian.the late,124. rerguson, Mrs., the l.te, 77, jeighton, Capl. H., the late, haw, Mrs., 125. [244. Beckwith, the late Mrs., 304. rergusson, Miss thelate,222. per Miss A. Leighton, ilkenstadt, Mrs , 51. Bedford, Miss A.M.,Trustees Leiden, Samutil, John, and 223. inicox, Mrs., 95. of, 3. Joshua, Esqs., 187 /eonard,C.,Esq., the late, 300. ki row, Mrs., 231. Bennett, Mr. W., the late, 64. Fielder, Miss M., 6. [27. Lesty, Wm., E.-q., the late, kynner, Jno. Esq., the late. Bentley, John, Esq., 250. ''irbank, Mr. & Mrs., the late, 126. [Ill and Miss Brigden. 20, 105. Berrey, Miss, the late, 47, 48. i'letcher, Mr. Samuel, the *ew is, W. S., Esq., the late, mart, Mrs. Francis G., 174. Bewick, Miss, the late, 6. late, 206. [15, 25, 258. Licensed Victuallers, col- mitb, Mrs. F. S., the late, 83. Biggs, Miss, the late, 2:i3. foresters. Ancient Order of. lected from, 50. mith, James M* Lan n, Esq., Birkett, Wm., the late, 209. Foster, Herbert A., Esq., Jngham, Mrs., 184. 67. Black, Mrs. Alexander, 251. and Relatives, 36. x ve, A. , Esq. , the late, 161. Smithies, Miss Eliza, the late. Blackburne, Col. W., 207. i'ox.Childreu of Mr.and Mrs., Lovibond, George, Esq , the 277. Blair, Mrs., the late, 265. 35. [127. late, 21. omcrville, Miss, the late, 88. Blake, Mrs., the late, 27 ,290. freemasons of England, 82, Loynl Order of Ancient kjmes, Mrs., 121. Blane, Capt. Rodney, K.N., Friends at Manchester, P9. Shepherds, 236. Souter, Mrs., the late, 256. Bolton, coll. in, 72. [178 Garden, the late R. T., Esq. LuckombP,Mrs.,thelate,112, Spawforth, J., Esq., 93. Boy's Own Life-boat Fund 1 19.282. [and Mrs., 177 MacDonald, Mrs.. 162. [295. Sprot, Miss, the late, 243. Bradford, 87. [115, J30 Gibb, T. Jones, Esq., the late Macrae, Misses, 202. Stanford, John, Esq., the late. Bradshaw Mrs., the late, 218 Gordon, the late Capt., 246 Mahony. Dr., the late, 276. 96. 268. 274. Goss, Jas., Esq., the late Manchester Branch, 29, 123. Stannah, Mrs., the late, 237. Brtgden, Miss, 105. H3. [183, 197 165. 173 175, 183, 186, 197, Stoker, Mrs., 12, 1H4. " British Workman," 59. Gould, John, Esq., the late 215,216 Stratiord. T.N. Esq., the late, Brooshoft, Col., the late, 113 Graham, Mrs. i:. North, an( Martin, Mrs , 199. 176 [196. 114, 240. [281 Sons and Daughters, 78. Metcalfe,J.Esq.,thelate,169. Sunlight Competition, 101, Browne, Mrs. R. F., the late Grindlay, Thomas, Esq., the Middlewood, Geo., Esq., 39. Swift, Mrs., the late, 109. Buffaloes, Royal Ante late, 264 Monk,Capt.RN.,thelate,220 Symes, Mrs. Elizabeth S.,278. diluvian Order of, 94. Guerrier, Rev. W. J., 58. Montgomery, Mrs. ,303. Teignmonth Bazaar, 122. Burch, Mrs.. 64. Hackwood, Thos., Esq., the Moore, the late Geo., Esq. Thomas, Mrs., the late, 128. Burmester, Miss, 80. late, 239. Life-bout Fund, 181. Townend, Mrs., 29. Burroughes,Mrs.,thelate,63 Hardie, T. K. Esq. 228. Morella, theCountessde, 186 I'udor, Mrs., the late, 170. Bury, C., Esq., the late, 74. Hargrave, ChaS., Esq., th Morice, Mrs , the late, 91. " Union Jack " Life-boat Cameron, Mrs., 269. late, 90. Morris, J. G. E=q., the late Fund, 167. Carew, Mrs., the late, 208. Harris, H., Esq., the late,103 158. [223 Vandeleur, Richard, Esq., Civil Service Life-boat Fum Harris, Mrs. H., the late, 97 Munnoch, A., Esq. .the late the late, 302. 14, 89,21.1,217,225,280,287 Harris, Miss Lncy, 129.' New Oriental Bank. i45. Walker. G., Esq.. the late, 41. Clagett, Mrs., the late, 19. Harrison, Heath, Esq., 233 Nicholson, Mrs. B. J., 190. Wallace, H. R. C., Esq., the Clare.,Mr8.Leigh,the late,173 Harvey, H. M. Esq., th Noble, Mrs., 18i. late, 230. [267. Clevedon Lite-boat Fund, 172 late, 140, 167. Norbury Life-boat Fund, 186 Wallace, W., Esq., the late, Coal Exchange, London Hay, 1)., Esq., the late, 221 Northumberland, I'ne IJow Waud.G. M. Esq.,the late,86. Members of the, 75. Hearne, T. P , Esq , 296. ager Duchess of, 8. Webster, George. Esq , 256. Collin, Miss, the lat«, If 6. Hedley, William, Ksq , th Odd Fellows (Mancheste West, R. Thornton, Esq., the Co-operative Union, Limits late, 17. [late, 292 Dnity), 44. late, and Mrs. West, 148. 13, 155, 238. Henley, George, Esq., th OMham Lifeboat Fund, 180 Wheeler, Rev. T. L., 166. Coppin, Mr. John, the late,18 Heyland Memorial, 107. Onslow, Miss, 141. [70 Whittingham, Mrs., the CorKer.C. J.Esq.,thelate,16 Heywood-Lonsdale, A. P Parkin, Thos., Esq., the lat* late, 133. Corn Exchange, Mark Lan Esq., 46. Paterson, Miss, the late, 260 Whitton, Mr. C. R., the late, Members of the, 65. Hill, Arthur, Esq., 131. Payne, W.J. Esq., the late, 40 213. Covent Garden Life-boa Hoduson, Miss Ellen, 198. Phipson, Mrs., the late, 210 Whitworth, Sir Josi ph, the Fund, 62. [late, 263 Hollon. R. W., Esq., the late Pickard,A.,Esq.,thelate,27 late, and friends, 188. Cuningham-Fairlie, 37. 2»6. Wolverhampum, coll. in, 1 62. Curlinn, Miss, 192. Hollond, Mrs., the late, 137 Platt. Mrs., the lat°, 179. Wood, Lad?, the late, 254. Uuttell, J., Esq., the la-e, 4. Holt, Col., the late, aud Mrs Plimsoll Lire-boat Funds, 6 Wright, Mrs., the late, 139. Cyclist Life-boat Fund, 23. Symes, 169. Popham, Mrs., the late, 227 " X.," 106. THE AVERAGE COST OF * LIFE-BOAT STATION is £1,05O AND is MADE DP AS FOLLOWS:— Life-boat and her equipment, including Life-belts for the Crew Total . . .£1,050 The average annual expense ef maintaining a Life-boat Station ii £100, and the benefaction* and contribution* of Donors of Life-boats are earnestly solicited in aid of that fund..