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Balance Sheet. 31st December, 1892

£ t. d. £ . d.

To Blake Life-boat Maintenance Fnnd:— Balance from 1891 7 15 9 Dividends received in 1892 49 10 - 57 5 9 Amount expended thereout 13 10 5 43 15 4 „ Blake Life-boat Reward Fund :— Balance from 1891 590 12 6 Dividends received in 1892 74 5 - 664 17 6 ,, Dunnett Widows and Orphans Fund:— Dividends received in 1892 133 2 10 Amount expended thereout 133 2 10 „ General Widows and Orphans Fund :— Dividends received in 1892 57 - - Contributions 88- 65 8 - Amount expended thereout 65 8 - ,, Eeardon Samaritan Fund :— Dividends received in 1892 147 - Amount expended thereout 147 - „ Paterson Widows and Orphans Fund :— Dividends received in 1892 155 4 8 Amount expended thereout 155 4 8 „ Capital, 31st December, 1891 481,417 13 5 „ Legacies received in 1892, out of which £15,262 5s. 8d.

is to be specially applied 41,739 5 3 „ Special Donation to Capital received in 1892 ... 88- 523,165 6 8 Loss on realisation of Securities 28 10 - 523,136 16 8 „ Balance of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 31st December, 1892 :— Expenditure £80,416 10 2 Income 58,527 15 1 21,888 15 1 „ Capital, 31st December, 1892 *501,248 1 7 £501,956 14 5 CHARLES DIBDTN, Secretary.

* The above Capital includes the sum of £109,860 7s. 6d. being special Donations and Bequests, the Income of which is to be applied, as stipulated by the Donors thereof, in the maintenance of certain specified Life-boats and in grants to the relatives of men lost in the Life-boat Service and to persons injured in such service.

31st December, 1892. 301 ASSETS.

£ *. d.

By Consolidated 2f per cent. Stock cost 159,87618 1 „ Do. Do. „ 3,000 - - ,, 2| per cent. Annuities , 5,835 6 - ,, East India Railway 4J per cent. Debenture Stock .... ,, 30,124 7 6 ,, North Eastern Railway 4 per cent. ,, „ ....,, 29,387 15 - ,, Metropolitan 3£ per cents. ........... ,, 28,156 5 — „ North British Railway 4 per cent Debenture Stock .... „ 27,072 4 - „ Great North of Scotland Railway 4 per cent. „ . . . . „ 26,16176 „ Isle of Man 3J per cent. Debentures , 23,197 10 - ,, Great Western Railway Consolidated Guaranteed 5 per cent. Stock „ 17,518 15 - „ 35 £50 Grand Junction Waterworks Company Shares . . . „ 3,920 - - „ Russian Nicolas Railway 4 per cent. Bonds ...... ,, 400 - - „ Manchester Corporation 4 per cent. Perpetual Annuities Bond . ,, 300 — - ,, Great Northern Railway 6 per cent. Stock B ,, 300 - - „ Royal Victoria Yacht Club 5 per cent. Debenture Bonds ... ,, 125 - - „ India 3 per cent. Stock „ 34,141 7 5 „ Midland Railway 3 per cent. Debenture Stock ..... „ 25,00718 6 „ South Western Railway 4 per cent. „ , , 10,005 5 6 ,, Caledonian Railway „ „ , „ 19,597 10 - „ Great Northern Railway Company's 4 per cent. Consolidated 1 , _ „,,,, Preference Stock . . . / ' 17 800 ~ ~ ,, East India Railway Company's Annuity Class B £56 ... ,, 1,428 - — ,, India S percent. Stock „ 29,156 1 5 „ Blackwall Railway Company's Consolidated Stock .... „ 274 - - „ East London Waterworks Company (Ordinary Stock) . . . ,, 3,516 8 4 „ Messrs. Coutts & Company (Deposit) 5,000 - - „ Balances at Bankers 654 15 2 £501,956 14 5 I have examined these Accounts, together with the relative Invoices and Vouchers, and found the same correct. I have also satisfied myself that the Securities representing the Investments of the Institution are in order.

(Signed) SAMUEL LOVELOCK, Chartered Accountant, 18th. January, 1893.Auditor.