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The S.S. Idlewild

On the 7th October, at about 1 A.M., a steamer, which proved to be the s.s. Idlewild, of Sunderland, coal-laden from the Tyne for London, appeared to have run aground on the north part of the Barber Sand. The coxswain of the Life-boat Beauchamp was called and, after an inspection through the glass it was evident that the steamer was really stranded. The Life-boat was then launched and sailed to the vessel in a strong S.W. breeze, encountering a very heavy cross sea. On nearing the sand, the boat's anchor was let go, and she wore down to the ship. The services of the life-boat men were engaged to assist to get the vessel afloat and in about three hours this was accomplished; she was taken into the Cockle Gat and then resumed her voyage. She had a crew of fifteen persons..