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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 8th September, 1892.

Colonel FrrzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District.—Buddon Ness, St. An-- drew's, Broughty Ferry, Eyemouth, North Ber- wick, Dunbar, Blyth (two boats), Balcary, Kirkcudbright, Whithorn, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Troon, Girvan, Ballantrae, Ayr and Irvine.

Eastern District. — Brooke, Brighstone Grange, Atherfield, Totland Bay, Bembridge, Hayling Island and Southsea.

Western District.—Llanaelhairn, Pwllheli, Barmouth, Aberdovey, New Quay (Cardigan- shire), Aberystwyth, Porthcawl, Port Eynon, Swansea, Burry Port, Carmarthen Bay, Tenby, Milford, St. David's, Fishguard (two boats), Newport (Pembrokeshire), Cardigan, Little- haven and Penarth.

Irish District.—Wexford (two boats), Carn- sore, Kilmore, Courtown, Tramore, Dunmore East, Fethard, Dungarvan, Youghal, Ardmore, Queenstown (two boats), Ballycotton, Court- macsherry, Valentia, Tralee and Cahore.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ t. d.

Collected by The Sheffield Daily Telegraph, from the inhabitants of Sheffield 1,382 6 10 Mrs. JOSEPHINE H. SILKENSTADT, to provide a Life-boat to be named the Alfred S. Genth, in memory of her late brother 700 - - Miss ANNIE F. aid of the maintenance of her Life-boats at Porthoustock and Silloth . . 100 - - Miss MATILDA CHELLINGWORTH . 100 - - A LADY 100 - - WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF DRAPERS, annual subscription .... 52 10 - A LADY, in aid of endowment of Whitburn Life-boat, additional. 50 - - C. CASH ASHLEY, Esq., in aid of the maintenance of the Lyme Regis Life-boat 25 - - Collected at POPLAB MERCANTILE MARINE OFFICE, per J. SWAIN, Esq 21 10 - Collected on board the s.s. Garonne on her recent cruise to Norway . 95- Collected on board the s.y. City of Richmond on her recent cruise to Norway 5 - - Collected on board the Orient Mail Steamer lustra?

 Life-boat Sunday Collections.

£ e. d.

TYNEMOUTH LIFE-BOAT SUNDAY FUND, per G. BRUCE, Esq. . . 13 15 - FYMNGDALES PARISH CHURCH, Yorkshire, per the Rev. R. JERMYN COOPER, M.A. ... 4 12 - WALTON WEST CHURCH, Haver- fordwest, per Littlehaven Branch 1610 Offertory at celebration on board the s.s. Lake Superior (Beaver Line), April 24tb, 1892, per the Rev. S. E. SIMMS, M.A. ... 1 - - Offertory on board H.M.S. Impreg- nable, Devonport, per the Rev. W. CLARKSON, R.N - 16 9 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late A. J. CORRY, Esq., of Putney 1,500 - - The late ROBERT METHVEN, Esq., ofCupar, Fife 1,000 The late Miss J. B. BRADSHAW, of Manchester 500 - - The late THOMAS ATKINSON, Esq., of Peckham Rye 324 10 7 The late R. B. MORBICB, Esq., of Eltham 300 - - The late EDWARD COOPER, Esq., of Little Oakley 250 - - The late Miss E. C. ALLEN, of Finchley Road 140 - - The late Mrs. A. P. VOOGHT, of Wandsworth 100 - - The late Dr. WILLIAM P. DEVERELL, of Ardglass, co. Down . . . . 90 - - The late Mrs. ANN APPLEBY, of Low Buxton 50 - - Reported that H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES inspected the steam Life-boat Duke of North- umberland belonging to the Institution at Cowes on the 4th August, when H.R.H. ex- pressed himself greatly pleased with the boat.

On the following day, H.I.M. the GERMAN EMPEROR embarked in the Life-boat, when she was taken for a short run and tried in various ways. His Majesty expressed his high approval of the boat.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to ARTHUR HILL COATES, Esq., the Rev. G. H. DAUNT, and Messrs. NEWMAN H. HUNT & SON in recognition of their past valuable co-opera- tion while holding the office, respectively, of Honorary Secretary of the Belfast and Grooms- port, Tyrella and Sheffield Branches of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to its station of the St. Anne's No. 2 new Life-boat.

Also that the Aberdovey Life-boat had been returned to its station after having been altered and fitted with all the latest improvements.

Paid 5,476Z. 5s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 551. to pay the expenses of the Ramsey, Littlehampton and Bull Bay Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Cutter Royal Fern, of Peel. Assisted to save vessel and 3 Yawl Surf, of Littlehampton. Assisted to save vessel and 2 A sailing-boat. Saved vessel and ... 3 The Brancaster and North Deal Life-boats respectively rendered assistance to the s.s. Magador and assisted to save the s.s. Sim, of Newcastle, with 25 persons on board.

(Reports of most of these services will be found on pages 273-275.) Voted also 1881. Is. 8d. to pay the expenses of the Ballantrae, Palling No. 2, Broadstairs, North Deal, Llandudno (Orme's Head), Hun- stanton, Cloughey, Peterhead, Wexford No. 2, Kildonan, Gorleston No. 1, Dungeness (Lydd), and Winterton No. 2 Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to the aid of vessels which did not ultimately need the services of the boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was taken out on two occasions, but her services were not even- tually called into requisition.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to JOHN McKiNSTRY, aged fourteen years, for putting off in a boat and saving three of four persons from a ferry-boat plying between Larne Harbonr and Island Magee, co. Antrim, which had been capsized about 200 yards from the landing-place at Island Magee, in a moderate gale from the N., squally weather and a rough sea, on the 19th July.

Voted also the thanks of the Institution in- scribed on vellum, to H. A. INGLIS, Esq., Hono- rary Secretary of the Ballantrae Branch, in recognition of his highly laudable and valuable conduct in volunteering his services and helping to man the Ballantrae Life-boat when she pro- ceeded to the assistance of the disabled steamer Princess Victoria, of Stranraer, in a N.W. gale and a heavy sea, on the 3rd September. Thanks were also expressed to Mr. McCuLLOCH and to Mr. W. MURRAY, of H. M. Coastguard, and extra payment was granted to the crew of the Life-boat, in recognition of their services on the occasion in question.

Voted 100Z. towards the local fund for the relief of the widow and child of ARTHUR WHALLEY, who, while running by the side of the Llandudno (Orme's Head) Life-boat car- riage, with the view of helping to launch the boat which had been called out on service, on the 8th August, fell, was run over and died almost immediately.

Also 10s. to two fishermen for saving another fisherman whose boat had been driven on the rocks at Gobbins, co. Antrim.

Also 21. to the crew of the lugger Princess Royal, of Walmer, for reporting at Lydd that rockets fired by a steamer on the 26th August were for a pilot only, and thus preventing the Life-boat from being needlessly launched.

Also 21. to four of the crew of the s.s. Holly, of Glasgow, for putting off in a boat from that vessel and saving one of two men from a boat which had been capsized in Dublin Bay in a strong W.N.W. gale and a heavy sea on the 7th July.

Also 11. 2s. 6d. to three lads for saving three of five persona whose boat had been capsized and sunk off New haven, near Leith, in fine weather, on the 14th July.

Also 10 . to two men for putting off in a boat and saving three of four persons from the yacht Sampareil, of Bognor, which had struck on an old submerged wreck and sunk off Thorney, Sussex, in a smooth sea, on the 23rd August.

9s. was also granted to replace two oars broken in effecting the rescue.

Also 10s. to two men for rescuing three men whose fishing-boat had been upset off the Tyne in a fresh N.N.E. wind and a moderate sea, on the 29th June.

Also 181. 13s. grant to Mr. ROBERT WEIGHT, Coxswain of the Fleetwood Life-boat, in con- sideration of illness contracted in the Life-boat service and in payment of medical expenses incurred.

Also 31. to a man who was injured while assisting to haul up the Clacton Life-boat after an exercise on the 13th August.

THURSDAY, 13th October.

Colonel Fitz-RoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Holy Island (two boats), Berwick-on-Tweed, Cresswell and Boulmer.

Eastern District—Grimsby, Donna Nook, Mablethorpe, Button, Skegness, Chapel, Hun- stantpn, Brancaster, Wells, Blakeney and Sheringham.

Western District — Exmouth, Plymouth, Yealm River, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Brixham, Torquay, Sidmouth, Lyme Regis, Dartmouth, Teignmouth, Weymouth, St. Helier's (Jersey) and St. Peter's (Guernsey).

Irish District—Aran more, Greencastle, Port- rush, Groomsport, Ballywalter and St. Anne's.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society, of the 26th September, forwarding a contribution of 700Z. from the members of that Society for the purpose of building and equipping a Life-boat to be named the Hearts of Oak.

Decided that the donors be thanked and that their gift be appropriated to the Palling No. 2 new Life-boat.

Reported the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ i. d.

Collected on board the ship Ton-ems, from the Passengers, Officers and whole of the crew during a voyage to Australia and back, 1891-2, per Captain W. H. COPE 29 5 - The Right Hon. the EARL OF Lou- DOUN (all his share of the estate of his youngest brother, the Hon.

HENRY HASTINGS, deceased). . 11 910 Collected on board the R.M. s.s. £ s. d.

Orinoco, per Captain WILLIAM GILLIES 5 12 - Collected on board the s.s. St. Sognvald, per Captain MASSON . 4 - - Collected on board H.M.S. Swift, per Lieut. T. S. ROGERS, R.N. . 3 12 11 Moiety of proceeds of a concert at Instow, per GEORGE F. EYRE, Esq. 2 13 9 Contents of contribution box on board the s.s. Medicay, per Mr.

W. H. SMYTH 276 Clackmannanshire Charity Foot- ball Association collection, per GEORGE BENZCE, Esq. ... 2 10 - Collected on board the s.s. Faithful, per Captain J. SMITH, R.N.R. . 19- Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Port Patrick, Scottish Episcopal Service, per Mr. P. BILLOT . . 31- Harby Church, Melton Mowbray, per the Rev. M. O. NORMAN, B.A. 1 18 - Life-loaf Saturday Collection.

Redcar, per J. M. MEEK, Esq. . . 466 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late JAMES STEWART FORBES, Esq., of Wimbledon .... 5,000 - - The late JAMES MAUD STOTT, Esq., of Rastrick, Yorkshire . . . 1,000 - - The late Miss E. S. SIBLEY, of Worcester 305 13 2 The late Mrs. E. A. SMITH, of Cornwall Gardens .... 250 - - The late Major J. BARKER, of Thornes, Wakefield .... 100 - - The late Mrs. CHARLOTTE WHEELER, of Eccleston Square .... 90 - - Reported the death of GEORGE WYATT, Esq., who had been Treasurer of the Isle of Wigti t Branch of the Institution from its formation in 1860, and decided to send a letter of condolence to his family.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. ROBERT BICKERSTAFFE and Mr. J. KEENLYSIDE, Jun., in recognition of their kind services while holding the office respectively of Chairman and Honorary Secretary of the Blackpool and Blyth Branches of the Institution.

The Committee specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. EDWARD CHEGWIDDEN, Mr. RICHARD HEADON, Mr. HUMPHREY JONES, and Mr. DAVID RICHARDS during the long j period in, which they held the office respec- tively of Coxswain of the Porthleven, Clovelly, Barmouth and Abersoch Life-boats.

Also the good services rendered by Mr.

JOSEPH MILLS, whilst holding the office of Second Coxswain of the Littlehaven Life-boat.

Reported that great Life-boat Saturday de- monstrations had recently taken place at Man- chester (second year), Dundee and Preston.

Also that Ladies Committees to raise funds for the Institution had been formed in upwards of thirty districts in Lancashire at the instance of CHARLES W. MACARA, Esq. (Chairman of the Manchester Life-boat Saturday Fund and member of the Committee of Management of the Parent Institution) and Mrs. MACARA.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the principal promoters of these movements.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for the Drogheda No. 1, Gourdon, Morthoe and Moray Firth stations.

Also that the Polpear and Walmer Life-boats had been returned to their stations after having been altered and fitted with all the latest improvements.

Also that the Steam Life-boat had been transferred to the Holyhead Station.

Paid 6,3011. 18a. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 115Z. 2s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the Castletown, Ackergill, Sheringham, Dungarvan, Padstow, Dunbar and Whitby No. 1 Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Steamer Mona's Isle, of Dublin. Remained by vessel.

Smack Gem, of Dublin 4 Fishing-boats of Sheringham .... 4 Yawl Fair Play, of Arklow. Eemained by vessel.

Schooner Madby Ann, of London ... 4 Barque Charlotte Stringer, of Grimstad . 10 Coble Palm Branch, of Whitby ... 3 The Aldeburgr, North Deal, Gorleston No. 1 and Caister No. 2 Life-boats rendered the fol- lowing services:— Schooner Arne, of Soon, assisted to save vessel and 11 lives ; ketch Cicelia, of Guernsey, assisted to save vessel and 5; schooners Jubilee, of Harwich, and Tekla, of Newcastle, assisted to save vessels and 13; and 8.8. Idleurild, of Sunderland, assisted to save vessel and 15.

Voted also 206Z. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Aranmore, Broadstairs, Aldeburgh, Har- wich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Palling No. 2, Sheringham, Pakefield No. 1, Lowestoft No. 1, and Gorleston No. 1 Life-boats, in assembling their crews or launching with the view of assisting vessels which did not eventually need their services.

Voted 51. to the Coxswain of the North Deal Life-boat, who was injured while on service on the 13th September.

Also 11. 10s. to one of the crew of the Sheringham Life-boat, who was injured on service on the 20th September.

Also a letter of thanks to GEORGE LLOYD FOSTER HASTER, Esq., of Puckrup, Tewkes- bury, and 10«. to a boatman for saving the crew of four men from a boat which had been upset off Westgate, Kent, on the 6th June.

Also 15J. to fifteen fishermen for putting off in the private Life-boat Augusta at Sheringham, and saving eleven men from some fishing-boats which had been overtaken by a moderate gale from the E.N.E. and a heavy sea on the 20th September.

Also 41. to two men for putting off in a boat and saving three of four persons whose boat had been capsized on Mulroy Bar, co. Donegal, in a strong N.E. breeze and a heavy sea on the 15th June.

Also 11. to two men for saving the crew of two men from the hooker Lady, of Costello Bay, which had been dismantled off Spiddal, co.

Galway, in a moderate gale from the S.E., and a rough sea on the 15th September.

Also 5s. to a man for saving two men whose boat had been capsized off Killyleagh, co. Down, in a moderate E.N.E. breeze, and a smooth sea, on the 19th August.

Also 15Z. to the men who assisted to save the crew of eleven persons from the Norwegian barque Sirens, which, having become unmanage- able, was driven against the pier at Blackpool, in a gale of wind and a very rough sea, on the 9th October. The vessel struck the pier several times and on each occasion some of her crew were rescued, until at length all of them were safely taken off the ship with the help of those who were on the pier. Considerable risk was incurred by the salvors, as the pier was much damaged by the frequent collisions of the vessel, and as the last man was rescued a large portion of the structure, a few feet from where the rescuers had been standing, was demolished.

The salvors generously handed the money which had been awarded to them to the Blackpool Hospital Fund.

Also thanks to Mr. CHARLES DAT in recogni- tion of his kind services in volunteering to form one of the crew of the Lowestoft Life-boat on the llth November last, and assisting to save the crew of two men from the lugger Paramount, of Hopeman.

The Committee also awarded a pecuniary grant to the widow of the Coxswain of the Bull Bay Life-boat in consideration of his services whilst serving in that capacity.

Thursday, 8th November.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District.—Banff, Moray Firth, Lossiemouth, Buckie, Newburgh, Port Enroll, Peterhead, Whitelink Bay, Fraserburgh, Stone- haven, Gourdon, Johnshaven, Montrose (three boats), Arhroath and Tynemouth.

Eastern District.—Hasborough, Mundesley, Cromer, Dungeness (Lydd), New Romney, Hythe, Dover, Winchelsea and Eye.

Western District.—Church Cove, Falmouth, Polpear, Cadgwith, Mullion, St. Agnes, St.

Mary's, Porthleven, Hayle, Penzance, Porthou- stock, St. Ives, Sennen Cove and Port Isaac.

Irish District.—Newcastle (Dundrnm), Ty- rella, Giles Quay, Blackrock, Howth, Grey- stones and Wicklow.

Eeported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— Anonymous, per Messrs. ALLEN & *• SON, towards the maintenance of the "Aldeburgh" and "Upgang " Life-boats 800 - 

£ s. d.

Executors of the late SIDNEY C. WATSON, Esq., towards the cost of the Palling Life-boat, to be used in the forthcoming com- petitive Life-boat trials . . . 700 - - " T. W. E." 50 - - W. J. CARVER, Esq 25 - - Headers of The Christian, per Messrs. MORGAN & SCOTT . . 21 - - Contents of contribution box on board the s.s. Brier, per Captain A. McLARTY 4 - - Proceeds of concert by the BLACK- HEATH CAMERA CLUB, per THOMAS B. EABLE, Esq 4 — — Part proceeds of concert at East Bergholt, Suffolk, per the Hon. Mrs. HALFORD . . ... 356 Collected at West London School Chapel, Ashford, per the Rev. HUGH J. FLYNN, D.D. ... 15- Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Lowestoft Parish Church, llth September 16 11 3 Bamburgh Church, 23rd October . 211 2 Palling Do. 30th Do. . 2 5 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ *. d.

The late Miss JANE ELLEN KING, of the Grove, Hammersmith. . 1,800 - - The late Miss M. A. SCHOFIELD, of Aberford, near Leeds . . . 100 - - The late ALEXANDER McNAB, Esq., of Kerse House, Clackmannan- shire 100 - - The late Miss MARY COOPER, of Milford, Godalming .... 100 - - The late Miss E. A. PENDKY, of Harewood, Leeds 45 - - The late Rev. H. W. SMITH, of Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale (additional) 40-10 Also the transmission to their stations of the Boulmer, Brighstone Grange and Cahore new Life-boats.

Also that the repairs of the Thorpeness Life- boat had been completed and the boat returned to its station.

Read letters from the General Post Office reporting the completion of various circuits in the scheme for telegraphic or telephonic com- munication on the coast, to assist in saving life from shipwreck, sanctioned by the Treasury.

Reported that a successful Life-boat Satur- day demonstration had been held at Bury, Lancashire, on the 29th October.

Also that similar demonstrations were being organised at Montrose and Warrington.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. JOHN FERGUSON, in recognition of his kind co- operation whilst acting as Honorary Secretary of the Lossiemouth Branch of the Institution.

Voted the 4th Service Clasp, a certificate o) service, and a pecuniary reward to Mr. JOHN HAYTER, on his resignation of the post of Cox- swain of the Brooke Life-boat, which he had held for thirty-two years. During that period tie had been out in the Life-boats on that station twenty-eight times on service and assisted to save 222 lives.

Also the Silver Medal, a certificate of service, and a pecuniary reward, to Mr. WILLIAM POTTER, late Coxswain of the Cahore Life-boat, n recognition of the good services performed by him during the twenty-five years he had held that office. He had been out in the Life-boats on that station thirty-one times on service and saved forty-seven lives.

The Committee also specially recognised the services of Mr. PHILIP NICHOLLS, whilst serving as second Coxswain of the Sennen Cove Life- boat, and DAVID CLARK, who was boat-house keeper at Montrose for a number of years.

Decided to carry out a series of competitive trials and tests with Pulling Life-boats next January and to cordially invite inventors anil others to enter boats for the competitions under certain prescribed conditions and regulations, to be obtained from the Secretary of the Institu- tion. Also that all persons proposing to enter boats must give notice in writing of their in- tention to do so on or before the 30th November next and sign the required undertaking.

Paid 7,34H. 3s. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 236Z. 2«. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Brancaster, Bridlington Quay, Palling No. 2, Saltburn, Cullercoats, Withernsea, Aldeburgh, Holyhead (steam Life-boat) and Fethard Life- boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Schooner Sensche, of Papenburg ... 5 Brigantine William Parker, of Ipswich . 6 S.S. Janus, of Grangemouth .... 18 Schooner Vigilant, of Montrose ... 4 Cullercoats fishing cobles. Remained in attendance.

S.S. J. Y. Short, of Sunderland ... 7 Schooner James Taylor, of Preston . . 4 Schooner Miss Hunt, of Carnarvon . . 4 The Penzance, Fethard and Holyhead (steam) Life-boats also rendered the following ser- vices:—Schooner Express, of Dublin, saved vessel and 4 lives; barque Peeblesshire, of Glasgow, rendered assistance; schooner Miss Hunt, assisted to save vessel, and schooner Janets and Ann, of Chester, rendered assistance.

Voted also 5781. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Buckie, Winterton No. 2, Palling No. 2, North Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Mablethorpe, Grimsby, Porthcawl, Johnshaven, Hunstanton, Donna Nook, Lowestoft No. 1, Montrose No. 1, Harwich, Cemlyn, Gorleston No. 1, Aldeburgh, Runswick, Broadstairs, Arbroath and Holyhead (steam) Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to assist vessels not eventually re- quiring their help.

Reported that on three occasions the tele- phone communication recently established be- tween many of the Coastguard Stations and Post Offices, in accordance with the resolution of the House of Commons passed last Session on the motion of Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., had proved of service. At Brancaster the Life- boat was called out by a message from the Coastguard at Thornham and saved five lives; the Hunstanton Life-boat crew were called out by telephone and at Winterton the wires were used to secure the services of a tug to tow the Life-boat to a wreck on the Hasborough Sands.

Voted 51. to the Coxswain of the Porthdinllaen Life-boat, in consideration of illness contracted while on service in the boat.

Also 501. to the widow of the Coxswain of the Greystones Life-boat, her husband having unhappily been washed off the pier at Greystones and drowned while endeavouring to render assistance to a vessel in danger on the 14th October.

Also 51. to five of the crew of the Would light-vessel for putting off in a boat and saving the master and one of the crew of the Danish schooner Hamlet, who were clinging to wreckage, their vessel having been totally lost on the Hasborough Sands on the llth October.

Also 21. to two of the crew of the Hasborough light-vessel, who put off in a boat with the view of saving life on the occasion in question; and 51. to the crew of the Calais fishing dandy 833, who also assisted in the attempts to rescue the shipwrecked crew.

Also 21. to the crew of the fishing-boat Betsey, of Liverpool, for rescuing the crew of two men from the fishing-boat Aeron Express, of Aber- ayron, which had been blown out to sea, and was about five or six miles from land in a whole gale from the S. and a heavy sea on the night of the 26th October.

Also 11. 17«. 6d. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving one of the crew of the fishing-boat Brothers Gem, of Banff, who had been knocked overboard by the jibing of the boat's sail at Gorleston, Suffolk, on the 10th October.

Also 1?. to two men for saving four men, whose boat, the Enterprise, of Burton Port, had been struck by a squall, capsized and sunk while competing in a sailing race at a regatta at Burton Port in a strong gale and a rough sea on the 24th September.

Also 10». to a man for saving two persons from a boat which had been capsized and sunk off Pelixstowe in a strong N.W. breeze, squally weather, and a rough sea, on the 1st August.

Thursday, 8th December.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommend- ations to be carried into effect.

Bead the Reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations :— Northern District.—Hauxley, Tynemouth and Bamburgh Castle.

Eastern District.— Eastbourne, Newhaven, Thorpeness, Aldeburgh, Kingsdowne, North Deal, Walmer, Hastings, Clacton-on-Sea, Wal- ton-on-Naze, Harwich and Southend.

Western District.—Padstow, Polkerris, New Quay (Cornwall), Mevagissey, Appledore (two boats), Morthoe, Ilfracombe, Braunton, Clo- velly and Lynmouth.

Irish District.—Arklow, Southport (two boats), Silloth, Maryport, Whitehaven, Workington, Seascale, Barrow, St. Anne's (two boats), Fleetwood, Lytham and New Brighton.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ ». A.

Mrs. MONTGOMERY, balance of cost of Culdaff Life-boat Station; the boat to be called the William Montgomery, as a living memorial of her late son, Mr. WILLIAM ARTHUR PATRICK MONTGOMERY, who died on the 12th April, 1891, aged 37 years (making in all 1.850Z.) 850 - - Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) — annual subscription 50 — — Ditto Donation 29 11 9 JOHN J. MOWBRAT, Esq.—annual subscription 21 - - Life-boat Saturday Collections.

Bury and District—per JOHN HAS- LAM, Esq 350 - - Warrington—per J. LYON WHITTLE, Esq . . . 200 - - Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Haslingden Wesleyan Chapel, on occasion of the visit of the Mayor and Corporation — per T. B.

HAMILTON, Esq., Mayor ... 15 4 9 Hadnall Church, Salop—per the Rev. BROOKE C. MORTIMER, M.A. 12 11 7 Sunninghill, St. Albans—per C. D.

KEMP-WELCH, Esq 9 18 9 Cawthorne Church, Barnsley, Children's service—per the Rev.

C. T. PRATT, M.A 2-9 Brockdish Church, Scole—per the Rev. F. R. SMITH, M.A. ... - 12 - H.M.S. Shannon — per the Rev. ARTHUR BAKER, M.A. ... - 9 6 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ s. d.

The late Lady GEIZELL BAILLIE . 200 - - The late Miss HELEN MACFARLANE, of Edinburgh 50 - - Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and a copy of the Vote inscribed on vellum to Mr. HENRY SPINDLER, in recognition of his gallant services during the 10 years he held the office of Coxswain of the Thorpe Life-boat.

During that period he had been off in the boat 34 times on service and assisted to save 93 lives.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. STEPHEN GOLD-RING and Mr. THOMAS H. EDYVANE whilst serving respectively as Coxswain of the Hay- ling Island and Padstow Life-boats.

Also the long services of Mr. RICHARD HUGHES, as Second Coxswain of the Cemaes Life-boat.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Abersoch, Brancaster, Culdaff, New Quay (Cornwall) and Pwllheli new Life-boats.

Also that the Balcary Life-boat had been altered and fitted with all the latest improve- ments and returned to its station.

Paid 8,1421. 4s. Id. for sundry charges in j various Life-boat establishments. j Voted 1681. 5s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Caister No. 2, Port Patrick, Thorpeness, Aide- burgh and Wexford No. 1 Life-boats in render- ing the following services:— Lives saved.

Fishing-boats. Rendered assistance.

Fishing-boat Minnie, of Port Patrick.

Remained in attendance.

Ship Glencairn, of Glasgow. Remained by vessel and landed 23 Yawl Manx Girl, of Dublin. Rendered assistance.

The Margate, Caister No. 2, Ramsgate and Lowestoft No. 1 Life-boats rendered the follow- ing services:—s.s. Maryland, of London, ren- dered assistance; brig Eugenie, of Brevig, as- sisted to save vessel and crew, 8; barge Firefly, of London, assisted to save vessel and 4 ; and trawler Hiram, of Lowestoft, rendered assist- ance, j Voted also 340Z. 3s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Thorpeness, Palling No. 2, Winterton No. 2, Gorleston No. 1, North Deal, Skegness, Walmer, Cloughey, Broadstairs, Margate, Beau- maris and Penmon Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels not eventually needing their help.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and 21. to MALCOLM KENNEDY, master of the fishing skiff Jessie, of Bowmore, Islay, and 21.

each to his crew of three men for saving three other men from the fishing boat Oag Van, of Port Ellen, Islay, which was wrecked on the rocks at Rhugarton-taig, Islay, in a moderate gale from the N.N.W. and a heavy sea on the 10th October.

Also 51. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving two of the crew of the schooner Daring, of Garston, which had sunk in Slade Bay, co. Wexford, in a strong W.S.W. gale and a heavy sea on the 29th November.

Also 21. to four men for saving the crew of four men of the fishing boat St. Joseph, of Gal- way, which had been dismasted in a strong N.E. breeze and a somewhat rough sea in Galway Bay, on the 25th October.