Electrical Communication on the Coast for Lifesaving Purposes
THE resolution of the House of Commons so unanimously passed last Session at the instance of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, on the motion of its Chairman, Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., relative to the establishment of a complete system of electrical communica- tion on our coasts, has already produced good results. Many of the coastguard stations and post-offices are now tele- phonically or telegraphically connected, with the view of giving early notice to the Life-boats that their services are re- quired, and during the past winter there have been several instances in which the newly-established telephone wires have rendered excellent service in calling out Life-boats, the launching of which re- sulted in the saving of life.
We trust that ere long not only all the coastguard stations and the necessary post-offices will be electrically connected, but that the lighthouses and lightships may also be placed in telephonic com- munication with the shore.