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A Capital Idea

GORDON STABLES, Esq., M.D., E.N., of Twyford, Berkshire, the well-known author, in a letter published a short time since in The Stock-keeper and Fancier's Chronicle, made the following admirable suggestion, which we trust may be carried out successfully:— " A ' DOGS or BBITAIN ' LIFE-BOAT.

" I know from long experience, and the readers of this journal know, that no truer, no more kindly-hearted class of men and women live and breathe than that to whose care and selection we owe all the best and most noble of the dogs of the British Islands. Nor do I know any more perfect brotherhood than that of the lovers of the race canine. At the same time, we get the name of being somewhat exclusive, and less in touch with other interests which we see every- where around us than we ought to be.

Nor do I think that this character is altogether undeserved. It is no doubt, however, the very fascinatingness of the fancy that causes us to talk about nothing else save dogs whenever we meet, should the meeting extend from morn till dewy eve, and from dewy eve till 'the wee short 'oor ayont the twal'.' Now I have long thought that we could prove to the world in many ways that we have hearts that can feel for human suffering as well as for canine. What better plan of proving this, I urge, can be suggested than that of establishing a ' Dogs of Britain' Life-boat ? " I do not desire to descant here on the horrors of shipwreck to men, to women, and to helpless babes. We are a nation of sailors, we rule the waves now as surely as we did when our Nelson swept the French from off the ocean, and our hearts can still thrill with glad emotion at the relation of every deed of heroism done upon the ocean wave.

" A Life-boat would cost us but 7001.; I have hopes that we can raise and endow even two. No one to whom I have spoken or written on the subject but has promised me support. We have only to put our shoulder to the wheel and it is bound to go round.

" I sincerely believe that this appeal will not be made in vain.

"Mr. G. B. Krehl, of 169, Fleet Street, has kindly consented to become treasurer, and to open an account at a bank as the subscriptions come in.

" He will also publish the names of the donors from week to week in the Stock- keeper. Our committee need be but a small one. Collecting cards will be of course printed, and perhaps collecting boxes in the shape of small barrels, which might be affixed to the neck of many a lordly St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Great Dane, Mastiff or Collie.

" One other idea I have just thought of; why, on the evening of a judging day at some great show, should we not have a concert on behalf of our good cause—an after-dinner concert, say, at the Palace ? I know more than one artist who would give his or her services for the love of dogs.

" And I myself, if no one more fitted for the task were chosen, would gladly in these columns tell the story of our boat from year to year.