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PORT ERROL.—On the night of the 24th February, while a gale of wind was blowing from S.E. to S. and a heavy surf was breaking on the beach, the schooner Perle, of Dunkirk, was driven ashore on the sands at Cruden Bay. The Life-boat Frances Camilla Howard was launched at 8.30, and succeeded in rescuing eleven men. When they had been landed they, by means of signs, indicated that there was still somebody on board the vessel and the Life-boat therefore again proceeded to her. With great difficulty caused by the heavy surf and the wreckage floating round the vessel, all her rigging having been carried away, the Boat got alongside, two of the Lifeboat men boarded her and, on searching below, found a boy there who was ill.

He was placed in the Life-boat and taken safely to land. One of the Frenchmen then came up to the coxswain and signified that the remainder of the crew had attempted to reach the shore by jumping into the sea, having tied themselves to rope; the rope was still attached to the wreck and the poor fellows had all been drowned. The Life-boat men made a third Journey to the schooner and cut the rope so as to allow the bodies to be dragged to the shore..