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FILEY.—Signals of distress having been shown by the brig Lancet, of Whitby, the Life-boat placed here during the temporary absence of the station's boat, which was undergoing alteration, was launchedat 6.45 A.M. on the llth January, in a heavy sea and a strong N. wind. The vessel was found to have had most of her sails blown away, she was waterlogged and the men on board her were greatly exhausted, having been at work at the pumps forty-eight hours. The seven men were taken into the Life-boat and landed at noon. Before the arrival of the Lifeboat the master of the brig, finding that the vessel was drifting towards a rockbound lee shore, let go his best anchor and ordered the boats to be got ready.

The men's clothing, &c., having been put into one of the boats, it was lowered over the side and one of the seamen either jumped or fell into it. The boat at once capsizing, the man caught hold of the keel, but the boat then righted itself and he was washed away from it. Endeavours were made to save him by means of a rope, but the poor fellow lost his life..