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Fishing Cobles (2)

HOLY ISLAND.—The No. 1 Life-boat Grace Darling was launched at about 11 A.M. on the 22ad February, the Kev.W. W. F. Keeling, Vicar of Holy Island, and Honorary Secretary of the Institution's branch, taking charge of the boat in the absence of the coxswain, who was afloat in his fishing boat, and rendered valuable help to three fishing cobles which had been overtaken by a heavy sea and thick weather. Several boats had returned to port, but the other three did not come in ; and as heavy rolling waves were breaking on the bar, and for some distance out at sea, considerable anxiety was felt regarding the safety of the fishermen. Without the aid of the Life-boat it would have been a most dangerous feat, if not an impossibility, for the boats to have crossed the bar and reached home..