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The S.S. Alonso

ST. IVES, -CORNWALL.—At 12.15 A.M. on the 10th January the Life-boat Exeter was launched, it having been reported that a vessel lying about five miles W. of St. Ives Head was burning flambeaux and blue lights. A strong N. gale was blowing and there was a very heavy sea. At 1 o'clock a terrific snowstorm commenced, and prevented the Life-boat men from finding the vessel for nearly two hours.

On reaching her she proved to be the s.s. Alonso, of Hull, bound from Antwerp for Cardiff in water ballast. Her cir6ulating pump had broken down, and she had been compelled to cast anchor, notwithstanding the proximity of a dangerous lee shore. With the master's permission, seven of the steamer's crew were taken into the Life-boat, and it was arranged that the boat should take them ashore and return to the vessel. They were landed at « A.M., and the Life-boat, manned, with the exception of three men, by- the same crew, again put off; but it was found that the vessel was then weighing her anchor, a large steamer being about to take her in tow..